It Bee Hot
Yesterday after work, in the 100 degree heat, I decided to go over to Sarah Duke Garden and take some pictures of the grounds. Foolish? Hell yeah. The walking at Duke wasn't nearly as bad as sitting in the car at all the stop lights though. Going from Chapel Hill to Durham is a real pain in the patootie. How do you like that picture? I just happened to get the bee leaving the flower. Just lucky. After I got all hot and sweaty, I went to the Nasher Museum. I'd never been there before and the admission is free on Thursday. Damn good thing. That's one weenie little museum. I can't believe they charge money to go there the other days of the week. The museum is only a few hundred yards from Sarah Duke so it's an easy 2 for 1 and parking is free at the Garden after 5pm. How do you like that bridge? It used to be white and now it's BRIGHT red. It's very noticeable but I think I liked it better before. It might not be paint though. When I got closer, the bridge actu