Showing posts with label Christopher Moore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christopher Moore. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

URBAN FANTASY REVIEW: Vampire Trilogy 3: Bite Me - Christopher Moore

Release Date: 03/02/11


Abby is dedicated to turning herself into a vampire. Her boyfriend Steve is researching a serum to turn the undead back into mortals. Chet ? an enormous vampire cat ? is busy turning the stray cats of San Francisco into vampiric kitties. And vampire lovers Jody and Tommy are imprisoned in a bronze statue and have to try to escape ...In the unpredictable, blood-sucking, thrillingly paranormal San Francisco Christopher Moore has created, a love story unfolds that has real warmth and bite.


The third book in Chris’ Vampire Trilogy and of the two that I’ve read the best. Picking up where the previous title pretty much left off (well five weeks later) the key protagonist in this title is Abby Normal (yep Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein joke right there) who as minion and emergency Countess of the City Bay area to the city’s two Bronzed Vampires seeks to survive a humdrum existence as well as battling Vampire Kitties. Its definitely fun and returns to Chris’ earlier humour that I felt was missing from the previous book (You Suck.)

Add to this some great cameo’s from the supporting cast, some wonderful twists backed with some cunningly crafted turns and the reader has a treat in store, especially if you’re seeking something a little different to a lot of the Vamp fiction out there.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

URBAN FANTASY REVIEW: You Suck - Christopher Moore


Being undead sucks. Literally. Just ask C. Thomas Flood. Waking up after a fantastic night unlike anything he's ever experienced, he discovers that his girlfriend, Jody, is a vampire. And surprise! Now he's one, too. For some couples, the whole biting-and-blood thing would have been a deal breaker. But Tommy and Jody are in love, and they vow to work through their issues. But word has it that the vampire who initially nibbled on Jody wasn't supposed to be recruiting. Even worse, Tommy's erstwhile turkey-bowling pals are out to get him, at the urging of a blue-dyed Las Vegas call girl named (duh) Blue. And that really sucks.


I’ve loved Chris’ offering since I was first presented with The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove. His previous books have wit and don’t take themselves too seriously as they firmly poke the tongue out at conventional fiction. However, I’ve never read a book that so aptly described my feelings in the title. This book, did indeed Suck.

Had I paid for this novel I’d have felt extremely cheated given that I’d have bought it due to knowing the quality I’ve come to expect from this author, after all its not a first offering or even a third. The characters didn’t seem to gel, they had quirks that made them rather annoying and others seemed to be added just to pad the novel out instead of doing what this novel was crying out for and turn it into a reasonable novella rather than a full story. It was disjointed, the writing pretty sloppy and to be honest an ending that was just there to tie it up quickly rather than have a showdown like I’d have expected from this type of novel. I just hope that this was a one off as if the next book is as weak as this I’ll have serious problems about moving him up my TBR pile if not to just plainly ignore him.