For the most part I have a very even disposition but occasionally I'll enter a foul mood and that's happening now. For around a week I've been grumpy, When I feel this way I tend to avoid contact with others as much as I can and just sulk until I get over it. This is why I've not been posting much of late. I just don't feel very social. So fuck off. Still here? Can't take a hint, huh? Well if you're still reading I'll let you know who I'm currently following in the Olympics. Christina Loukas . That's her over on the left. Looks pretty serious doesn't she? Loukas is a 22 year old diver from Chicago. As you can surmise from her name, her family originally came from Greece. She caught my eye 'cause she's what I like to see in an athlete: muscular. This woman looks like she could bench press cars. She's fantastic. Her father played college football and her uncle made it to the pros (well, the Bills which is almost the same thing) so ...