Showing posts with label Kev Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kev Adams. Show all posts

Monday, 30 October 2023

Orktober : Snotlings and Warp energy !


Hey all ! Like every year this time it's ORKTOBER ! Like a way to soothe me from addin another earth rotation to the count, it's the occasion to get more greenskins done !

This year I knew exactly the kind of models I wanted, I still have plenty for the orks but I had a LOT of snotlings and a Shock Attack Gun so those would be entries for sure. Now since I was painting a shock attack gun, I HAD TO paint the pulsa Rocket too since it works on warp energy as well, which also meant I somehow had to paint runtbots, because I'm a nice runtherd who wants to protect his flock.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Goff Rockers - The Mörkley Krëw

So GW's recent release of the most excellent Goff rocker has seriously itched my ork and metalhead nerves, it's notthat easy you see a model without a weapon (if you leave the ammo belt and squig amp aside) just for the fun of it. On top of that, I always felt that my yet unpainted goff rockers were missing a 4th member  (even if there are several great examples of 3 heads bands). As often I usually seek any excuse to paint some models and this was the one, I had to paint the goff rockers !

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Ork Boss on Giant Squig and unreleased ork casualty


Hey all ! You folks know there's never a bad time to paint orks right ? So I've decided that it was Orknuary and  I'd be painting orks. Actually, I was triggered by the release of the new Goff Rocker but more on that soon...

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Gretchins and grots - Early Orktober !


Hey everyone ! With Orctober approaching and a new (and hopefully final house move) house move with it, I thought I'd get some green skins done before everything's packed !
Actually what decided me to do that was an "Army on Parade" sort of event held at my FLGS in orctober where I can submit old models as long as I get a fresh unit done for the event !

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Rogue Trader Khorne Renegades

Hey everyone ! Now I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in the northern hemisphere but temperatures here are not the most painter friendly at the moment right ? They're not paint friendly either but I had a WE on my own and felt like making the best of it so put 10 hours of historical podcast (unusual for me) and just went through the motions.

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Ork Nobz in 'Eavy Armour (Or Mega-armour or whatever)

Nobz are the bestest boyz of any waaagh, they're big, mean and are probably the closest thing you can find in ork culture to a concept of reliability.
That's why any good benevolent ork boss would want them protected in the best armour possible. It's also why the meanest malevolent ork boss would want those in the best armour possible.

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Rogue Trader Ork Kult of Speed and Artillery

Alright First of all, Happy new year to all and best of eerything for 2022 !
Long time no see huh ? Well I've moved house and been well occupied with real life stuff and MIGHT have take a bit more than I could chew after the last orks I painted !
But in the end, it's all done and that's a huge bit out of the pile and in the cabinet so I'm pretty happy with that !

The previous Wartrak and Scorcha were such a blast to paint I immeditaly went looking for some more and boy I didn't go light handed on this one !
I wanted at least 5 bikes, a buggy and for some reason couldn't resist a squig catapult !
Oh and my wartrak was missing it's rear Hopsplat gun so y'know.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Rogue Trader Ork Wartrak and Scorcher for Orctober !


Hey everyone ! So you know what month it is right ? It's freaking october, you heard that ? OrCtober !
And what do we do on ORCTOBER ? WE PAINT ORCS, THAT WHAT WE DO !
Now to be honest, I had a few hundred things to pick from if I wanted greenskins so I picked some of the models I've had for a while and which really tempted me, namely the wartrak (minus field gun) and Scorcher !

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Rogue trader Ork Nobz !


Hey everyone ! Sometimes a painter needs a little break and a good hobby hug in his comfort zone. Mine are definitely somewhere in the arms of Jes Goodwin models or Kev Adams's so after painting a lot of models from my desk and requirements for Blackstone fortress, I felt like fueling my mojo up with some classics and I opted for some bad ass ork nobz from Kev Adams. This will make my orkish force grow even more and the colours are a no brainer since I'll just replicate the same old recipes on this colourful project!

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Creepy crawlers - More squigs for the waaagh !

Alright all ! I know Orctober is behind us but you know, the love is still here and strong and for some reason I just really felt like painting those 3 guys. I had got my hand on them after painting the first batch but they came up right at the time I needed some painting fresh air.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Great Orc mercenary - Happy Orctober !

Alright it's been half the month already and I'm only having an entry for orctober done now ! 

To be honest, after being very orc neutral for years I tend to jump on any occasion to paint some now and after being offered this fine fella by Jamies from Old school miniatures I knew he had to join my band of mercenaries, just look at the swag of him !

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Squigs - an ork's best friends ?

OK, so I might be in an orkish mood at the moment, after painting that dreadnought, I fell back to a long project (more about that soon enough I hope ^^) and although I've been enjoying it a lot, I gave myself a well earned pause to paint something else and not run out of mojo.
The subject was partly decided because of the dreadnought I painted earlier but also because I got some new models which begged to be painted along some more !
After receiving a parcel from Krakon Games, I just couldn't wait to paint some squigs !

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Rogue Trader Ork Dreadnought - Orktober 2019

OK so this is orctober right ? And what do we do on orctober ? Celebrate my birthday and prepare for halloween right but more importantly ? ORCTOBER YEAH.
Like every year, I do like to paint something for the occasion and this year I had 2contenders. Lopedog decided for me though by sending me a gretchin pilot for my dreasdnought though, what an asshole right ? urgh...

Anyway, I knew I didn't want that to spoil me the fun of painting something big and noisy hence very orky : a dreadnought.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Ghazghkull Thraka and Makari

There are very few characters in the 40k universe that are as iconic as this one. As a matter of fact, it's only now that I'm typing these words that I do realise how Ghazghkull is a big chunk in many ways.
I've been meaning to paint this big fellow for a while now but only got to it now because I had the opportunity and someone had been kind enough to get me the model !

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Chaos orks and a complete Realm of Chaos Warband !

Just a week after Jon finished his warband, here is the last unit in my warband : the chaos orks !
I have to be honest and say I pretty much painted those guys along the minotaurs and the renegade but by painting the colours in the right order, I could progressively get some of the models out of the paint queue and get a feeling of progress !

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Monopose Monstrosities - 2nd edition 40k Gretchin

OK so there was a small challenge on a french FB hobby page and the subject was... monopose monstrosies...
For some reason I can hardly resist those kind of challenges especially when they give me the right motive to paint some stuff I want to paint but can't be arsed to. Anyway, that meant I knew immediately that I wanted to paint a 2nd ed gretchin because it has got to be one of the most evocative of those models.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Gerork - Just a regular ork from the G squad

Right, so for plenty of good reasons, I haven't got to sit and paint a model in a while so I took the opportunity to fix that this week !
This felt almost awkward after nearly two months so I decided to paint an ork because they're one of those happy places.
And because I wanted it to be festive I picked the most stupid ork I had in my collection : an ork farting in his hand /scratching his butt (never decided which it was).

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Zodgrod Wortsnagga - Orctober is here !

Well you know what month this is, not only my birth month, it's Orctober ! Now I've taken part in this Orctober challenge for 4 years now and I have to say I'm always looking forward to it !
I'll be honest with you here and admit I never was an orc fan in the first place but painting them has made me love them and now there a sort of happy hobby place I like to get occasion to go back to.
So like every year, I just needed the right excuse and this year it was provided by an absolute gent who sent me this bad boy.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Space dwarves Kickstarter !

Great news ! I've recently painted a bunch of space dwarves a bit before their release. Well I'm glad to say  these are finally ready to get on your tabletop !
Uscarl Miniatures and Kev Adams have combined their talents to offer you these wonderful even if somehow smelly and grumpy fellows.

The link to the kickstarter is HERE !

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

The sword of echoes - Undead champion of chaos

Quick one today with a model painted for a friend as a token of gratitude for his continued excellence and kindness. I've meant to paint him a little something for a while but never could find what to do until he just sent me tis guy along another that should get painted soon enough... ^^

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