Showing posts with label Ross Whitehorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ross Whitehorn. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Squigs - an ork's best friends ?

OK, so I might be in an orkish mood at the moment, after painting that dreadnought, I fell back to a long project (more about that soon enough I hope ^^) and although I've been enjoying it a lot, I gave myself a well earned pause to paint something else and not run out of mojo.
The subject was partly decided because of the dreadnought I painted earlier but also because I got some new models which begged to be painted along some more !
After receiving a parcel from Krakon Games, I just couldn't wait to paint some squigs !

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Crystal Turtles !

Just like I said, I didn't paint any of what I should be painting but felt the urge to get these crystal critters done !
They're the Ferrus Testudines from Krakon Games and just feel right to have with the crystals I've painted so far so that's a good thing to have done !

I don't know what the 2 of them are doing to those rocks (maybe absorbing minerals) and I'm not sure I want to know but as they are, they're fine, it was a single night's work so everything pretty rough but I needed to get those done quickly to avoid the guilt of painting something else. And they look fine enough for NPCs and terrain I think.
Great little pieces to have, one day I'll find a way to use in a scenario I'm sure !

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Eldar space fleet in progress and some frills and fauna...

Back in December, some WIPsters and I vowed to go on a buying embargo. We've done that before and the idea is to basically stop buying and hoarding models  and to reduce the leadpile or at least stop its uncontrollable growth (saving a few coins in the process ideally).

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