Showing posts with label Cory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cory. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Cory!

Cory is a simple guy who doesn't like a lot of attention, especially on his birthday.  I tried
to have Boston print out a note for him while i was at the Hospital with Ivy, and reminded
him to have all the kids write a cute letter to their daddy. 

Boston was AWESOME!!  He made him the absolute cutest card and letter and had
the kids all sign it. He made his birthday special even though the circumstances. He's 
such an awesome young man.  Plus he knew how much i love to celebrate everyone's 
birthday, especially their dad!  

Cory is seriously such an amazing dad and husband.  My kids are blessed
beyond measure to have him as example to follow and to look up too.  HE has set the bar extremely high for my girls, which makes my heart extremely full!  He is our Rock!  
I love how much they love and adore him.    

Sunday, December 08, 2013


Our Thanksgiving Feast was spent with the Taylor's this year, at Jake and Andrea's. It was 
delicious!  Cory and Shea decided to both make the turkeys, cory's traditional and shea did his Smoked.  both were amazing!!

That morning the boys played their annual football game at the Hansen's 
and then they all went skeet shooting.  After Thanksgiving, we played Bingo with the kids.
They loved their dollar prizes, which kept them entertained for hours.  

That night at 7pm we went with my sisters to see Disney's "Frozen"  it was possibly the cutest
show i've seen in a while.  Kids loved it and then i sent them home with their daddy while 
my sisters and I went "Black Friday" shopping!! 

We picked out our Christmas Tree on friday and decorated it, while making Hot chocolate
and listening to christmas music super loud!  I love Traditions!!  

I love how my little miss asked for the turkey leg! hahaha!  


Our perfect tree!!  we love getting real trees it smells so wonderful!

my cutest little elves....

  Then on Saturday we went to Temple square with the Johnson cousins to see the lights 
and shoparound and then eat at "Red Rock"  it was  a perfect Thanksgiving break!

Farewell Football season...

We had a rough start to our football season, but ended up winning in the Mesquite Football Tournament.  The weather was FREEZING, not the usual mesquite weather we 
were looking forward too.  Kids still played in the pool and Hot tub regardless.  
They were troopers at the games{we had all night games} and we 
all Enjoyed watching Boston play Quarterback. 

Boston played Awesome, we had recruited some other boys from the other A team who
weren't going to be playing in the tournament, and that made a world of difference.
I Love watching him play! 

8th grade football!  These are some good pictures we got of Boston....
Lucky #7
next year High School football!! {yikes}

Friday, November 29, 2013

family pictures Fall/2013

My friend Leslee from 'Crimsonlily Photography' did an amazing job on our pictures this year. 
 I love them all!  We just got our cute puppy Koda and my kids were dying to bring him
 to our family pictures. ha!

they turned out perfect...

Boston~14 yrs
Hayes~8 yrs
Olivia~8 yrs
Ivy~ 5 yrs

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Happy Halloween & Birthday!!

it's my last year in my thirties!! yikes!!  
I absolutley LOVE having my birthday on Halloween!  It is so fun for my kids too.  
It is definitely the busiest day EVER, but so much fun.  

we started off the morning getting kids off to school in costumes, I went to Crossfit
 dressed up in my first costume for the day, a Red Sox fan!  Then ate lunch 
at Cafe Rio with my sisters! My sister Rachel came down from Idaho for the weekend
and I LOVED having her here.  After birthday lunch they met me at the kids
School for the Parade and then Class Party.

I make the Witches Brew every year in their class and they LOVE it! It's my favorite
thing to do,  Ivy was my cute little witchy helper. ha!
the kids LOVE it!

After school we had my sisters and their kids and my nephew and niece who 
are here at BYU come and eat some Soup in bread bowls and cupcakes
 before we sent the kids out to trick or treat! 

It was a perfect night for trick or treating... always fun to see all the kids dressed up 
in costumes.  

the night ended with an extra scare to the Haunted Forest with the older cousins... ugh!

Rex Kwon Doe!
olivia and her bff Tessa match eachother every year.  It's so cute!!

**** Class Party****

Witches Brew with the twins class, they LOVE this...

*** Ivy's pre school party the day before***
we played a fun game called "don't eat the Monster" and decorated cookies!
pictures before they head out for Trick or Treating!!

 Brody and Hayes were so cute this year... Loved how they matched for Mario & Luigi!

ha!  My nephew Garrett loves mario brothers! 

Mindy made a yummy Clam Chowder that we ate before heading out... along with the Sweet 
Tooth fairy cupcakes! yummy!!

The cousins!

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