Showing posts with label vialudibunda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vialudibunda. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Bean and Scones, the skeleton thieves

What does any self respecting undead force need ? Come on... Skeletons yes ! So for Valentine's day, I had to paint a couple...
As you might have noticed, the force was pretty meaty and was somehow lacking "dry" elements... Well the only way to do things is to do them right isn't it ? I had to get a few skeletons in the troup and I had the perfect models for it !

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Gras doux - A fresh new old dwarf

After yesterday's post about the first sculpt of 2 from my friends, I've decided to finish another sculpt that was handed to me by his creator Mandrin (check out his Painting videos in french).
You might remember we met some time ago during our french Oldhammer event in Lyon.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Weathering heights - How to clean your palette with mud

Like often, I've engaged myself in a stupidly vast amount of projects at once... The good thing is that I'll be able to show you plenty of cool stuff at some point and that things get done. The bad thing being it takes some guts every now and then to get started given the amount on the table. But hey, this is not me whining or anything, just explaining why I needed a little break.
One of my favourite ways of avoiding hobby burn outs is to actually paint. I mean paint something I don't care much about and that can potentially provide rapid and high return on investment.
So here we are.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

French Oldhammer event model - Mornegueule Brisedent

Something a bit different from last time today with a model that is very dear to me. Yes of course it's a chaos dwarf and anything chaotic will usually have a place in my heart but this one is a bit more than that. The french Oldhammer scene (it's actually becoming a thing) has gathered in Metz last WE as it had in Lyon in 2015 and for that occasion Bruno from Vialudibunda and Nico have joined to produce this model and give it to all attendants on the day.
Being unable to get to this event despite the many people I wanted to see again and play with, I managed to get a model anyway so it was only natural for me to get it painted as soon as possible. 
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