Showing posts with label races. Show all posts
Showing posts with label races. Show all posts

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Electric run SLC!

A bunch of my girlfriends in my neighborhood signed up for the Electric Run Race at
Thanksgiving point! It was SO much fun! The race started at around 9pm and was all 
lit up the whole race.  The course was so fun and perfect.  It wasn't really a race but just
 a fun party!   
The best part was they were filming the Bachelor and so the Bachelor was 
running with us in the race for a bit.  It was hilarious!  
i guess i better watch this next season!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Highland Fling...

this summer our little family made a summer bucket list! one of the things that
was on the bucket list was to run a race together! sadly, no one was excited to do this race
that day except ivy!  she is seriously my little runner in the family! haha!

we all woke up early and ran the races.  the kids ran the 1 mile race and they 
all did awesome!

i love that ivy ran the whole time.  she made me so proud!

after the race we met up with the skousens and watched the parade and then 
went and played on all the blow up bounce houses and ate bbq!

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Ragnar Relay {wasatch back}

Loved my "Wicked Fast" team!   
We had a blast at Ragnar this year.  Even with my bummed injury! Boo.

These girls were superstars, 3 of them have never ran ragnar before and had no idea what to expect! 
so much fun!

200 miles + 2 vans +12 runners....through the beautiful wasatch mountains!!  
thanks for the memories ladies... i may not be up for it next year. haha

 The night run was all of our favorites... well er uh except hollie's! 
getting ready to send shannon on the first run of the night for our van.   

we loved that we finally got to see VAN 2 at the exchanges.  We met them up at Snowbasin. 
So fun to see my hellbusch girls!!

 nothing sounded better than Cafe Rio to end the 2 days of running!!

Utah Valley Half Marathon

I did it!!
I was so excited to do a marathon this year and when i hurt my achilles in january, i was bummed
so i entered the half instead.  hoping to heal in the meantime.  

two of my girlfriends ran it too, so that was fun to train on my saturdays with these beauties.
we had fun training and it was their first half marathon. 

beautiful course and perfect weather! i finished in exactly 2:14
not what i was hoping for but at mile 4 my knee started killing me and realized later that
it was my IT band. ugh...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

it's been a while...

I've been a blog slacker lately.  i am now an Instagram addict! it's like blogging but better. 
most of my pictures are actually from my iphone anyway.  

I've been training for this and then the following weekend, this!  School gets out this week, 
and lots of camps, lessons, etc are being scheduled!
the calendar is getting full!

my kids are excited to start there reading lists, journal writing and to mark off their jobs for 
the day!  We have some exciting things planned for our "summer bucket list" 
if they can get their tasks done!

on saturday mornings a bunch of girlfriends and i have been enjoying the beautiful provo trail!  
i love running down south fork and passing 'bridal veil falls' it's a gorgeous run, i highly recommend it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

cedar hills festival...

our saturday started off at 7am!  

the twins {well all of my kids} aren't morning people like their momma. ~wink
so waking them up to do our run wasn't exciting to them. 
boston told me that he doesn't need to run, he wanted to sleep in so he could be  
ready for his rugby tournament that afternoon.

these cuties ran in their first 1 mile race.  is this not the cutest thing ever?!  
well they started off strong... and then some complaining that their legs hurt etc, etc.
but they loved getting a medal at the end of the race!

my friend shannon's little girl cozette ran the whole time. 
she's on the left of liv and they ran together for a bit.  
cozy is like her marathon momma! haha

look at that face.  running and complaining at the same time. ;)

after the race we met at my friend shannon's for the 'bake sale' and Parade!!
these kids got tons of candy and got to see cosmo the cougar jam out to 
the jimmer song! 

the racers!

cedar hills usually has a bunch of bounce houses and slides for the kids
 but this year they got some carnival rides that didn't seem to work very well.  
boston and his buddies braved the spinning one, which just looking at it made me sick!
this was not their best festival. 

 last year was much better!

we went out with a bunch of friends {couples only} to dinner and 
fresh strawberry milkshakes before watching the fireworks in our front yard.

 Perfect spot in the cul de sac so the kids could ride bikes and just hang out. 
cory made his famous popcorn. this time he just used coconut oil and it tasted awesome!


i never know what setting to use on my phone but the fireworks were 

my darling kids all passed out on our bed after a super fun/exhausting/hot saturday!!
i love utah summers!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Racing the Cane

My friend Daphne is the one of the founders of "Racing the Cane" foundation.

This is the 2nd year of the race and it is so much fun.  This year also included the "one childrens choir" who sang the song that Daphne wrote!  It's beautiful and not a dry eye in sight, especially when Daph's girls sang a solo!


The foundation is awesome...after you run you donate your shoes and all the proceeds and shoes go to the Dominican Republic where the kids actually walk that same distance to school EVERYDAY with NO shoes on!  They will go in a few months and host the same race there in the Dominican Republic as they did here.

I am so proud of Daph and all the hard work she puts into this.
It's so awesome. All of it...
 The race, the afterparty
the choir
Kids races
face painting

It's all so fabulous and such a great cause.  I loved that all my friends and their kids placed in every age division.  It was so awesome, we overtook the race! haha

 and i even won skullcandy headphones.

{click here to see last year's race...}



childrens choir... aubree and madi are on the far right

Thursday, August 12, 2010

provo river half marathon...

was gorgeous!

Just super super early.
The run started up south fork canyon {vivian park} and we ran passed the famous
 'Bridal Veil falls' and then followed the river to the riverwoods shopping mall.

I loved it!!  

I ran it in exactly 2 hours.  



Friday, June 25, 2010


 this was pretty much one of the most amazing races ever!
hands down one of my greatest experiences.

12 girls, 2 vans, 188 miles of running through the most beautiful parts of utah.  

2 of the girls in our van were last minute recruits for the race and we didn't even know them. 
haha it was awesome!
i laughed so much, these women were so encouraging and i am so glad to have made this experience with them.

can't wait until next year!!!  I'm registering... 
who's in??

Van 2 was our van...

this was through "Pineview" reservoir... my old stomping grounds. 
we owned one of those gorgeous condos {in the background} and were boating in that lake all the time. I love Pineview, and all these trails we were driving by were my fav biking trails EVER!

the view of one of our runs up to "snowbasin" resort... 
absolutely gorgeous! 

 this was shaunae's 5 mile run UP...


after van 2's finish of our first legs, we ate a yummy dinner at snowbasin resort.  they stayed open until 
3 am for all the runners!  

we took a little rest {3hrs} at a friends cabin and then back to running at 2 am!

my favorite run was my 2nd leg!
I ran 7.2 miles at 2:40 am... through a dark canyon with a headlamp on.   i ran an 8 minute mile and was jamming out to Miley Cyrus' "i can't be tamed"  i was LOVING it!! 
I know, i can't help it, it's the pre teen in me!!

our van ran through the night and ended at 8am!  we all layed our blankets out where the exchange between vans were and ate a delicious breakfast, Compliments of the scouts and rested before our last leg.

when we met at the exchange to get ready to run our last legs from Heber into Park City i saw my good friend Shannon and her hubby!  It is so fun to see all your friends who are crazy enough to do this relay.  
Love this girl!!

one of my favorites... "Wasatch back" {haha}

Shaunae ran the very last run from Deer Valley resort over into the Canyons resort, where we all met with her {Both Vans} and ran in together..."ALL OF US"  

It was so awesome.  first to finally be done, but to see your family at the finish line was 
we were so tired, emotional and so incredibly sore!

we ran through the finish line at 7pm!!

 In honor of "bradley's" birthday 
{her son turned 12}

Here we are...
"the Real housewives"
of Utah county!

notice van 1 all had nice showers and gorgeous hair before meeting up with us. haha


My awesome family at the finish line... 
couldn't WAIT to see them!!
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