meat and phallic concerns
This is what I ended up buying a few days ago when I went shopping for those meats on sale at Food Lion. The only round eye roast there was a bitty little thing. Just over 2 pounds. I bought it anyway but I had been hoping for something bigger. Along with the bitty roast I bought some chicken breast filets and a package of sweet Italian sausage.
As you can see below, I chopped up the roast into small "steaks" for later cooking. I wrapped everything in plastic wrap to hold in moisture and then aluminum foil and labeled them with size, cut, and date. Have you ever noticed how much sausage looks like penises (peni?)? It makes taking the skin off a little disconcerting.
These are the cuts I derived from the eye of round roast. They're very pretty!
Here's a little detail artfully arranged. It's fun playing with your food! I don't understand that vegetarian thing. This stuff tastes so good! (and it's pretty in a way)
the sausages put me in mind of a silly 'Bert & I' thing my father used to quote when I was a kid....
Bert: What's that you're cookin' Sarah?
Sarah: Sasages (trying to aproximate Maine accent)
Bert: Sasages? how are they?
Sarah: Dunno Bert, there ain't much to 'em after you skin 'em & clean 'em.
Yeah, well my Father thought it was funny.
Here from Micheles
Not to worry, I close mine eyes to the gory scenes......
Michele sent me....
And I love both pursuits. And I'm glad you do, too.
I can watch my little red squirrels for hours; same route, same time every day hording the $6.99pound nuts I buy for them...they deserve them./
Boobs, interesting appendages....yes it hurt, causes know the female curse on men relative to this procedure don't you? Put the family jewels in a vice for 10 seconds...if you can't go through childbirth at least you can experience a mammo!
Michelle sent me. Lazy Daisy
Hello from Michele's :)
Here Via Michele's