Showing posts with label William King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William King. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 November 2012

FANTASY REVIEW: Warhammer Fantasy: Tyrion and Teclis 2: Sword of Caledor - William King

Release Date: 22/11/12


Tyrion – Unparalleled swordsman and tactician.

Teclis – Greatest natural sorcerer of the age, his power rivalling that of fabled Caledor.

Together these twins are the greatest high elf heroes to still walk the earth. Tyrion and Teclis venture into the deadly jungles of Lustria on a desperate hunt for the lost sword of Caledor Dragontamer, the fabled Sunfang. While they search for this ancient artefact, the dark elves continue their assault on Ulthuan, sending the deadly assassin Urian Poisonblade to kill the Everqueen. And in the Realm of Chaos, the Witch King Malekith makes a pact with another enemy of Tyrion and Teclis – the sinister daemon N’Kari.


Bill King has always been an author that I’ve enjoyed spending time with whether it was rereads of Felix and Gotrek or amusing myself with Beasts in Green Velvet, there has always been something that kept me glued to the pages (and whilst I’m on the subject can we please have a new Filthy Harold novel?) Yet whilst I absolutely loved Blood of Aenarion, this title not only left me wondering what had happened but how can you fail to bring over the magnificence of Tyrion and Teclis with so much available material to work from?

Don’t get me wrong here; I expect a second book to lull a little (as they’re usually planned in trilogies) but this felt more like filler rather than trying to further the heroes’ goals. Add to this lack of any furtherance of the overall plot, rather poor interaction between the characters, lacklustre requirements for action and back that up with what feels like a personality swap and all in I was left really disappointed with this story. I will read the final instalment as I really am hoping for something magnificent to finish it off but at the moment I’d suggest hanging on to your money and waiting for the compendium.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: The Macharian Crusade 1: Angel of Fire - William King

Release Date: 26/06/12


At the dawn of the forty-first millennium, Lord Commander Macharius and his forces embark upon the re-conquest of over a thousand worlds. A man of steel and fire, Macharius is the only one with the will to lead the massed armies of the Imperium to victory. As the crusade rolls onwards, it reaches the world of Karsk. In the city of Irongrad, the Imperial forces face the crusade's end, unless Macharius and his army can defeat the dreaded Angel of Fire.


The return of Bill King to Black Library has felt like a bit of a Coupe and with the artwork for his Blood of Aenarion having recently won the David Gemmell Ravenheart Award I was more than interested to see how he would do when he returned to the world of 40K after all a number of years have passed and legends have been made by many writers.

What unfurls as usual with Bill is a story that is cleverly crafted, wonderfully interwoven with intrigue and of course brings a realistic level of combat that the reader will be devouring at an unbelievable pace. Add to this accomplished prose and top notch dialogue and its almost as if he’s never been away. Great fun all in and a real joy to read.

Monday, 12 December 2011

FANTASY REVIEW: Warhammer Fantasy: Blood of Aenarion - William King

Release Date: 08/12/11


The twins Tyrion and Teclis are the greatest high elf heroes still to walk the earth. They are as different to one another as darkness and light.

Tyrion is an unparalleled swordsman, a superlative warrior and tactician from birth. He inspires courage and loyalty in those around him. Champion of the Everqueen, he is Ulthuan’s greatest protector.

Teclis’s gift is magic. The greatest natural sorcerer of the age, his power rivals that of fabled Caledor. Wise councillor of the high elves, Teclis was amongst those who first taught magic to the race of men and gave them the means to defend themselves against Chaos.

From their humble origin in the wild lands of Chrace, Tyrion and Teclis were meant for a great destiny. They come from the line of Aenarion, the first king of Ulthuan and cursed champion of that magical island.

When the Witch King Malekith learns of the twins’ existence their lives are imperilled and they are taken to Lothern for their protection and to learn the arts of war.


I have to admit that I originally came across William’s writing a good number of years ago with the first Felix and Gotrek novel and fell in love with it. So when I heard that he was writing a new series for the Black Library I was not only happy but also looking forward to see what would arrive. Especially when I learned he was dealing with two of the pointy eared ones greatest heroes in the Warhammer Universe, Tyrion and Teclis.

It’s a cracking story, woven with top notch prose, solid dragon flight pace and of course gives the reader all the glory and blood that they would want in a tale. It fits the universe well, the characters are solid and approachable for the reader and when you throw into the mix heroes that have flaws alongside great courage, it’s a title that fans have been clamouring for this epic duo for years. Magical.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Warhammer 40k: Space Wolf Omnibus 2 - William King, Lee Lightner


The Space Wolf Omnibus combines superb science-fiction drama with military battles on an epic scale, featuring the legendary hero Ragnar Blackmane.


It’ll come as no surprise but I’m an absolute huge fan of the Omnibus’ that BL release every so often as, for me, they’re pure entertainment at a knock down price. What you have in this offering is the handing off of one of the originators of the Warhammer 40k Universe to a Younger Author which happens seamlessly with no discernable changes in the characters personality and keeps up the explosive action that brought the BL to the worlds notice. Following the exploits of one of the most famous Space Wolves as war against mankinds foes take him from one end of the universe to another though various personal challenges and acts of brotherhood that demonstrate the sheer determnination and stubbornness that appeals to readers. Cracking value and something that is a must own for all WH40K fans.

Friday, 22 May 2009

FANTASY REVIEW: Felix and Gotrek Day - William King and Nathan Long

Gotrek and Felix Omnibus 1
After fleeing the authorities in the Imperial city of Altdorf, writer Felix Jaeger swears a drunken oath to the dwarf Gotrek Gurnisson to record his death saga. In the cold light of day, Felix’s worst fears are confirmed as he learns that Gotrek is a Trollslayer. Their travels throw them into a string of extraordinary adventures as Felix tries to survive his companion’s destiny.

Well if your a fan of the Black Library Warhammer world then the odds are you pretty much know the two principle protagonists either through their epic death quest (or rather Gotrek's Epic Death Quest, Felix is hoping to live through it) or from thier table top excursions from the Warhammer Fantasy Battle game. Here is the first book that features the two in a series of short stories that was to become thier humble beginnings. Definitely worth a read and with the short tales an easy to digest way to get into the series. Cracking stuff and great fun.

Set deep in the tunnels beneath the great city of Nuln, a dark evil has been unveiled. The foul skaven ratmen
will stop at nothing to bring chaos to the world above and fulfill the prophecies of their dark god. Having enlisted as sewer–jacks in the vain hope of keeping a low profile, Gotrek and Felix find themselves thrust into the thick of the action as they battle to foil the skaven’s dark schemes.


Another series of short stories featuring the double team of Felix Jaeger and Gotrek Gurnisson as they take on the might of the underempire of the Ratmen, who lead by their Grey Seer Thanquol (soon to have his own epic tale or Tail perhaps) seek the demise of the duo in any which way they can. Its fun, its got politics, it double deals and theres a great deal of the arterial stuff flowing as the slayers axe continues in its unquenchable thirst. Great stuff.

Gotrek & Felix join an expedition northwards to search for the long–lost dwarf hall of Karag Dum. Brand new edition with a stunning new cover.

The Third tale in the escapades of the duo and for the first time a complete story in one rather than a series of individual tales. It a
lso brings a host of unforgetable characters such as Malakai Makaisson and Snori Nosebiter (both Slayers themselves) as they journey to the Chaos Wastes to obtain fabulous Dwarven treasures from the hold of Karag Dum. What follows is a tale where the Skaven, chaos beasts and the slayers colide in an epic battle that more than one will come to regret and makes this the first full novel that really made the fans sit up and pay attention to the duo.

Gotrek and Felix Omnibus 2
Gotrek & Felix
are back aboard an arcane dwarf airship in search of a horde of gold – and its deadly guardian. Brand new edition with a stunning new cover.


Fresh from the Chaos wastes the duo seek to aid in the slaying of the might dragon Skjalandir who has awoken from his long slumber. Adding against the odds include the Orc's lead by Ugrek Manflayer and also Thanquol who continues to plot the duo's downfall. Add to the mix a touch of gold greed, doubting alternate heroes and a lovestory all into the mix and you've got a tale that will enthuse as well as take the reader on a journey of adventure worthy of the Slayer and his poet.

Storm clouds gather over the icy city of Praag as Gotrek & Felix stand against the raveging hordes of Chaos.

The chaos horde awaits the epic duo this time along with the Ice Queen, Katarina. An epic struggle ensues not just within the battle sequences but for the heart of the fair Ulrika between Felix and Max Schreiber the mighty battle wizard. Add to the mix a touch of the luckless Grey Seer Thanquol who has now been turned upon by his minion Lurk (who's built up his own army) and you have a story where worlds are set to collide and each character must fight for thier very soul.

Gotrek & Felix batt
le an ancient evil in darkest Sylvania. Failure could mean a new age of darkness throughout the Old World.

After dealing with the chaos horde and dark times are upon the city of Praag, the duo now have to face the undead as corpses drained of blood begin to appear on the city streets. Its touch and go as the duo set off to di
scover the cause which becomes an epic personal quest for Felix after the kidnapping of his love Ulrika by the very fiend that theyre seeking. A worthy tale and one that conjured up great enjoyment as the duo really do, what they do best.

Gotrek and Felix Omnibus 3
As the darkness gathers over the isle of Albion, foul creatures stalk the lands and the omens tell of a coming powerful enemy. Gotrek and Felix are compelled to fight the evil that terrorises the people before it can grow to threaten the whole world. With the aid of the high elf mage, Teclis, they must decipher and use the secrets of the Old Ones. Only then can they hope to vanquish the dark master.

Things have gone awry in the Warhammer world with each good race of the old world noticing that things have gone a bit pear shaped. Investigating the Chaos Sorcerers who last appeared in Beastslayer, Gotrek and Felix find themselves drawn into an epic struggle far beyond thier heads as another of the Warhammer worlds most famous wizards makes an ap
pearance, that of Teclis. United by a common bond and fighting the ancient hatred that flows through thier veins Gotrek and Teclis seek to put right what went wrong as an ancient evil is awoken by the chaos sorcerers seeking to undo what the ancients put in place. An epic worthy of investing in as the tale really will appeal to fans of Warhammer the world over.


Gotrek & Felix arrive back to the southern coast of the Old World to discover that the orcs are running rampant. With the Empire’s armies desperately fighting off a major Chaos invasion further inland, the lands are laid bare. To honour an ancient pledge, Gotrek agrees to help a dwarf prince reclaim his hold from the savage greenskin invaders who have overrun it, but the intrepid heroes find more than they bargain for in the cold depths of the mountains.


Back in the old world after their last excursion into the mist enshrouded world of Albion, Gotrek and Felix are back where a Dwarf loves to be, fighting the Greenskins in a battle set to light the world as an oath made long ago, returns to haunt the slayer. What makes this tale really enchanting is the way that the reader gets some backstory on Gotrek which makes him all the more mysterious and thus more of an enigma. Cracking stuff.

More rollicking adventure featuring the Black Library’s favourite fantasy duo.

Now back in t
he Empire following their sojourn overseas, Gotrek and Felix head north, to aid the men of the Empire in their fight against the invading Chaos hordes. Stopping off in Nuln, they meet up with dwarf engineer Malakai Makaisson, who is helping the Imperial war effort by transporting cannons to the frontline on his airship, the Spirit of Grugni. After a series of nasty accidents, it becomes clear that saboteurs are at work – can our heroes find the villains in time to save the day?

Nathan Long follows the huge success of Orcslayer with another action–packed instalment!

“Stand back, manling. This one’s mine…”

The continuing saga of the Warhammer worlds most prolific characters, the Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his "Rememberer" Felix Jager. Highly inventive and the fact that Nathan has taken over from Bill King really doesn't show in the writing style. The characters have remained the same, their speech always flowing well and the epic adventure contained within each novel will keep the reader glued to the very last page. The fact that their major adversary is still running (or should that be skittering) along really does aid and keep the reader more than happy a
llowing us all to see that the world to which these characters inhabit is not only deadly but that theres no such thing as a guaranteed outcome.

Dwarf Trollslayer Gotrek and his human companion Felix Jaeger, Warhammer’s most famous pair of heroes, head off to a new adventure in the latest novel of this best–selling fantasy series.

Gotrek and Felix reluctantly travel to Marienburg to fulfil a last request from Felix’s dying Father, however a chance meeting with their old acquaintance Max Schreiber sends them in a different direction entirely and right into the heart of danger. The Imperial wizard has been sent north to investigate some disturbing magical phenomena off the northern coast of the Empire. Pretty soon, the heroic duo and their companions find themselves caught up in a new adventure, fighting for their lives against the dark elves!


There aren't many fans of the Warhammer world that don't know of the exploits of Felix and Gotrek that's been thrilling fans since its original release in 1999 (although the tales that appear in Trollslayer were released in the 80's). If you haven't heard of the duo then Gotrek is the biggest failure as a Slayer known to the dwarves (basically because he's still breathing) who has battled everything from Trolls to Daemons, the Greenskins to Undead along with Dark Elves and Dragonkind. Here in their latest adventure (written by Nathan Long) they fight the Dark Elves who seek to retrieve one of the lost treasures of the elves and bring about the fall of the world. Wonderfully written with cracking dialogue it shows that whilst Nathan is relatively new to the characters, he has a made them his own bringing them to a new generation. As usual with Nathan's writing, its bolshy, its combat packed and above all it's a gripping ride to the last page.

And now a chance to glimpse at the next novel in the series, that of Shamanslayer, so heres the book p0rn to assail your senses with. Astute readers will also know that there is an audio novel for the series entitled Slayer of the Storm God. Since thats not part of the written series it has currently been ignored from this series of reviews.