Showing posts with label Elizabeth Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elizabeth Bear. Show all posts

Monday, 31 October 2016

FANTASY REVIEW: Iskryne Trilogy 3: An Apprentice to Elves - Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette

Release Date: 13/10/15


Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear return with the third book in their Iskryne trilogy, "An Apprentice to Elves." The trilogy began with "A Companion to Wolves," and continued in "The Tempering of Men." This novel picks up the story of Alfgyfa, a young woman who has been raised in the Wolfhall by her father Isolfr, who is the human leader of the queen-wolf Viridechtis' pack, and was the protagonist of the first book.

The warrior culture of Iskryne forbids many things to women-and most especially it forbids them bonding to one of the giant telepathic trellwolves. But as her father was no ordinary boy, Alfgyfa is no ordinary girl. Her father has long planned to send his daughter to Tin, a matriarch among the elves who live nearby, to be both apprentice and ambassador, and now she is of age to go.


I love a story that takes me away and that's exactly what this title from Elizabeth and Sarah did for me. The writing is crisp, you can't see a change in writing styles from where each author added their own work and the whole story is cohesive with cracking prose.

Back this up with some solid dialogue, a superb cast of supporting characters alongside a lead that really has you loving your time with her especially when she's amongst an "alien" culture, all round makes this a book that was a pure joy to spend time with. Magic

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

FANTASY REVIEW: Tor's Years Best Fantasy 9 - Ed. David G Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer


Those exiles and rebels determined to bring peace to Lescar discover the true cost of war. Courage and friendships are tested to breaking point.
Twenty-eight doses of wonder. From the distant past to the present day, from Antarctica and Mars to worlds that never were, the tales in this book bring news from nowhere-and everywhere. Fantasy is a mode of storytelling, a method of entertainment, a mode of argument, and a way of seeing. Here, presented by two of the most distinguished anthologists of the day, are twenty-eight stories that see, tell, argue, and entertain.


With the genre being what it is, every fan has a firm favourite author that they’ll buy as they know that they’ll get pure quality for their buck. What adds to this offering is the sheer talent within the pages giving the reader as wide a taste of the genre as the colours on a spectrum. It’s a great way for readers to try authors that they’ve heard of but not wanted to spend the money on as they’re unsure in order to get a taster of the talent out there. A great offering and definitely a format that I highly approve of, wishing that a great many more publishers would release into as the sheer scope at times, makes affording so many quality novels difficult.