Showing posts with label E-Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E-Book. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

BOOK NEWS: Finding Your Favourite Authors Ebooks just got easier - Hachette Group UK.

Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, 
Our friends at the Hachette Group have let us know about the ease of accessing all thier ebooks, here's the press release:

"Gateway, an imprint of the Orion Publishing Group and sister company to the UK's oldest science fiction publisher Gollancz, is an eBook publisher of classic SF and Fantasy.  It is part catalogue site, highlighting and promoting the thousands of eBooks; part gateway to online retailers from whom these eBooks can be bought; part social network for readers who wish to discuss and recommend authors.

Gateway's parent company, the Orion Publishing Group is owned by the Hachette UK Group, which also owns Little, Brown, Hodder & Stoughton and Headline publishers, among others. Little, Brown is home to one of the UK's major SFF imprints, Orbit, who publish such genre heavyweights as Iain M. Banks, Terry Brooks, David Gemmell, Robert Jordan and Elizabeth Moon. Hodder & Stoughton and Headline are also home to some hugely respected writers of the fantastic, such as Jean M. Auel, Ben Bova and Jack McDevitt, and share Robert A. Heinlein, and Harry Turtledove with Gateway.

In Gateway’s on-going efforts to make the website the ultimate source of classic SF and Fantasy, the imprint are delighted to welcome an outstanding selection of authors from Orbit, Hodder & Stoughton and Headline to the site.

The full list of new authors, whose works are live on the Gateway site from today, includes:

Jean M. Auel
Iain M. Banks
Ben Bova
David Brin
Terry Brooks
Orson Scott Card
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Celia Friedman
David Gemmell
Tom Holt
Robert Jordan
Richard Laymon
Ken MacLeod
Gregory Maguire
Jack McDevitt
Elizabeth Moon

We can't wait to go back and reread some of these classics,

Gareth and Lady Eleanor

Monday, 24 June 2013

FANTASY SERIES REVIEW: Acts of Caine 1-4: Heroes Die, Blade of Tyshalle, Caine Black Knife, Caine's Law - Matthew Stover

Release Date: 27/05/13
Publisher:  Orbit

Two worlds. One killer.

Renowned throughout the land of Ankhana, the assassin Caine has killed his share of monarchs and commoners, villains and heroes. He is relentless, unstoppable, the best at what he does.

At home in the real world, Caine is Hari Michaelson, a superstar whose adventures in Ankhana command an audience of billions. Yet he's shackled by a rigid caste society, bound to ignore the grim fact that he kills men on a far-off world for the entertainment of his own planet.

But now Michaelson has crossed the line. His estranged wife has disappeared in the slums of Ankhana. To save her, he must confront the greatest challenge of his life: a lethal game of cat and mouse with the most treacherous rulers of two worlds.

Welcome to the world of Caine: Assassin. Hero. Superstar . . .

OK this is the first book in a series that has been released in the US quite a while ago and whilst I was sold on the premise I found it a little difficult to get into to begin with due having to adapt to the set up. Don’t get me wrong it’s a story that has a lot going for it, you’ve got great action sequences, magical spells, assassinations and of course poltical double dealing that will not only make your head spin but also open the viewers eyes to a world that they wouldn’t have expected.

Its cleverly written, the prose is sharp and of course being set in the first person mode (not only from Caine but when we also view events through other “players” eyes_ it’s a book that works great on so many levels.

Yet whilst I did enjoy this and got really into it, the bug bear of the original set up (where we’re flitting from fantasy world to “real” world was what took me a while to figure out especially when you’re just jumping and wondering why a lot of what’s just occurred doesn’t seem to make sense until you’ve read quite a bit further. All in, don’t let this little hiccup put you off, it’s a cracking start to what I hope is going to be a great series but I can only wait and see.

Release Date: 27/05/13
Publisher:  Orbit

The perfect assassin, the perfect revenge.

On Earth, Hari Michaelson was a superstar. But on Overworld, he was the assassin Caine. Real monarchs lived and died at his hands and entire governments were overthrown - all for the entertainment of millions back on Earth.

But now Hari, stripped of his identity as Caine, must fight his greatest battle: against the powerful corporate masters of Earth and the faceless masses who are killing everything he loves. Enemies old and new array themselves against him. And Hari is just one man - alone, half-crippled, powerless.

They say he doesn't have a chance. They are wrong.

Welcome to the world of Caine: Assassin. Hero. Superstar . . .

The second title in the series and one that goes to show that Caine is in for not only a world of hurt but one that will have him ducking and diving, utilising all his hard earned skills to aid his survival. As with the first the characters are stunning, the pose sharp and all round with the story arc was something that I just couldn’t put down.

Add to this almost magical storytelling, some great twists and an author who knows how to hook the reader not only with the stunning set up but emotionally into the character all round makes this a must read for me as a fantasy fan. Great stuff.

Release Date: 27/05/13
Publisher:  Orbit

Redemption casts a bloody shadow

On Overworld, Caine was an assassin without peer - a legendary killer known as the Blade of Tyshalle. Back on Earth, Caine was Hari Michaelson, an actor whose bloodthirsty adventures in the Overworld made him superstar. In his last adventure, Caine almost single-handedly defeated and exterminated the fiercest of all tribes: the Black Knives. But the shocking truth of what happened during that vicious battle has never been revealed . . . until now.

Years later, Caine returns to the scene of his greatest triumph - some would say greatest crime - at the request of his adopted brother, the last of the Black Knives. But where Caine goes, danger follows, and he soon finds himself fighting for his life against impossible odds, with the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance. Just the way Caine likes it.

Welcome to the world of Caine: Assassin. Hero. Superstar . . .

OK, this one takes a slightly different direction as fantasy meets old fashioned detective storytelling as the tale is told from two separate viewpoints. It’s got some cracking twists, amalgamates both types of stereotype wonderfully and as usual gives the readers characters that they will not only care about but follow to the ends of the earth.

Add to the mix solid pace, almost cinematic prose and all round, when added to what has gone before will leave the reader demanding more especially with that final twist. A great book all round.

Release Date: 27/05/13
Publisher:  Orbit

Some laws you break. And some break you. And then there's Caine's Law.

The assassin Caine: a civilized man who embraced savagery, an actor whose life was a lie, a force of destruction so potent that even gods thought twice about crossing him. Now the legendary killer is back for his most stunning and bloodthirsty performance yet.

Caine is washed up and hung out to dry, a crippled husk kept isolated and restrained by the studio that exploited him. Now they have dragged him back for one last deal. But Caine has other plans. Those plans take him back to Overworld, the alternate reality where gods are real and magic is the ultimate weapon. There, in a violent odyssey, Caine will face the demons of his past, find true love, and just possibly destroy the universe.

Welcome to the world of Caine: Assassin. Hero. Superstar . . .

The final part in the series for me for now and to be honest it’s one that I’ve devoured with quite a pace. Yet for all the glee I’ve had at holding each title, Caine, the principle character, has been getting not only a bum deal but has been getting life with a bigger handful of crap on each outing.

Its deplorable what an author will do to a character that readers love, yet it not only works well in the book but gives the reader a semblance of control as they get to see the “hero” fight against the machine that holds not only the fate of Overworld in one hand but the minds of those within our own.

Its cleverly written, has an absolute ton of magical moments within and the reader will feel that they more than get their money’s worth by tales end which when added to the authors no holds barred style of storytelling really makes you, as the viewer, feel very specially to have been allowed to be part of it. All round a cracking book and a series that has been an absolute star from the start.

Friday, 21 June 2013

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Warhammer 40K: Down Amongst the Dead Men - Steve Lyons

Release Date: 14/03/13
Publisher:  Black Library


On the nightmare world of Krieg, the elite Death Korps practise their killing arts against the only enemy they have available: those among the population unsuitable to join the regiments of the Imperial Guard. In the midst of a live-fire exercise, one of these human targets disobeys orders and follows the trail of a mysterious alien beast, one that could spell doom for all of Krieg if it is not stopped...


I love a 40K story that takes the reader deep into the human side of the eternal wars of Mankind in the name of the Emperor and for me as a reader that’s exactly what this tale by Steve Lyons does well. Whilst this title has been out for a while, its great that some of the amazing back catalogue is being brought to the reader through their e-reader.

It’s solid, has a cracking pace and when added to characters that keep you not only grounded but moving towards the goal all round makes this a book that really helps bring the Imperial Guard to the fore. Great stuff.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

FANTASY REVIEW: Warhammer Fantasy: Gilead's Blood - Dan Abnett, Nik Vincent

Release Date: 11/04/13
Publisher:  Black Library


Gilead Lothain, shadowfast warrior and last of the line of Tor Anrok, travels the land slaking his thirst for vengeance on the dark creatures that stalk the forests and mountains of the Old World. With his faithful retainer Fithvael at his side, the doom-laden Gilead battles corrupt humans, beastmen, warriors of the Dark Gods and more in this collection of action-packed tales.


Another early cracker from the Black Library brought from the past to the reader which demonstrates why Abnett is such a huge talent in the industry. Add to this great storytelling, a crackingly polished lead character that the reader will just want to spend time around which when added to solid prose, great pace and of course enough combat to keep all readers sated all round makes this a cracking release. A great read and one that I was more than pleased to enjoy again.

Monday, 11 February 2013

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Warhammer 40K: Commissar - Andy Hoare

Release Date: 17/01/13


Deployed to the prison planet of Furia Penitens to quell a violent uprising, the 77th Vostroyan Firstborn regiment of the Imperial Guard find themselves in a precarious position. The rebels are in a fortified prison-hive, all but impenetrable. A disgrace suffered by their forebears haunts them. And they hate their new commissar... Can Commissar Flint bring them victory and restore their reputation, or will the 77th fail again?


The guardians of faith for the Imperial Guard bring a new hero to the fore in Commissar Flint as he seeks to save an imperilled world from its own stupidity as familial ties conflict against the edicts of the God-Emperor. It’s definitely something pretty hard core and if you love a story of troops on the ground slogging their way through dirt, blood, guts and other body parts facing huge odds whilst seeking their own redemption then this is the book for you.

Andy really brings the grunt work to the fore in this outing and with a Commissar like Flint, its definitely a hero I’m more than prepared to follow who believes in getting stuck in amongst the troopers regarded as Cannon Fodder by their superiors. Add to this cracking battle sequences, some wonderful turns of phrase, solid politicking and mix it all up with a real kick ass story and you’ll be gasping for more. Add to the mix some additional characters who you feel will help make up Flint’s personal dirty dozen which blended with a touch of Sharpe and all round you’ll; be in heaven. Great stuff.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Warhammer 40K Short Story E-Book: Battle Brothers - Gav Thorpe

Release Date: 17/01/13


As the battle-brothers of Fifth Company struggle to keep the Chaos-worshipping forces of the Unworthy at bay in the warrens of Port Imperial, it falls to the elite warriors of the Ravenwing to hunt a mysterious traitor, one of the Fallen. What awaits Sergeant Cassiel and his Black Knights squad in the depths of the corrupted space station?


Whilst I love short stories, there are some that just don’t hit the spot for me and sadly that was the case with this outing from Gav Thorpe as his Biker marines tale felt not only convoluted but sadly unfulfilled with characters which didn’t leap from the page to my imagination. Whilst the story had a lot of high octane action and of course a huge body count, the overall effect felt more about getting one line out at the tales end rather than delivering something special to add to the marine mythos.

All round, whilst it was OK, it didn’t excite me in quite the same way as other BL short stories have done and whilst it is quite cheap I’d advise saving the money and going for something more hard-core like Andy Hoare’s Commissar. That really was something epic.

SCIENCE FICTION SHORT STORY REVIEW: Horus Heresy: Dark Heart - Anthony Reynolds

Release Date: 28/01/13


When the Word Bearers launched their surprise assault on Calth, it marked the beginning of their righteous campaign of vengeance against the hated Ultramarines Legion. But for one young acolyte of Kor Phaeron, it is not the sons of Guilliman that he seeks to bring low - through infernal pacts and daemonic power he strives to carve out a destiny for himself in the midst of the greatest war that the galaxy has ever seen. The name of Marduk shall be spoken with awe for millennia still to come...


The Forces of Chaos are at the forefront of this short story by Anthony Reynolds as he takes the darker path giving the reader the opportunity to see how those Acolytes of the Ruinous Powers see to not only raise their own standing but demonstrate that no man will stand in their way.

Back this up with solid prose, some great combat that demonstrates how brutal the war is between the Warriors of Man and those of Chaos and all round it’s a short story that will give you that dark chilling edge as you sit there travelling to your destination.