
Showing posts with the label throwback

Pepsi Throwback

On Saturday while picking up some weekend food at Food Lion I purchased a 12-pack of Pepsi Throwback. In case you've missed the 70's Soul Train themed commercials that have been running the past month, Throwback is a temporary formulation of Pepsi (and Mountain Dew) that uses regular sugar instead of HFCS ( high fructose corn syrup ). I've never been a fan of the high government subsidies of corn production so any move towards limiting the use of corn products is good news to me. Manufacturers use HFCS because it's cheap, and it's cheap because the government (ie taxpayers) keeps the price of corn artificially low with subsidies to the farming community, especially large agricultural giants like ConAgra and ADM. Ever since reading about the environmental and physiological problems associated with the use of HFCS in Michael Pollan's book The Omnivore's Dilemma I've wanted to limit my dietary intake of the stuff. But alas, my love of soda hasn't been...