Ever opened a copy of one of the realm of chaos books when you were ten? Ever tried to own each and everyone of the Jes Goodwin chaos champion? Ever spent days lurking on ebay for a complete Kaleb Dark or chaos toilets?
You're at home here.
Well hello there ! Today's post is rather special because I'm ticking several items from the bucket list at once ! I'm on the verge of turning 40 and 1994 was a formative year for me in terms of music, comics and models but amongst a few gut punches, I remember Titan Legions was one of those obsessions for me along listening to Infectious Grooves :
The gigantic robots, the completely insane cover box, that was pushing all of young JB's buttons like few things had before. I had a love at first sight with warlord titans in the early 90's like any sane kid but I just never got a box of any and I decided to spend my limited funds on blisters of chaos goodness bit by bit.
Wow so that's another pair of big boys done ! I guess there is a good side to this lockdown after all (which ended last week for us). Now since this has been a great opportunity to finish models that had been way too long unloved on the table, I realise I simply had my eyes bigger than my stomach so breaking a big projects into several smaller and manageable ones was the right thing to do, that's how these two guys got finished !
Hey folks, now today I'm REALLY pleased to share those, I've started painting a bunch of titans a few months ago and the loss of gaming goals (conventions and games planned being canceled) has left me with a lot more freedom as to what to paint !
Now of course this is sad in many ways but there's a silver lining here and that means I can turn my attention to projects that have suffered a bit lately !
OK so it only seems right the new year begins how the previous one ended right ? After painting the paladins and lancers, I only had the wardens left to do !
So after painting the paladins, it was only natural to get to the lancers (or the wardens I know) ! Well I picked the tall fellas rather than the fat ones because... I don't know they looked fun and I'm painting them all in the end anyway !
Lancers are the fast guys which you can guess from the tall legs and dynamic poses and I find them quite creepy actually with the german helmet or robotic chicken look...
So here are a few more giant robots to go with my ongoing epic project and this time, I treated myself with 3 imperial knights !
The design of them is just brilliant, gothic and weird, I simply love them !
Of course, with modern standards, these look kind of odd and they're actually different kinds of knights with an actual paladin and an errant, the third being... I don't know, some twisted vision of what a giant robot should be !
Hi everyone, you might have seen those robots a short while ago in their successful kickstarter by Oldschool Miniatures, well I was lucky to be handed a few to paint !
This is a new collaboration between Oldschool Miniatures and Jason Fairclough from Thunderchild and this time they've decided to scratch therobot itch with a nice oldschool vibe to them !
So Adepticus Titanicus is coming back to us ! Well of course it seems we're bound to get all the cool things back ! Now the good guys at my FLGS asked me if I wanted to try the game. Why of course !
Now I've said it before, I am NOT building a force for Epic or anything, oh no. But one Warlord simply isn't enough right ? I just had to add him a couple of friends okay ?
So this is March, month of Mars, like in the God. So what better month to paint titans ? None, that's right.
Now I've had the will to paint in a different scale for quite a while but like all the good plans and bright ideas, I've always postponed it because of better newer projects.