Showing posts with label stargrave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stargrave. Show all posts

Friday, 1 December 2023

BOYL exclusive Merc and Necromunda Spyrer Matriarch

So I've started a lot of projects lately and obviously, before starting them I decided to start yet another ! Now in my defense, it was also to close another, which was painting all my BOYL exclusives ! Worth taking the time right ?
And the last model on the list was this fantastic space merc captain by none other than Bob Naismith. And it was in my top tier even before painting it! 

Now I knew from the start I didn't want this guy to be a stand alone and I had greater plans for him. He obviously has everything you want a space pirate to be so I thought I needed a model to be along him in a Captain/First mate relation for Stargrave. Then I saw that old Necromunda Spyrer matriarch and thought they were the perfect macth, both looking old, one burly and the other quite skinny, one sharp and the other blunt, they were perfect.

Friday, 8 September 2023

Stargrave family party


Hey all ! So with summer over, painting can start again and I've finally managed to finish the first part of a challenge started at the beginning of summer with the whole family. I've been thinking about playing some games with modesl with my family (that's 4 kids and 2 adults) and when I received my Stargrave Scavenger set I immediately knew I had the perfect opportunity !

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Roboknop - Bounty Hunter


So a month ago, I was delighted to take part in an exciting campaign week end of Stargrave with great friends. Now to make this week-end even better, Mikko from Dawn of the lead had prepared a little surprise for us in the form of an event special miniature ! 

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Stargrave Campaign - The Unreal engine

 So last week , I was lucky to get the opportunity to meet up with some friends for a whole extended week end of gaming. I hadn't seen several of them since 2019 due to real world complications so it really wa s a tremendous pleasure to see them, push some lead, talk non sense, empty some pints and catch up.

The game we focused on this year is Joe McCullough's Stargrave, the sci-fi version of the famous Frostgrave and I was really happy be hapy to finally play a game I had been waiting for for years. There were 10 of us and 6 to 7 tables with a dedicated scenario each so plenty of opportunities to explore the game, level up the bands and experience the wonders of dice roll drama.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Colony87 Starport Ogre Crew


In the middle of preprations for a WE of Stargrave, I picked the opportunity o pick some Colony87 models to put on the table because frankly, who doesn't love NPC's ? I'm also all for taking any excuse to get models painted so when my friend Sho3box mentionned he was making a Starport table, I jumped on the opportunity.

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Rogue Trader Mercenaries and Pirates

Hey all, so I have a Stargrave campaign coming so it was time to dust off the band I had designed for the game some time ago. Looking at the troop choices, I realised I didn't have much choice in terms of weapons so sinc everyone else was painting their bands, I felt compeled to painting some more. Since the whole crew was built on Rogue Trader classics, I had little choice but to exapand with other Rogue Trader classics. So I decided to scratch an old itch and get some mercenaries and pirates done, giving me more carbines and big guns to pick from (I'd still only be able to pick 10 anyway)

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Stargrave Loot Tokens


Hey all ! Bit of a palette cleanser today. I have an upcoming Stargrave week-end with friends in april and though I have painted my Stargrave band a while ago, I still haven't used it for its intended purpose so here's the perfect occasion !
Now amongst the few things one needs to play Stargrave, there are of course a ruler/tape measurer/anything to give you distances on the tabletop, dice (of the 20 sided kind) AND because this game is like its fantasy big brother, a treasure hunt game, you need treasure tokens !

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Giant wyrms and worms !

Now I've been slowly preparing myself for a big Stargrave campaign and amongst all the things I need is a list of critters and monsters to get some fun random encounters. So a little while ago, I made a selection of the sort of creatures I wanted to have crawling in the ground and popping right under my characters' nose !

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Stargrave Data Vault

Hey all, so here's a  bit of scatter terrain and objective markers for today !
Stargrave enthusiasts here will surely know what this is all about but as many projects, this is a two birds with one stone thing again !

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Stargrave Crew - Rogue Trader retinue


Hey all, so after a little summer break I managed to get a few things out of the workshop, some I can't show yet and some I just finished and need to get out of my system like this Stargrave band !
Now Stargrave has been out for a little time now and despite it being the game many of my friends and I awaited, I've found myself lacking deadlines and games prospects to fully dive into production.
I could obviously pick from the several bands I've painted over the years but you know how it goes, one needs something a little fresh and fancy !
With that in mind, I knew pretty much from the start (actually from before even getting the rulebook) I would want to make a band out of the most classic sculpts from the Rogue Trader era. There's a little modern intruder of course but he really seemed to be made for that band.

That's the sort of stuff I'm talking about !

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