Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2007

New York!

(This is a long post, but i am using this as my Journal, so Bare with me...)

We had an absolute blast in the "City that never Sleeps" (Literally)!! The weather was Beautiful, we didn't really need our jackets the first couple of days, and it only rained once, and it was so fun walking through Central park with our Umbrella's!

We did everything on our list and then some... We checked into our hotel on Wednesday night and Threw on our dresses and walked to The Manhatten Temple, did a session, took some pictures and it was a perfect way to start off our trip. We then headed over to "patsy's pizza" which was sooooooo Good! I LOVE new york pizza!

We took the subway to "Serendipity's", there was No line, and i ordered the double ice cream sundae with Hot fudge and Peanut butter sauce, and Frozen hot chocolate! Thanks to Kelli granum for all the yummy and fun recommendations.

"Serendipity's" Famous Frozen Hot chocolate!

Day 1: Heather and I took off early over to Rockefeller center, saw the "Bachelors of america" outside and just barely missed seeing "Dj Tanner" from Full house! We walked through the St. Patricks Cathedral until "Saks fifth avenue" opened! We met up with the other girls and took the Subway to "Canal st" and "SOHO". Jane found this Yummy Lobster Place, where we ate Lobster Rolls and Salads. MMmmm it was so Good.

We came home got dressed and walked around the corner to the Gershwin Theatre to see
"WICKED"! Oh it was soooooo GOOD! The best Broadway show i have Ever seen! After the Show we went to get some Dessert.

Here is My SIL Jane who was like the BEST travel guide ever, On the subway with some new friends! hehehe...Good Times.... Everyone was Really so nice to us, helping us get to our destinations... Only a couple of RUDE ones.
Day 2: We hit the Shops on "5th" avenue Where there was the Coolest "NBA" store and "american girl doll" store, and LOTS of other shopping. Saks has a whole level of Shoes on a floor that is so big that they have there own ZIP Code!
Later we went to Macy's and then it started raining on us as we walked through Central Park!
We went to The "MET" and toured some of the "Rembrandt" art work.

We did have a Star sighting, We saw Gene Simmons, of Kiss, while we were walking to Macy's!

Then off to Rosa Mexicana for some delicious FOOD, there Guacamole was made right in front of us and it was seriously Fabulous!

After a delicious meal, we went to T&Co on Madison avenue, and some other shops..

Of course, i had to have a New York City, HOT DOG! (it was ok!)

Heather, Kelly and I went to see "Les Miserables" this night while the other girls went to Mary Poppins. I hadn't seen it since i was in High School, so it was soooo Good!

After we got out of the Show to meet the girls we Hailed a taxi, and as we jumped in, this guy and his Drunk friend start SHOVING us out of the Taxi, like it was his, i still can't believe that it really happened! Jerk.... Well that was the Only rude moment, so that was fine!

So instead we Hailed a LIMO. It was so fun. We all fit and were excited to go to "Cafe Lalo" where they filmed "you've got mail", but when we got there, it was closed! ughhhh...that was so weird in new york some places closed early. I have no idea why, cause everyone is up and going Somewhere!

Day 3: We woke up early so we could fit everything in. We took the Subway to the "The Staton Island Ferry" and saw the "Statue of Liberty"! It was so fun to see it and we of course took lots of pictures. That was the one thing Boston cared that i did!

Then we walked to Wall st. and saw the NYSE. (that one was for Cory ;)) then to "Ground Zero".(Very Touching)

After the Financial District, we went back to Canal street and SoHo for some last minute shopping, where i found my Oilily Store, and then went back to eat some NY Style Pizza before we headed to the Airport!

Heather and i brought back our Boys some Pizza! Yes, it was a PAIN in the Butt, but i wanted Cory to have it New York Style!!

It was so fun, and i seriously can't wait to go again
soon! We made lots of Memories and have Plenty of stories to talk about! Thanks girls for a Fabulous & Eventful trip! LOVE YOU!!

To check out more Pictures (as if this wasn't enough) you can go to my Smugmug account.

I came home to LOTS of Snow, Cute homeade signs,2 fever-ish kids,Lots of Loves and Kisses and Everybody LOVED there Suprises,

It is so GREAT to be home again!
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