Showing posts with label space marines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space marines. Show all posts

Monday, 3 June 2024

Rogue Trader Scouts


Hey everyone ! This is one of those days when I can proudly say I've completed a project ! If you scroll back in time to 2019, I painted a force of terminators for Space HulkI painted a force of terminators for Space Hulk.
Reading this and looking at the powerful illustrations, you know the scouts were just waiting to happen ! Well 5 years later they did ! 

See how the scouts proudly feature along their heavy armoured brothers !

Thursday, 31 August 2023

2nd edition Marine for the #90smarinechallenge

So if you're keeping track of what happens on  Instagram, you might have heard of Darren Latham's painting challenge #90smarinechallenge which requires participants to paint a plastic 2nd edition marine from the starter box.
I found this would be the perfect occasion to add yet another Scythe to the chapter so knowing full well I wasn't gonna paint the nicest, I had to at least pick THE BEST chapter there is : the Scythes of teh Emperor (no question).

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Chaos Dreadfiler

In the line of  models I've had half painted on my desk for way to long, this one was the biggest. I've started it in October 2022 and although the conversion process went fast and the painting start as well, I somehow stalled and moved onto several other projects like usual !
But I'm firmly keeping my pace on unfinished paintjobs and I had decided this one was next !
The conversion is based on a chaod Dreadnought resculpt by Drew Williams which was kindly donated to me. The model is supposed to be truescale with renegades making it considerably bigger than the original dreadnaughts I love.

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Rogue Trader Land Raider Prototype

So you know how Rogue Trader is an incredible gold mine full of weird nuggets to dig up right ? It's facsinating to see all the seeds of modern 40k in tis venerable tome. Now there's a model that's reached an iconic status and it's the Land Raider. Unfortunately it's not an easy one to get your hands on unless you're willing to spend a fortune.
Now the magic of life is having talented friends, I happen to have plenty of those and amongst them is Curis from Ninjabread, who sculpted the most excellent Röknauts and who decided he needed to give life to one very specific Land Raider pattern.

Monday, 14 November 2022

Chaos Space marine Great banner


Hi everyone ! Long time since last time heh ? Well I've been busy moving house so getting some hobby time and a proper desk has taken a while but all worth it !

I've decided that moving house was going to be the opportunity to move on and following the choixe to clear my desk as much as possible, I've decided to finish some projects that have had way too much desk time !
This one is probably one of the most iconic cases since it's already undergone 2 house moves. This project was started a bit before the 28mag Ian Miller project and although I was very into it during conversion and building, I stalled at the painting phase, not knowing where I wanted to go.

Monday, 16 May 2022

Rogue Trader Space Marines -Scythes of the Emperor

Hey everyone ! We have something that takes back a bit today with reinforcements for my scythes of the Emperor ! You might recall I had painted all the terminator variants I could need for Space Hulk and had found some closure in that although I could have painted some scouts...
Well looks like the scouts are a little late and I painted 10 marines and a Dreadnought instead !
I have a huge interest in Space HUlk at the moment because I have the oal to play it with the kids soon so I'd rather have options.
Painting beakies might also be my contradictive response to the release of  (and I'm not a Horus Heresy fan) the new Horus Heresy boxset with all sort sof cool models.
ANYWAY, painted models are good models right ?

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Chaos Space Marine Librarian

Alrights folks, so an unexpected one today ! There's been a painting challenge on the Oldhammer FB page and the theme is #justthetwoofus, so basically paint a pair of models that have a connection of some kind.
It only took a few seconds for me to realise this could be the opportunity to cross another item off the Realm of Chaos army list so I picked this guy :

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Epic Space Marine Army !


Hey everyone ! So I've been busy clearing the desk from all sorts of half finished projects to get some closure and free space !

Amongst the long term sources of guilt, my epic force (I'm not painting an army, my armies days are over). This started in 2019 and has been sitting on the corner of the table for too long a while !

It all started with a lot of motivation and the idea was to make the best of the 2nd edition space marine box (thanks to the generosity of a dear friend) and to give it a more modern take.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Scythes of the Emperor Terminator Specialists


 Hey everyone! Happy new year to all ! I wish you all the best for this year and sincerely hope we get to shake hands and push little soldiers on the same table again soon !

Now how best to start a new year ? Well painting some models is definitely a winner and I guess clearing the desk is even better so I've set myself the goal to finish as many projects as I can from the desk and to give myself some milestones for some projects that haven't moved as much as I meant to during 2020, we'll see how this goes !

Friday, 11 December 2020

Confrontation Blood Angel

So you know sometimes some great things happen. You might have noticed I'm a huge confrontation fan, you know, confrontation, Necromunda's ancestor from 1991 ? Well you can read a lot about it if you follow the confrontation tag HERE and amongst the many things that have had a huge impact on my hobby tastes, Les Edwards's incredible artwork is definitely up there !

Monday, 7 December 2020

Nurgle Plague Marines

 Greetings all ! As you've probably guessed from the header and title, well I'm still pretty deep into chaos renegades and thought I'd channel my current mojo into getting some of the core troops done !
I've been considering the Nurgle boys for a long time since I had an idea of how to I wanted them to be.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Death Eagles - Scythes of the Emperor

OK so recently I've had a huge interest because of my friend Curis's excellent marines and the relase of the 5th chapter of Astartes, now that meant I had an itch to paint some and the only way to scratch was to do these 2 Death eagles kindly donated by my friend Adrien.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Rogue Trader C100 Marines and LE2 Marine

 Hey everyone, hope you've had nice winter (or summer depending on your hemisphere) celebrations and you're all ready to have more fun in this new year !
I've decided to start mine with another painting challenge, after the one around Trish's work and Bob Olley's, here's the third edition now focusing on the work of Bob Naismith !

Now amongst the many great models he's sculpted, I knew I wanted to use that opportunity to finally paint the C100 marines I had treated myself with a couple of years ago. The C100 marines and the LE2 marine are as iconic as you can get in the Rogue Trader universe and they've been the founding stone for so much they were a no brainer.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Slaanesh Renegades

I'm still painting more recruits for my renegade army and this month, I thought I could add some of the Slaaneshi. After all, I've already  spent some time on Slaanesh this past year so it was time for me to get the marines done !
And since I had to paint 400 points I thought I could just as well add that Dreadnought I unboxed a while ago...

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Let's play a game - Just what are space marines ?

Yup, that's what you think it is. A bunch of the new primaris models from the Dark Imperium. I'm not better or worse than any other and with painting in mind as always I wanted to test how a truescale marine would feel under a brush so I picked a few.
With little time before leaving on holidays,n I couldn't help but build them and see how they looked next to some of the rest of my models.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Bullock Jet bike

BULLOCKS ! As you might have understood, this post will be 0 non sense...

So... Bullock Jet bikes... You know, those weird jet bikes with no handlebar and absolutely no consideration for health and safety, an utter ode to danger and bad assery :

Those bikes are partly why all beakies looked like they were trying to take a poo.

Well our good pal Mr Papafakis has decided to update the concept with a scratch built version of his own to match this most excellent illustration by Pete Knifton (and brilliantly coloured by Brian Roe) :

Check out Brian's excellent post about Pete Knifton

Monday, 2 January 2017

Fabius Bile the primogenitor

New year's resolutions... the fools amongst us keep making them believing they'll respect them while the most strong willed adhere to them to the letter. Well I'm a sort of strong willed fool so I kind of always stay in this middle ground. Why all this rant ? Well I've decided to get as many half finished projects out of my table as I could so after finishing the last 2 models on new year's day, I turned to the next most finished model I could see. Turns out it was a model begun almost exactly a year ago... Oh the shame...
Well Fabius Bile was lucky enough to be alone and half finished on top of his old paint pot so I grabbed him !

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Dark Vengeance - Chaos Space Marine Chosen

Ok, bit of change with those ! As always I'm getting to my first and true love : Chaos...
I hadn't really planned to paint those until a few weeks ago when a challenge was issued on a FB modelling page. The aim of this challenge was to make a point between white primers and black primers. 
Given that the person who initiated the challenge is a firm believer in black undercoats, he made the challenge about painting black marines (raven guard, deathwatch, black templars and so on...). As you can imagine, this choice wasn't influenced by any kind of bad will or any bias...
Well given that I am the proud owner of a black renegade force, I thought I could join and get some models painted !

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

This Rainbow Warrior kills fascists

I suppose I don't have to tell any of you what happened in Orlando recently so I've just felt the urge to let my brushes drain the frustration away. Just yesterday again, a cop's family has been shot down so I could just as well have picked an arbite or a Judge from Judge Dredd I guess.
This was a rainbow warrior I chose to paint though.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Battle at the Farm ! - Leadplague Version

This week end, I was in Paris with some friends and I took the opportunity to go meet my pal Goulven. You might remember how he single handedly crushed my chaos renegades with his squats in a game of 40k 2nd ed the last time we had met...

Well while this occasion was just meant to catch up, chat and have a beer, my host had secretly prepared an impromptu game of Rogue Trader.
I think you will all appreciate this kind of gesture but not only was this a proper game of Rogue Trader with proper oldschool miniatures and all, this was THE proper Rogue Trader scenario : Battle at the farm !

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