Cold Weather Making you Sluggish?
As you might guess from the pictures in this post, I am using the cold weather this week as an excuse to post some pictures of a slug. I guess to be accurate I should call it a snail (molluscan class Gastropoda), but that doesn't work as well with my post title. I doubt the little fellow is alive anymore since we've had a lot of sub-freezing weather since these pictures were taken on November 27th. I noticed the little guy moving across some leaves (quite slowly, as you might guess) on the ground near a stream in Duke Forest. To get a better bead on the head parts, I put the snail up on a tree branch. The new location didn't seem to bother it one bit and he (she?) was merrily moving about in no time at all. The hand shot was taken during the transfer and is being used to give scale to the critter. It was small, true, but had loads of personality. Small things often do.