A Bygone Era of Lazy Sportswriting
From the article "U.S-Algeria sets record for [online] viewers" by ESPN.com news services:
The World Cup match from South Africa was a throwback to a time when not all major sporting events happened during television's prime-time. Only an older generation remembers listening to World Series games on transistor radios at work or school.
Yes, I can remember all the way back to when the NCAA tournament games were played at 2pm on work days. It was a simpler time...
And we were trying different things
We were smoking funny things
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long
p.s. Yes, I'm aware of the irony of my complaining about lazy sportswriting with possibly the laziest post in FireJay history. Thank you.