
Showing posts with the label muffin maker

Do you know the muffin man?

In February I'm going to go on a one month regimen of not eating animal products. I've not had any meat in two weeks so in a way I've already started. I have, on the other hand, been eating a lot of eggs. They've all been in the form of muffins. Each batch of 5 or 6 muffins requires one egg and I've made 8 batches in the past 4 days. 10 muffins a day I've been eating. And that's about all I've eaten in that time span. By the way, to the left is my muffin maker--it does 3 at a time and takes about 6 minutes per batch-- along with the mix I used, an egg and some milk (actually half and half). I can't explain these little food craze things I go through but it's been true all my life. One week it'll be mac & cheese casserole or maybe lasagna and that's all I'll eat...until my next interest comes through and that could be pancakes, pork chops, cheese and crackers or anything else. It's very unpredictable. I know a lot of people nee...