Showing posts with label lakehouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lakehouse. Show all posts

Friday, August 02, 2013

The Lakehouse!

Our annual lakehouse trip to Lake Couer D' Alene was a blast this summer!  My kids are in heaven with tons of cousins and plenty of fun on the water. My sister  Rachel and her hubby are the ultimate Host's!  She always makes the best food, has plenty of activities for everyone and we actually all sleep there!  This year we had the most we've ever slept. It was a COMPLETE blast! 

 I love the memories we make and especially for my kids.  What an amazing experience to play and enjoy all the family time.  We all went to a wedding just a few days later and met up again.  I love traditions and family memories.  

This year Olivia and Hayes got brave and went cliff jumping!  So much fun to watch them grow up year by year and get more aggressive with water sports.  Boston of course was in pure heaven.  Ivy even went crazy tubing a bit and enjoyed it! ha!

Diaper babies!

 The all time favorite lakehouse activity, well besides the trampoline of course was tubing!  
Everyone loved crazy tubing... ivy did lots of baby tubing with the other twins.

Boston tearin it up on the wakeboard!

Hours of entertainment were had on the new tramp and launch!



   I love this picture of Boston trying to encourage Hayes and Olivia to jump off the lower rock, 
which was still very high, this picture does not do it justice!!  love how brave the twins were!  


Grandpa and Grandma Johnson arrived a day later to spend the rest of the week with us.  Love how I caught this moment with these cute cousins... They love their Indiana Jones Grandpa.

We had a bridal shower for Victoria who was getting married to my
 nephew Garrett the following week! 
just some of the johnson girl cousins... we are quite the bunch.

Cory fishing with the kids.

Our traditional cousin picture at the Lakehouse!! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

the lakehouse!

We love the Lakehouse! My sister has a house on lake Couer d' Alene.  It is so beautiful there! 
we go every year with all the Johnson cousins.  It was fun to have Dad & Madge show up too.

my kids look forward to this trip every summer.  Uncle Steve even set up the Trampoline 
which was a HUGE hit for the kids, especially the older ones. haha!

Rachel is the ultimate Hostess, she makes the BEST food and has plenty of crafts and treats
for everyone to stay busy and have so much fun!

on Sunday we had our first annual Cousins Church.  we did our own lesson and the kids all had to 
say a scripture or talk.  Ivy memorized the scripture from the Taylor family reunion 
and did such a good job.  It was adorable!
then we played family feud which ended up being quite competitive! ha!

i love these pictures. I take so many, but these are just a few of the fun times that we had!
 we went wakeboarding, skiing, jet skiing, tubing {crazy scary tubing} and had ping pong tournaments.
it was a blast!

i miss it already, can't wait to go back next summer!!

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