Showing posts with label Stephen Amell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Amell. Show all posts

Monday, 23 September 2013

DVD REVIEW: Arrow Season 1: Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy - Warner Home Video

Release Date: 23/09/13
Publisher:  Warner Home Video


After being marooned for five years on a remote island, billionaire Oliver Queen returns home with a mysterious agenda and a lethal set of new skills that he uses in a war on crime in this hard-hitting action series. Reinventing the DC Comics character for a modern-day audience, the Arrow is not a superhero ... but a hero -- every bit as dangerous as the criminals he's hunting. After suffering unimaginable ordeals on the island, the Oliver returns to Starling City a new man -- determined to right the wrongs of his father and sworn to bring justice to those who've corrupted his city. But Oliver finds his crusade complicated by his friends and family. Overjoyed by his miraculous return, the Queen family nevertheless still trades on secrets that conflict with the Arrow's agenda. Oliver's return also affects his best friend, Tommy Merlyn, who will ultimately travel down a dark path; and the love of his life, Laurel Lance, who must somehow forgive Oliver before she can ever love him again. A dark and dangerous crime procedural with edge, intrigue and action, Oliver's story will be told from three perspectives: the Queen family, Oliver's harrowing ordeal on the island and the Arrow's adventures in Starling City. Showing all facets of the mysterious loner, this action drama follows the Oliver that disappeared, the one that returned and the one known as Arrow.


With a lot of modern retelling of a fair number of superhero origns I’ve always wondered when Oliver Queen would get a chance to step out into the fore on his own. After all being a person with powers might be fun, but it’s the guys that have to rly on human strengths as well as ingenuity that really whet my appetite, its one reason that I love Ironman, Batman and of course The Green Arrow.

What this series does is bring it up to modern times with a solid cast and of course a storyline that kicks butt. Yes the first few episodes were hit or miss but as the series progressed it was something that I not only looked forward to but seeing how they would deal with a whole range of options within, especially when you add modern policing into what is essentially a vigilante hunt. It works wonderfully well, the script is fast paced and when you also add into this the screen chemistry between the cast members it’s a series that you can get behind right from the get go.

All round a whole heap of fun and for me, the flashbacks to the island were definitely something that I enjoyed seeing as you got to understand how he became the man he was when he returned to society at the series beginning. Great stuff.