Showing posts with label inquisitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inquisitor. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Inq et nunc - Demon huntress Tanjira

So following the completion of my first full Inquisitor band not long ago, I jumped on the next right away ! For some reason, I've decided my bands would have a leader and 2 acolytes plus a familiar so I started the new band with the leader once again and after a little thinking, I've decided the demonhunter would be the next leader.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Inq et nunc - Inquisitor Wendig's acolytes


Hey everyone !

So following the release of my first 54mm inquisitor, I wanted to do his retinue soon after. With a good bucnh of models to pick from, I had to think about the kind of band I wanted this one to be.
I see Joos Wendig as a rather fresh puritan kind of Inquisitor, sort of "by the book" agent but not too broken to make him an overrigid psychopath (yet) so I wanted him to still rely on his organisation and hence have a more military/organised look.
So I picked a couple of models that had similar parts (like the quilted parts) and decided to give a coherent colour scheme.

Friday, 24 May 2024

Inq et nunc - 54mm Inquisitor Joos Wendig !

So back in 2001, Games Workshop released Inquisitor, an absolute bimb that changed a lot of things. The main change being the 54mm scale which wasn't already a popular scale in other universes and not even the first alternate scale in their licences since we had had Epic, Manowar and all but it was bigger, grittier and more granular than anything before.
I was hooked like many people then and a 20 yo me dived in whole heartedly, ignoring the lack of skill or experience to do something new. Of all the projects I started, only one and a half got painted and 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye with my tenderness for that project still intact.

Not long ago, my good friend Axiom asked me if I wanted to do some 54mm modelling along him and I couldn't have wished for a better incentive !

Off all the half finished projects, I picked my favourite then, the young hopeful Inquisitor, based on Covenant, a Jes Goodwin sculpt. There wasn't any putty work left to do, it was just waiting for some paint and the semi samurai feel of him still was cool to me. The shotgun contrasting with the ancient broken blade (I had just seen a samurai movie with the hero having one).
The blade is from a 28mm Rackham Sessair and I gave Covenant Eisenhorn's arm, a top knot and a shotgun.

When I started though, I had this idea I wanted prominent red on him and military grade equipment (which in hindsight wasn't great since it's covered with icons, markings and fancy stuff) but it wasn't working, it was too Santa Claus than I could cope with.

This got me to stall for quite a while before realising what I only needed was to swap colours a bit. I also got drowned in way too many painting projects but once I cleared the slate, I had tremendous fun painting this guy. The extra room for details, blending and fine stuff really is soothing where I thought it would be tedious and paralysing.

Eventually, the whole paintjob and colours clicked in like I like them to and I could paint each section one after the other and not doing anything else which is a rare thing for me, I haven't been focusing on a single model for a while and I kind of needed that to be honest.

Here you can see my Inquisitor (which I'll have to name at some point when I have his full retinue done) along the very first Inquisitor scale model I did then, a converted ogryn turned into a squat (who were very much extinct then)

 I'm now pretty excited about doing the retinue and another band or 2 so I guess sometimes you just take the time !
Hope you all the best of hobby times !

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Giant servo-skull

Hey all ! I was looking at the Stargrave rulebook the other day, thinking of what specific encounters would suit each scenario until I figured out I needed a giant skull robot in my life to guard data vaults, terrorise adventurers or just pose and look cool. As you do.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Terminator inquisitor - Space Hulk

So last time was about a team of Scythes of the Emperor to play Space Hulk right ? And they were just 9 ? Yeah, I'm a simple man and I like simple things so 10 men was always the idea. ^^
I wanted to have a special character though, even it it probably meant I'd be playing it as a regular guy but you don't get the occasion to make a bunch of terminators every day so better make the best of any occasion.

I picked this guy because I had built him some time ago and found him cool (Jes Goodwin models are cool, period).

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Witch Hunter Inquisitor - Agent Giraud

Everyone loves a good inquisitor right ? Yeah me too. And what I love even more than that is Jes Goodwin models, I just love 'em. They're my hobby happy place.
NowI've painted a variant of that model before but I was given this guy to paint for a friend so gladly came back to him.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Three flies and an eagle in the hive. Inquisimunda battle report

Holidays mean little painting or modelling but actual gaming so I guess it's an added bonus to seeing friends and getting some fresh air !
I had the privilege to get a game of Inquisimunda with Martin Grandbarbe and his band of Nurgle worshipers facing my Inquisitor retinue.

Monday, 29 May 2017

The Journey of Inquisitor Greyfax...

Just had a fantastic WE in Metz and I've managed to not only meet a few friends but also get a few games under the belt ! 
I'm going to review those in a series of posts (about 3 I reckon) so here's the first : The Journey of Inquisitor Greyfax...

Monday, 24 April 2017

Death acolyte

So after getting nothing done on the hobby front for more than 10 days due to holidays, visits at the zoo with the kids, going to the sea, seeing friends, having romantic week ends and things like that, it was high time for me to get back on more serious and important stuff.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

The deepest blues are black - Inquisition hunter force

Proper zenithal underlit and desaturated group pic
So here we are, end of yet another project (so far at least). After starting painting one model at a time and then painting two at once, I've upped the game and made it to 3 models at a time !
That's probably due to the project in itself being far more fun than I expected to be...

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Sergent Trepas and acolyte

Alright, after a quick and silly group painting session, it was time to get back on my Inq28 painting challenge.
Since I've already built 6 of them (and am in progress on the 7th because even numbers look odd... well strange, you know what I mean), I just had to pick a couple I could do rapidly and here are the guys I picked.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Sister Smierć - Duty beyond life

I'm keeping the Inq28 ball rolling for a challenge at my FLGS so here's the second member of my inquisitorial retinue. This time we have Sister Smierć. 

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Inquisitor Greyfax - Keeper of His word

Sometimes you just need to step aside and consider things from another angle. That's why I sometimes try to do at least. I was given the opportunity to do exactly that by the friendly folks at my friendly local gaming shop.

The idea between us is to build and paint each a band in the Inq28/Inquisimunda/Grimdark vibe to later play a campaign.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

40kthulhu Chapter 3: At the stars of madness...

Here's the third chapter of the 40kthulhu project after Axiom has written the 1st chapter and Gretchin the second one.
This project is recorded on the ammobunker forums and is an opportunity to tie the Lovecraftian myth with depths and mysteries of the grim darkness of a far future...

+ + + + + +TRANSMITTED: Providence
+ + + + + +RECEIVED: Ganymede
+ + + + + +DESTINATION: Terra
+ + + + + +DATE: 3123456.M41
+ + + + + +TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astr. Delphinus
+ + + + + +REF: Inq/90840958940324323432/LA
+ + + + + +AUTHOR: Inq. Gimenez
+ + + + + +SUBJECT: Investigations on Providence (part 1)
+ + + + + +THOUGHT: "Hallowed be His name"

I fear sanity and hope are a luxury I no longer can afford now. In trying times, faith and duty shall be what drives my action and they compel me to record my investigations and make sure they reach the right hands...

Friday, 16 January 2015

Camilla Weis - Inquisitorial Rogue trader

Today's model is not particularly old for a change but it is one I've found attractive (from a modelling point of view mind you) since its release.

Since I got back to Rogue trader, I actually haven't painted a rogue trader so far. I know starting with an inquisitor figure may seem odd but what I love about Rogue Traders in this game is that they are highly eccentric individuals that are commissioned to accomplish plenty of mission for the Imperium (meaning they come in all sorts of styles and genres).

I chose this model because I really like the nobility of it and it's exactly that point that makes it a good Rogue Trader for me. Camilla Weis (that's her name) was born with a golden spoon in her mouth and she decided early in her priviliged life to fight boredom by visting remote places in the Galaxy. Her noble standard and relations even got her to be paid and commisionned by the Imperial authorities for it. She has somehow built a contract with inquisitorial authorities thanks to her mutation free genes (Thanks to living in a friendly environment) and she usually explore new planets or inspect known ones and then reports on potential chaotic threats so that the inquisition can decide to send proper inquisitors or not, depending on the reports (That would make her an external auditioner in today's sordid society).

But what are Rogue traders?

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Terminator Inquisitor - Forces of the imperium

Ok so finally the good guys came out first !

I am happy to FINALLY finish this one. I actually bought 2 models like him back in the days because I did (and still do) think he was the coolest inquisitor ever.
What's not to like in a Jes Goodwin terminator with hoodie and demon faces all over the armour?

I chose to paint his armour with a very rusty and worn-out look to represent the armour has been passed from an inquisitor to another. I painted the weapons and decroations in bright colours to contrast and to show each time the previous owner dies, the new one equips the armour with his own gadgets and weaponry.
For the record, as can be seen on the pad, he is the 3rd carrier of the armor (hence the very worn)out look of the metal parts.

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