Well this pair was unexpected but it was a real refreshing one !
If you're on Facebook and follow oldschool and oldhammer miniature pages, you might have read some of Trish Carden's excellent posts about her work. Like many people, I've found those posts to be extremely enjoyable because of the hindsight it provides on the design and constraints of the time.
I think I'm also fascinated because to be perfectly honest here, I just never had considered which sculpts were hers and which were Aly's amongst the famous Marauder range. I can never tell which Perry twin sculpted what and I really find it's a pity we don't aknowledge sculptors more.
With all that in mind, some friends and I thought about painting some of her work and make Trish pick her favourite. Like all brats, we want to be mom's favourite y'know. ^^
I had a few possible candidates but I wanted something iconic I knew I could paint quickly and then I just remembered Trish posting about the Beatsmaster !
The good point about it is that she gave me tips about painting in her description of the models :
The Beastmaster himself had to look imposing and strong, able to handle his hideous Hounds. He’s in total control of the beasts and I imagined his eyes blazing red through the slit in his helmet as he used his whip to keep the hounds in line.
I gave him a mix of cloth, armour and fur to make him interesting to paint with the chance to use lots of colour and texture.
His hounds are both blessed differently by chaos, one with a scorpion tail and the other with two ferocious heads. Neither of them EVER sit to order!
My painting output is far from what it was last year and I'm bound by several comitments so these two were absolutely great to get my mojo back and tick to icons off the list. Just so that it felt extra useful, I tied them with the chaos Thug I had painted some time ago for Gorechosen and I think they make a good pair !
Next on Leadplague, maybe some monopose monstrosity and surely some fun Space Hulk stuff !