
Showing posts with the label gas hydrates

Climate Change

Lots of people are concerned about global warming. From what I can tell, it's like they think that humans are to blame and that the planet wouldn't change if we would just go back to living in caves or something like that. Here's where I work, courtesy of Google Maps. Just in case you were curious. Back to the main program: But that's not how it works. The climate is always changing. Before humans evolved, the climate changed, after we're gone it'll still be changing. Admittedly we humans are making things a lot more interesting with all the CO2 and methane we're cranking out. But in the long run no species lasts forever. Humans (as in Homo sapian) have only been around for 200,000 years and the future for us looks dim. If you're really worried about the planet, take comfort in that thought. Soon humans will have passed by the wayside and the Earth will go on it's merry way undisturbed--and the climate will still be changing. Now if you prefer to wor...