Showing posts with label James Maxey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Maxey. Show all posts

Monday, 23 July 2012

FANTASY REVIEW: Dragon Aocalypse 2: Hush - James Maxey

Release Date: 05/07/12


The invulnerable, super-strong warrior Infidel has a secret: she’s lost her magical powers right at the moment when she needs them most. To keep a promise to a fallen friend, she must journey to the frozen wastelands of the north.

Her quest leads her through the abstract realms of the Sea of Wine, where she uncovers a conspiracy that threatens all life. Hush, the primal dragon of cold, has formed an alliance with the ghost of a vengeful witch to murder Glorious, the dragon of the sun, plunging the world into an unending winter night.

Without her magical strength, can Infidel possibly survive her battle with Hush? If she fails to save Glorious, will the world see another morning?


I’ve had a lot of fun with James Maxey with his Dragon titles prior to this, the second instalment of the Dragon Apocalypse. What unfurls within is a story that fantasy readers will love with solid prose, some decent swordplay and did I mention the high point of magnificent breasts, I mean beasts. (Then again with James Maxey either applies. LOL)

Add to this a high octane pace backed up with an author who knows what the reader wants and gives it to them in spade which all in gives you a good bit of fun for your buck that will take readers of a certain age back to the Forgotten Realms days.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

FANTASY REVIEW: Dragon Apocalpse 1: Greatshadow - James Maxey

Release Date: 02/02/12


Greatshadow is the primal dragon of fire, an elemental evil whose malign intelligence spies upon mankind through every candle flame, waiting to devour any careless victim he can claim. The Church of the Book has assembled a team of twelve battle-hardened adventurers to slay the dragon once and for all. But tensions run high between the leaders of the team who view the mission as a holy duty and the superpowered mercenaries who add power to their ranks, who view the mission primarily as a chance to claim Greatshadow's vast treasure trove. If the warriors fail to slay the beast, will they doom mankind to death by fire?


Having read the previous titles by James, I really was looking forward to this title. It had all the elements I wanted, solid fight sequences, heroes of epic proportions and of course a plotline that doesn’t let up from the start to the end. All that and more was present within and when you add solid prose alongside characters you care about, its really a tale that’s hard to put down.

All in, this tale took me back to my Forgotten Realm days and reminded me how much I miss some of those titles. Thanks to James and Solaris for bringing back not only fond memories but also allowing giving me another series to treasure.