Showing posts with label meh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meh. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2008

Oh My Goodness Gracious! Of All The Dramatic-

I didn't chime in on Chris W's Buzz Bissinger vs. Will Leitch post from last week because I hadn't yet seen the "Costas Now" segment in question. Today, I was at a friend's place who had DVRed it, so I decided to see what all the hullabaloo was about. (Is it on Youtube? Well, shit. Evidently I'm too stupid to realize that until... now.)

Anyways, all I can say is: barf.

Regardless of which side of the argument you personally find more appealing, it would be hard to disagree that Bissinger's performance and execution was flat out disastrous. I'm not talking about what he had to say- I'm just talking about how he said it. Despite obviously having spent a significant amount of time getting ready for the segment (what with his "Big Daddy Balls" printouts and extensive and complex questions for Leitch) he came off as woefully unprepared. He stumbled, he stuttered, he couldn't keep his cool, he was flustered almost the entire time. Hey Buzz- I understand it's a topic you find very compelling and important. But if you're going to appear on a nationally televised show to talk about it, you might want to make sure you can express your points without sounding like an out-of-control douche. Breathe deep, relax your shoulders, and talk like a grown up. Try keep your sentences to four clauses or less. Stop shouting and cursing at this man on your left that you've never met and who has done nothing to wrong you personally. Stop asking him six-part questions and not giving him a chance to answer them. And way to ask Leitch if he had ever ready any W.C. Heinz as your big opening salvo, obviously hoping he would not have. You pretentious ass. Even if he hadn't, that would prove... what, exactly?

I'm well aware that I am about 120 hours late for the party, and that this is old news already, and that 100% of the people likely to read this already know that Bissinger is a complete zero. But I was so surprised and how poorly he handled himself that I had to put this up. Real posting to resume tomorrow.

Last point- Bissinger's performance overshadowed the jackassery of Mike Wilbon, who more or less claimed in one of the pre-recorded segments that he doesn't respect most bloggers because they don't have "credentials." OK, buddy. You go on feeling that way. I'll be sure to take what you scream on PTI much more seriously than the musings of my well-spoken and well-informed sports fan friends, because you have credentials. That makes your speculation and opinions much more valid and legitimate.