Showing posts with label renegades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label renegades. Show all posts

Monday, 14 November 2022

Chaos Space marine Great banner


Hi everyone ! Long time since last time heh ? Well I've been busy moving house so getting some hobby time and a proper desk has taken a while but all worth it !

I've decided that moving house was going to be the opportunity to move on and following the choixe to clear my desk as much as possible, I've decided to finish some projects that have had way too much desk time !
This one is probably one of the most iconic cases since it's already undergone 2 house moves. This project was started a bit before the 28mag Ian Miller project and although I was very into it during conversion and building, I stalled at the painting phase, not knowing where I wanted to go.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Rogue Trader Khorne Renegades

Hey everyone ! Now I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in the northern hemisphere but temperatures here are not the most painter friendly at the moment right ? They're not paint friendly either but I had a WE on my own and felt like making the best of it so put 10 hours of historical podcast (unusual for me) and just went through the motions.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Chaos Space Marine Librarian

Alrights folks, so an unexpected one today ! There's been a painting challenge on the Oldhammer FB page and the theme is #justthetwoofus, so basically paint a pair of models that have a connection of some kind.
It only took a few seconds for me to realise this could be the opportunity to cross another item off the Realm of Chaos army list so I picked this guy :

Monday, 7 December 2020

Nurgle Plague Marines

 Greetings all ! As you've probably guessed from the header and title, well I'm still pretty deep into chaos renegades and thought I'd channel my current mojo into getting some of the core troops done !
I've been considering the Nurgle boys for a long time since I had an idea of how to I wanted them to be.

Friday, 20 November 2020

Chaos Traitor Techmarines

So little time ago, I felt the urge to get rid of a robot conversion that had been wandering on my table for waaaay too long. Little time after that , That damned Nico came up with some amazing renegade conversions that left me unable not to get back onto my own renegades.
Thing is, I've had a group of techmarines planned for a while for this arm force (not doing an army) since I have plenty of vehicles and some more troops requiring some.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Chaos Corrupted Colossus Robot

So, robots...
Robots are extremely cool period. Chaos is extremely cool as well period. Now Chaos robots are bound to be just super duper cool right ? Well they are.
See, I've had this Colossus wreck in the leadpile for ages and it was so damaged I just figured I could try and hack it to repose it with little risk. 
Many will remember the "special" alternative  AI programming rules for robots but I have to say I loved the many styles of them :

click to return to small image: cat1991ap025smrobots-01.htm.
Picture from Solegends  

Now of course, the Colossus is extremely familiar to those who love the ABC warriors and their leader Hammerstein with his trademark hammer for hand :

ABC Warriors / Characters - TV Tropes

Thing is though, I somehow lost tha hammer hand. And it looks silly let's face it, no elbow or anything ? Really ?
Anyway I need my robot to feel corrupted so I tought some organic arm sprouting out of its shoulder would look cool and somehow reminiscent of something I LOVE (like Gooseflesh inducingly good :

 So that's what I came up with :

The bloter is a modern era version for the simple reason I didn't have any other togive him, I felt like connecting teh weapon to the frame with a sick organic intestin would convey the sense of fresh corruption I was after :

In my quest to cover as many entries for this army little force (I don't do armies you know), I'm quite chuffed to have this one covered, this makes the need of a few techmarines even greater now but evrything in its own time I guess !


Thursday, 31 May 2018

Papa was a rolling unclean one - Rogue trader Great Unclean One

And just to finish this first tale of several gamers, here's a Greater demon of Nurgle with a Rogue Trader twist !
Having already painted a Bloodthirster and a Keeper of Secrets I still had 2 left to paint to complete my pantheon so I thought painting the fat papa would be cool to go with the palanquin I had just finished !

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Slaanesh Renegades

I'm still painting more recruits for my renegade army and this month, I thought I could add some of the Slaaneshi. After all, I've already  spent some time on Slaanesh this past year so it was time for me to get the marines done !
And since I had to paint 400 points I thought I could just as well add that Dreadnought I unboxed a while ago...

Monday, 2 January 2017

Fabius Bile the primogenitor

New year's resolutions... the fools amongst us keep making them believing they'll respect them while the most strong willed adhere to them to the letter. Well I'm a sort of strong willed fool so I kind of always stay in this middle ground. Why all this rant ? Well I've decided to get as many half finished projects out of my table as I could so after finishing the last 2 models on new year's day, I turned to the next most finished model I could see. Turns out it was a model begun almost exactly a year ago... Oh the shame...
Well Fabius Bile was lucky enough to be alone and half finished on top of his old paint pot so I grabbed him !

Sunday, 31 July 2016

We can do it anywhere - Holiday chaos conversions

I believe you've already noticed that summer was upon us and that with comes Holidays and jours of sunbathing, hiking and visits all around...
All of this is nice and good but does that mean that the vast flows of creativity that inhabit us just just because we're abroad or too close to a beach ? Of course not.
There are always opportunities with kids napping or sleeping at night, little hobby havens for those who just can't really take a break from their little toys...
Since reading cheap literature and taking naps myself is not for me, I've recently opted for a good way (for me) to use free time in holidays (I might reconsider things when I'm not single).

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Dark Vengeance - Chaos Space Marine Chosen

Ok, bit of change with those ! As always I'm getting to my first and true love : Chaos...
I hadn't really planned to paint those until a few weeks ago when a challenge was issued on a FB modelling page. The aim of this challenge was to make a point between white primers and black primers. 
Given that the person who initiated the challenge is a firm believer in black undercoats, he made the challenge about painting black marines (raven guard, deathwatch, black templars and so on...). As you can imagine, this choice wasn't influenced by any kind of bad will or any bias...
Well given that I am the proud owner of a black renegade force, I thought I could join and get some models painted !

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Khorne Blood Slaughterer and a little rust tutorial

We all have one of those, I 'm sure you do. I'm not specifically talking about a Khorne Blood Slaughterer but I'm talking about that one model most people find shitty (and which we partly find shitty too) but that we love for some obscure reason...
I'd like to think there's no shame in loving those because as long as it makes us happy and annoys no one, then it just makes the world a better place.
Well the model above just happens to be one of those. I must have discovered it in a WD a loooong time ago and I was immediately shocked by the concept.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Grudge Vs Hate - A 2nd edition Warhammer 40k battle report

For me, this hobby mostly consists in modelling toy soldiers and sharing it via blogging and forums and all and meeting nice people online is definitely one of the good parts. The best part of it all though is getting to meet those people for real. Yeah, like in the other real life, the one without a keyboard and all and with handshakes and drinks instead !
Well thanksto the Oldhammer groups on facebook (both french and English speaking) I was finally able to get to play with Goulven a proud defender of the 2nd edition of warhammer 40k (along his gaming partner Pestilus). For once I didn't have to go to Canada or England to get a game !

Being renowned for his Squat army and being the poor "chaotic-to-the-core" soul that I am, the choice of armies was very simple we just needed to agree on a given number of points.
I managed to come up with a 2000 points list using everything I had painted so far (and for which I had painted the terminators.

Facing the squats

The table was set in advance and looked suitably oldschool with the grass everywhere with great details and scenic elements like the windmill and the watch tower.

Like always Battle started before the first bullet was even shot...

Monday, 2 November 2015

Rogue Trader Chaos - Traitor Terminators

 Nothing like a deadline to get things done ! A week ago these guys weren't even on my schedule but a last minute appointment for a game next Week End decided otherwise and here they are !
Those models are meant to join the ranks of a growing chaos force for which I've foolishly decided to collect all the models as you can see HERE and HERE.

If you're not familiar with the models (quite unlikely but not impossible after all) they are the first chaos terminators sculpted during the first edition of Warhammer 40k by the talented Jes Goodwin who had already sculpted a goo load of their imperial counterparts.

Picture taken from Solegend

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Chaos Androids - There is no future

"01100101 01111000 01110100 01100101 01110010 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110100 01100101 "

I'm on a roll. I've set myself a task : clear all those half painted models waiting miserably in the table. Kaleb Daark the other day was the first to take advantage of that new mindset but now it was those chaos androids' turn. Funny thing is that they were started (and forgotten) at about the same time!

Monday, 4 May 2015

Khorne Bloodthirster...the Rogue Trader way

Blood thirsters get a lot of attention these days and though the release of mine coincides with those of the latest edition by GW, there is absolutely no link between the 2...

Some time ago, I was having a friendly chat with Diego Serrate on the Oldhammer facebook page and he proposed me to trade some Bloodthister body from the realm of chaos era. The body was missing a left arm and right hand...

Kiss my shiny reddish ass...

After discussing with Diego the potential donors for new arms and hands, Diego kindly proposed me to sculpt a new arm to my liking !
You read that right, a professional sculptor, (and talented with that) offering to sculpt me a custom arm for a model of mine !

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Collecting Rogue trader Chaos Renegades - part 2

 Alright people, a couple of posts ago ,you may remember I blatantely exposed my chaos renegades collection. Hawk eyes amongst you may have noticed the absence of the mounted renegades. Well, this was because I was still awaiting an important part which I got a few days later.

Picture from the Stuff of Legend

You can see 5 bodies and 2 pair of mounted legs on the photo, "piece of cake" I hear you say?
Nah, collecting is a sport I've not been very familiar with but this little collection and seeing great collectors like Steve Casey, Mutantdale or Axiom has taught me there's always more than meets the eye...

Monday, 23 June 2014

Chaos renegades complete collection (part 1) ...


Note from the author : Be prepared for an unhealthy dose of bragging and showing off in the following post, future posts should not stay in that vein or keep that same tone but this one is a sort of cathartic way or releasing the pressure from this long-term quest. Thanks you

Aaaanyway, guess what appeared in the mailbox the other day? Well, I'm going to show you right now :

A Rogue trader Tzeentch renegade? that's all? not even remotely unreleased or limited edition? The kind you could order via the mail order service until the early 2000?

YES ! THAT kind of renegade but the one I've been running after for quite a while and more importantly, the one that seals the first stage of my collection.
I can proudly announce that the collection of foot renegades for my chaos renegade army is now OVER.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Unboxing a rogue trader Chaos Dreadnought

You know what people? I don't know if it's the french in me who wants to follow trends and fashion or if it's just due to a complete lack of personality but I somehow felt like making some unboxing kind of posts. Yeah just like any other wargaming/ hobby blog.

Problem is I don't really buy boxes or blisters that often...

Fortunaely enough, I've just managed to trade some models to get my hands on a second rogue trader chaos Dreadnought... M...I...B like MINT IN BOX.

Now I already hear the purists among you scream "nooooo don't !" , some even taking assess dolls and trying to stick needles in the heart in a poor voodoo cursing attempt.

I am opening this blister anyway so relax and let me share this experience with you.

Few things really make me happy in this world but the beauty of nature and women, children's laughter and a MINT model in its blister are some of the very few...
Having contacted a fellow hobbyist for trades, I've been asked if I wanted my chaos dreadnought in its blister or not... funny question really! The trader could resign himself to open the blister and on the other hand I wanted badly to see my model in its original package. Just to feel like in the good old days, see what I mean? Looks like we had a deal. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Looking for inspiration

As I'm finishing a few things right now, I will have some time to come back to my chaos space marine army fo which I still have quite a few things (namely 100 models) to do. One of the things I am not happy with is the iconography. I love the "all black" theme and will stick to it even though I realise I do lose the opportunity to go crazy on typical oldschool paintobs.
BUT, I have a lot of banners to add , some markings to add, and I can't figure out what I want.

For my warhammer force, I came up with satanist iconography stolen from CD covers and comics like requiem from Pat Mills (Slaine, Judge Dredd,...) and Olivier Ledroit (Chroniques de la lune noires, Sha,....). I have no personnal belief in such stuff an ddon't mean to offend anyone with it but I thought it was the best to cme up with since Chaos is basically the most evil you can get in the old world.

Here are some examples of how this was used in the army (These are old pics of old models but you get the idea) :

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