Life on Mars
Tonight saw the second episodes of Eleventh Hour , which I recorded just-in-case despite hating the first episode that aired last Thursday, and Life on Mars being aired. I watched both episodes of Life on Mars , a remake of the critically acclaimed BBC series from a few years ago, last night and was quite surprised at how good the production values were. I'm not sure if I'm going to bother watching the second Eleventh Hour episode. I never saw the British series so I don't know how well the translation from London to New York City went, but on its own, the USA version of Life on Mars is well worth watching. I do have a few problems with it tho--no surprise there. Personally I think it works as a police procedural but the "time travel" aspect isn't such a good thing. Let me back up a step for those not familiar with the show. Life on Mars is an ABC drama about Sam Tyler, a cop from 2008 who screws up while distracted by the kidnapping of his girlfriend (an...