Showing posts with label limited edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label limited edition. Show all posts

Friday, 1 December 2023

BOYL exclusive Merc and Necromunda Spyrer Matriarch

So I've started a lot of projects lately and obviously, before starting them I decided to start yet another ! Now in my defense, it was also to close another, which was painting all my BOYL exclusives ! Worth taking the time right ?
And the last model on the list was this fantastic space merc captain by none other than Bob Naismith. And it was in my top tier even before painting it! 

Now I knew from the start I didn't want this guy to be a stand alone and I had greater plans for him. He obviously has everything you want a space pirate to be so I thought I needed a model to be along him in a Captain/First mate relation for Stargrave. Then I saw that old Necromunda Spyrer matriarch and thought they were the perfect macth, both looking old, one burly and the other quite skinny, one sharp and the other blunt, they were perfect.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Le Chevalier Ermite de Malmont

Hey all ! So today I'm bringing you one special model !
The chevalier Ermite de Malmont is one of those hobby grails (no pun, almost) for many, an iconic sculpt, not easy to source and therefore quite desirable. "Stop bragging JB, you got one, OK don't rub it into our face !"
Not quite.
The model has been sent to me by a nice friend for me to paint as payment for some models. I would argue that painting a beauty like that is a reward in itself but so was the deal. Of course, with the million projects in progress in my head and on my desk, it took me quite a while to get onto it but since I launched a paintig contest focused on the work of Gary Morley this month on the Oldhammer facebook page, I thought I'd use the opportunity to paint it !

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Rogue Trader C100 Marines and LE2 Marine

 Hey everyone, hope you've had nice winter (or summer depending on your hemisphere) celebrations and you're all ready to have more fun in this new year !
I've decided to start mine with another painting challenge, after the one around Trish's work and Bob Olley's, here's the third edition now focusing on the work of Bob Naismith !

Now amongst the many great models he's sculpted, I knew I wanted to use that opportunity to finally paint the C100 marines I had treated myself with a couple of years ago. The C100 marines and the LE2 marine are as iconic as you can get in the Rogue Trader universe and they've been the founding stone for so much they were a no brainer.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Cool and hot - Being a Bratt in the underhive

Well as expected, playing Necromunda has made me want to... play more necromunda. And it's also made me want to upgrade my bratt gang which isn't much of a gang for now if I'm being honest...
Since I managed to get my hands on the sweet limited edition guy with sword and my mate Rochie gave me one of the armless gangers in a trade (thanks mec), I took the opportunity to add a bit more serious firepower... 

Monday, 14 August 2017

Brattish authority - Leader and Juve

Painting is like riding a bike it seems, it comes back pretty rapidly even after a long pause. To get a bit of motivation back I had put all chances on my side though : Goodwin models, a sculptor I enjoy and whose work I'm familiar working with, Confrontation models, one of my first loves and limited edition ones on top of that. 
Well it worked out exactly like planned for once. Pleasure was here. Oh yeah , sweeet sweeeeeet pleasure, my hair caressing their... erm... Good fun, if you see what I mean.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

40kthulhu Chapter 3: At the stars of madness...

Here's the third chapter of the 40kthulhu project after Axiom has written the 1st chapter and Gretchin the second one.
This project is recorded on the ammobunker forums and is an opportunity to tie the Lovecraftian myth with depths and mysteries of the grim darkness of a far future...

+ + + + + +TRANSMITTED: Providence
+ + + + + +RECEIVED: Ganymede
+ + + + + +DESTINATION: Terra
+ + + + + +DATE: 3123456.M41
+ + + + + +TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astr. Delphinus
+ + + + + +REF: Inq/90840958940324323432/LA
+ + + + + +AUTHOR: Inq. Gimenez
+ + + + + +SUBJECT: Investigations on Providence (part 1)
+ + + + + +THOUGHT: "Hallowed be His name"

I fear sanity and hope are a luxury I no longer can afford now. In trying times, faith and duty shall be what drives my action and they compel me to record my investigations and make sure they reach the right hands...

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The rise of the Cult - Genestealer hybrids

This project here has been growing for long time really. It's taken quite a while to gather a good load of models and it's taken another good while to get started on them.
I wouldn't have got round to them actually if it wasn't for an offer I simply couldn't refuse/resist. You'll know a bit more about it but let's get back to our main topic here.
Go back a couple of years back and I got lucky enough to take part in a private commission project that saw the release of a few Genestealer hybrids that filled a few gaps in the blank space GW had forgotten in the old days. Those were mostly sculpted by no other than Bob Olley. I think about 50 sets were made at the time so if you're looking for those... well... I advise you to just fall back to the good old ones or the new excellent ones  released in Overkill.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Caught somewhere in time - Iron Maiden's Eddie

Let's start with a little music shall we ? If you didn't have the song playing in your head when seeing the model, it's only normal I make you listen to it ! ^^

Now here's a real special one today. I've told you people on many occasions that the hobby blends with music and comics in my heart and imagination because I've discovered most at the same time. Well here's a model that combines a lot of awesome elements. I think many of you will have already recognised Eddie the head, Iron Maiden's mascott which you can see on all their album covers.
Well this mascott has known many incarnations and this one comes right from their album "Somewhere in time" released in 1986.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

French Oldhammer event model - Mornegueule Brisedent

Something a bit different from last time today with a model that is very dear to me. Yes of course it's a chaos dwarf and anything chaotic will usually have a place in my heart but this one is a bit more than that. The french Oldhammer scene (it's actually becoming a thing) has gathered in Metz last WE as it had in Lyon in 2015 and for that occasion Bruno from Vialudibunda and Nico have joined to produce this model and give it to all attendants on the day.
Being unable to get to this event despite the many people I wanted to see again and play with, I managed to get a model anyway so it was only natural for me to get it painted as soon as possible. 

Saturday, 30 January 2016

LE1 Space orc

LE1 Space Orc 
Just don't ask why but amongst all the colony 87 models I suddenly felt the urge to paint old soft lead with blurry details... I mean I'm finishing painting resin masters that are without a doubt the most crisp and neat models I've had to paint and for some reason, I had to get my brushes on something at the opposite of the spectre.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

LE Space santa gone bad !

For this season of the year, it's important to choose the right models I think. Having already failed at painting my LE Sanity Claws, I've decided to get cracking on the LE6 Space Santa since it's a sci-fi model and that the sculpt is far more delicate and crisp than its chaotic counterpart...

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Champions of Law - The seventh son and the roman blade

You guys know it's important to have the right soundtrack...

So here we are, it's Sunday and as usual I have a little more champions of Law done ! This one had to be special though as it was the 7th member of the warband I'd present (along with the 8th). Now I really think I'm not superstitious because I do not believe in any of the non sense associated with numbers and all but I DO follow the same rules as supertistious people because I'm a pathetic Maniac.
If none of this makes sense to you, it's perfectly normal, just accept that the 7th model HAD to be special and what better way to make a special model than to use a limited edition ?
As you may know, the 7th model (on the left of the previous picture) is the Warlock :

The Warlock was the Fighting Fantasy magazine published in the mid 1980's and while I won't tell the history of it again, I can at least state that the title and one of its covers lead to a miniature along the famous Amazone Gothique :

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

BOYLdrick - The Oldhammer Goblin (and regiments of renown)

So here he is, the Oldhammer Goblin also known as BOYLdrick ! This is actually one of the first goblins I've ever painted (if I don't count the 2nd ed gretchin I painted last year for Orctober). And what better starting point than a model by the Goblin master himself Kevin Adams !

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