Release Date: 04/06/15
Publisher: Bodley Head
The first book in the exhilarating new fantasy sequence from Joseph Delaney, the multi-million-selling author of The Spook's Apprentice - the inspiration for the movie SEVENTH SON.
Welcome to Arena 13. Here warriors fight. Death is never far away . . .
Leif has one ambition: to become the best fighter in the notorious Arena 13. Here, punters place wagers on which fighter will draw first blood. And in grudge matches, they bet on which fighter will die.
But the country is terrorized by the creature Hob, an evil being who delights in torturing its people, displaying his devasting power by challenging an Arena 13 combatant in a fight to the death whenever he chooses. And this is exactly what Leif wants . . .
For he knows Hob's crimes well. and at the heart of his ambition burns the desire for vengeance. Leif is going to take on the monster who destroyed his family. Even if it kills him.
I’m a huge fan of Joseph’s Spooks series so when I found out he had a new one out I couldn’t wait to see what he would bring to the fore. Here within this book is a title that works on Joseph’s strengths as his new principle character has strength, smarts and of course a goal within the pages.
The action is wonderful, the dialogue works well and when you throw into the mix prose that keeps you glued from the first page to the last and all round, this new series will delight fantasy fans as much as Joseph’s own. Cracking.
A place to find out author interviews along with book reviews of thier works in the following genres: science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, crime, horror, history, arts and crafts, hobby, true life, real life, autobiography, zombie, paranormal, demons, vampires, religion and spirituality, thriller, mystery, psychological thriller, spy tory, techno thriller, humour.
Showing posts with label Joseph Delaney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph Delaney. Show all posts
Friday, 4 September 2015
Friday, 5 September 2014
YOUNG ADULT REVIEW: Spooks: A New Darkness - Joseph Delaney
Release Date: 05/06/14
Publisher: Bodley Head
Girls are dying in mysterious circumstances...They are found dead in their beds, covered in blood, with a look of pure horror on their faces. Worse still, their ghosts are left to walk the earth, just waiting for someone to hear the terror that has befallen them. Thomas Ward is the local spook - it's his job to protect the county from things that go bump in the night. But this is no ordinary haunting, and he finds himself on the path of a dangerous beast that is looking to kill again. He soon realizes this beast is just the beginning. An army of monsters is massing in the north, and it poses a threat to all mankind. This is the first terrifying tale in the Starblade Chronicles, from the bestselling author of The Spook's Apprentice.
There’s always something wonderful about a brand new series set in an established world and with the passing of his Master, Thomas Ward is now “the Counties” Spook.
Weaving a wonderfully rich opening tale into this established world, Joseph allows Tom to make his own way and errors as he learns to fill the role. It’s definitely a series I’ve had a lot of fun reading and when you’ve driven some of the roads on dark nights, boggarts, spirits and monster can feel all too real. Add to this subtle shades of grey alongside a host of new supporting cast members and all round you’re in for a treat.
Publisher: Bodley Head
Girls are dying in mysterious circumstances...They are found dead in their beds, covered in blood, with a look of pure horror on their faces. Worse still, their ghosts are left to walk the earth, just waiting for someone to hear the terror that has befallen them. Thomas Ward is the local spook - it's his job to protect the county from things that go bump in the night. But this is no ordinary haunting, and he finds himself on the path of a dangerous beast that is looking to kill again. He soon realizes this beast is just the beginning. An army of monsters is massing in the north, and it poses a threat to all mankind. This is the first terrifying tale in the Starblade Chronicles, from the bestselling author of The Spook's Apprentice.
There’s always something wonderful about a brand new series set in an established world and with the passing of his Master, Thomas Ward is now “the Counties” Spook.
Weaving a wonderfully rich opening tale into this established world, Joseph allows Tom to make his own way and errors as he learns to fill the role. It’s definitely a series I’ve had a lot of fun reading and when you’ve driven some of the roads on dark nights, boggarts, spirits and monster can feel all too real. Add to this subtle shades of grey alongside a host of new supporting cast members and all round you’re in for a treat.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
INTERVIEW: Joseph Delaney

Falcata Times: Writing is said to be something that people are afflicted with rather than gifted and that it's something you have to do rather than want. What is your opinion of this statement and how true is it to you?
Joseph Delaney: I enjoy writing and I want to do it. Everybody is different but that is the truth for me. It was my hobby for many years and now I write for a living. What could be better than that?
FT: When did you realise that you wanted to be a writer?
JDL: Probably when I was in my twenties but I easily gave up in those days and was put off by rejections. I got an agent in 1990 and from then on I took writing a lot more seriously and really worked at it despite the rejections.
FT: It is often said that if you can write a short story you can write anything. How true do you think this is and what have you written that either proves or disproves this POV?
JDL: I do find short stories harder to write than novels. For the first time I have just finished a short story collection (‘Spook’s Stories: Witches’) and each of them proved hard to write and could more easily have been developed into a larger piece of fiction.
FT: If someone were to enter a bookshop, how would you persuade them to try your novel over someone else's and how would you define it?
JDL: I would never try to persuade anybody to read my book over someone else’s. I give talks in bookshops but just concentrate on my own books but sometime suggest they might like such a book (for example, John Flanagan’s ‘The Ranger’s Apprentice’) if they like mine.
FT: How would you "sell" your book in 20 words or less?
JDL: I wouldn’t. You can pitch a film in 20 words or less but books are more complex than that. When giving talks I need at least 30 minutes to sell my books.
FT: Who is a must have on your bookshelf and whose latest release will find you on the bookshops doorstep waiting for it to open?
JDL: I don’t have any ‘must haves’ but certain books hook me so that I want to read more. I’ve just read Sergei Lukyanenko’s ‘The Day Watch’ and next time I go into a bookshop I’ll buy another in the series.
FT: When you sit down and write do you know how the story will end or do you just let the pen take you? ie Do you develop character profiles and outlines for your novels before writing them or do you let your idea's develop as you write?
JDL: I put ideas into a big envelope over a period of months and when enough pieces are in place I start to write letting my ideas develop slowly and relying on dreams and inspiration.
FT: What do you do to relax and what have you read recently?.
JDL: To relax, I walk, watch football, day-dream, travel and read.
I have just read John Steinbeck’s ‘The Winter of Our Discontent’. I’d run out of fantasy to read and it’s been on my bookshelf for years. I read it and enjoyed it. It’s good to step outside your usual genre.
FT: What is your guiltiest pleasure that few know about?
JDL: Everyone needs a secret so I’m going to keep mine.
FT: Lots of writers tend to have pets. What do you have and what are their key traits (and do they appear in your novel in certain character attributes?)
JDL: I had a cat once. I like their independence and weird stare. The Spook has a cat-bogart and at some point one of my witches will probably have one as her familiar.
FT: Which character within your latest book was the most fun to write and why?
JDL: One of the witch stories tells of Alice Deane and her first week of training by Bony Lizzie. I suddenly realised just how ruthless Alice could be. I enjoyed writing that story.
FT: How similar to your principle protagonist are you?
JDL: There is certainly a bit of me in both Tom and the Spook. I share the Spook’s attitude and beliefs in many ways. Despite his seeming dislike of priests this hides a more complex truth. He is very tolerant and believes that each person has a right to find his or her own way to the light.
FT: What hobbies do you have and how do they influence your work?
JDL: Walking gives me landscapes; reading teaches me to write. Every time you read a book you are learning the skills of plotting, dialogue and characterisation. That’s why it’s good to read different things and not just confine oneself to the same genre.
FT: Where do you get your idea's from?
JDL: From dreams, flashes of inspiration and my notebook jottings.
FT: Do you ever encounter writers block and if so how do you overcome it?
JDL: Occasionally I do falter but then leave the writing for a few days and usually return refreshed to find the problem has solved itself.
FT: Certain authors are renowned for writing at what many would call uncivilised times. When do you write and how do the others in your household feel about it?
JDL: When working full time as a teacher I used to get up at 6am and write until 7.30am before going to work. That worked well for me. Now I have all day in which to write so it isn’t a problem.
FT: Sometimes pieces of music seem to influence certain scenes within novels, do you have a soundtrack for your tale or is it a case of writing in silence with perhaps the odd musical break in-between scenes?
JDL: No, I prefer to work in silence but if there is unavoidable music or background noise I can usually manage to concentrate and ignore it.
FT: What misconceptions, if any, did you have about the writing and publishing field when you were first getting started?
JDL: I thought it would be easy to get published. I thought my books were good but they were awful. I didn’t realise just how long a struggle it would be.
FT: If music be the food of love, what do you think writing is and please explain your answer?
JDL: Writing is the food of the imagination. When I read it stirs my imagination and takes me to other worlds. When I write, hopefully, I do the same for at least some of my readers.
FT: What can you tell us about the next novel?
JDL: I’m still putting ideas into a big envelope but ‘The Spook’s Nightmare’ involves a struggle against a shaman, a buggane and the return of that dangerous malevolent witch, Bony Lizzie.
FT: What are the last five internet sites that you've visited?
JDL: Google; Supanet; Facebook; Spooksbooks and Amazon.
FT: Did you ever take any writing classes or specific instructions to learn the craft? If so please let us know which ones.
JDL: I have taken part in writing workshops and once considered doing an MA in creative writing. I asked a friend if he thought doing the MA would make me a better writer. He replied that it might but it would certainly make me a different writer. I didn’t want to change so I carried on in the same way and I’m now glad that I did.

JDL: I just kept at it and developed a thick skin. Having and agent helped because she gave me encouragement. So did my wife, Marie, who always thought that I’d make it one day. Over ten years and more than 96 rejections later I finally got published.
FT: In your opinion, what are the best and worst aspects of writing for a living?
JDL: I like all of it: the writing, the re-drafting, the dreaming, the thinking, the promoting and the signing. Sometime though, after a few weeks of solid events you get tired and can’t face the thought of another train journey. It soon passes though and I’m already looking forward to my next book tour.
YOUNG ADULT REVIEW: The Spook's Stories: Witches - Joseph Delaney

This is a fabulous collection of stories based on many of the witches from Joseph Delaney's Spooks books. Ever wondered why the Spook doesn't trust girls who wear pointy shoes? Or why Grimalkin became the Assassin for the Malkin Witch clan? Find out all this and more in this a dark and eerie collection. You don't have to know the Spook's books to enjoy the stories. They're all standalone and absolutely haunting. This is a perfect introduction to the world of "The Spook's Apprentice". But for any fans of the series out there, this collection will be a must-have.
With a successful series to his name, there’s been plenty of questions left that readers have demanded answers to but perhaps the one that has been cried out the most often is: “How do I get into this series, there is so much out there that I’d drown as soon as I put my foot in?”
Well worry no longer my little bookwyrm. For Joseph has written a book that allows you the chance to get some background as well as the chance to dive in head first without losing any of the angles or his trademark storytelling but also allows you to see if his work is the thing for you. It’s beautifully constructed, has nice, easy to manage tales and above all only seeks to bring the reader deeper into the world without confusing them. Ideal material and with the fun I had with this offering, I will definitely be checking out the other books in the series as I can’t believe I missed this much fun.
Friday, 2 October 2009

Hail Mighty Readers,
Every so often we're going to be doing something special, this time its going to be a Young Adult week where we get to feature some of the talent out there. Next time it'll be Halloween Week where you get the Halloween themed titles but for now here's what we have coming up this week:
Well we wanted to do something special next week so we've devoted it entirely to Young Adult authors. Here's who's coming up:
05/10/09 - Interview: Rick Yancey
05/10/09 - The Monstrumologist: The Terror Beneath
05/10/09 - Leviathan - Scott Westerfeld
06/10/09 - Interview: Steve Augarde
06/10/09 - X-Isle - Steve Augarde
06/10/09 - Dogshead - Jill Marshall
07/10/09 - Interview: Joseph Delaney
07/10/09 - The Spook Stories: Witches
07/10/09 - Mapmakers Monsters 2: Vampanther Attack - Rob Stevens
08/10/09 - Interview: Rick Riordan
08/10/09 - Percy Jackson Day
09/10/09 - Interview: Nancy Farmer
09/10/09 - The Sea of Trolls, The Land of Silver Apples - Nancy Farmer
Thursday, 10 September 2009
NEWS: Stop Press Author Tours
Hail Mighty Readers,
We've been doing a round up of our blog pals to see which of them are where shortly to sign thier books for you. Here's what we've uncovered:
Andy Remic: There are some impending book signings coming up, starting with Waterstones, Bury, on 12th September at 1pm, to mark the launch of Kell’s Legend. Woo! Can’t wait. (This is followed by signings and readings at Nottingham (including FantasyCon), Leeds, York, Manchester and London… dates TBA)… unless that scoundrel Lee adds some more to my already bulging timetable!!
Bernard Cornwell: I will be appearing at the Tank Museum on Thursday 15 October 2009 as part of their evening 'Out of Hours' programme. The programme begins at 7.30 pm and the entry fee is £12.50.
Bill Hussey: Will be hosting the meeting at Waterstones Boston (16th September, 7-8pm) as local fans digest his latest offering. For more information ring: 01205 360002
Charlie Higson: Will be doing signings at: Waterstone's Reading Oracle on Friday 11 September at 6pm (0118 9503400)
Dacre Stoker: Will be "misting" into Waterstones Picadilly on Monday 28th September at 7PM (Sunset is interestingly enough 6:38pm) to sign his new novel, the official sequel to Dracula entitled "Dracula: The undead" More details: 020 851 2400
Dan Abnett: Will be doing a massive tour of the north, dates are: Friday 16th October, Games Workshop Metrocentre, Gateshead, 0191 461 0950
Saturday 17th October: 11-12.30 Games Workshop Edinburgh 0131 220 6540 1-2pm Waterstone's Edinburgh West End, 0131 226 2666
Sunday 18th October 11.30 - 12.30 Games Workshop FalkirK, 01324 624 553 3-4pm GW Glasgow, 0141 221 1673
Monday 19th October 1-2pm Waterstone's Leeds 0113 244 4588 3 - 4pm TravellingMan. 0113 242 7227
Derek Landy: Will be appearing at Waterstones Liverpool One on Tuesday, 13 October 2009, 4:30PM - 5:30PM to sign the latest offering in his Skulduggery Pleasant series. For more info call: 01517099820
Eoin Colfer: Will be appearing all over the place in order to promote the new Hitchhiker novel "And Another Thing":
11/10/09, London Hitchcon’09
12/10/09 Glasgow, 18.40-19.30 Glasgow Film Theatre 01413328128
13/10/09 Birmingham, 13.30 Borders (Bullring Shopping Centre) 01216161094 19.15 The Inkpot, Cheltenham Literature Festival 08445768979
14/10/09 Cambridge, 13.00 The Cambridge Union Society, 0122335168 18.00-19.00 Forbidden Planet 02078031900
15/10/09 Manchester 13.00 Waterstones Deansgate 01618391248 20.00 The Contact Theatre, Manchester, 01612740600
Iain M Banks: Will be appearing at the following locations to promote his new book Transition:
10/09/09: Horsecross, Perth 19.00 0738 621031
14/09/09: The Roundhouse, London, 19.30
15/09/09: St Etheldreda's Church, Ely, 19.30
16/09/09: Topping and Company, Bath, 19.30
03/10/09: Forbidden Planet, London 13.00
Ian Rankin: Will be appearing all over the country, some to sign his first Hellblazer Graphic novel, Dark Entries:
11/09/09: Waterstones Perth 13.00-14.00 01738630012 University of Dundee. 19.00 01382200322
12/09/09: WH Smiths, Gyle, Edinburgh 12.30-13.30 01313398855 Borders Kiniard, Edinburgh 15.00-16.00 01316574041
14/09/09: Stirling Festival Open Night Event, Tolbooth Theatre, Stirling, 19.30 017864312391
01/10/09: Richmond Walking Festival, Zetland Centre, 20.00 01748825362
06/10/09: Inverness Book Festival
07/10/09: Inverness Book Festival
15/10/09: Waterstones Edinburgh, 18.00
17/10/09: Belfast Festival, waterfront Studio 18.30 02890971197
22/10/09: Biggar Festival
Joseph Delaney: New Blog Pal Joseph will be appearing at the Lancaster Waterstones on 03/10/09 at 14.00 01524 842561
Simon Scarrow: Blog Pal Simon will be appearing at Nottinghams Waterstones on 10.09.09 to sign his new novel The Gladiator.
We've been doing a round up of our blog pals to see which of them are where shortly to sign thier books for you. Here's what we've uncovered:
Andy Remic: There are some impending book signings coming up, starting with Waterstones, Bury, on 12th September at 1pm, to mark the launch of Kell’s Legend. Woo! Can’t wait. (This is followed by signings and readings at Nottingham (including FantasyCon), Leeds, York, Manchester and London… dates TBA)… unless that scoundrel Lee adds some more to my already bulging timetable!!
Bernard Cornwell: I will be appearing at the Tank Museum on Thursday 15 October 2009 as part of their evening 'Out of Hours' programme. The programme begins at 7.30 pm and the entry fee is £12.50.
Bill Hussey: Will be hosting the meeting at Waterstones Boston (16th September, 7-8pm) as local fans digest his latest offering. For more information ring: 01205 360002
Charlie Higson: Will be doing signings at: Waterstone's Reading Oracle on Friday 11 September at 6pm (0118 9503400)
Dacre Stoker: Will be "misting" into Waterstones Picadilly on Monday 28th September at 7PM (Sunset is interestingly enough 6:38pm) to sign his new novel, the official sequel to Dracula entitled "Dracula: The undead" More details: 020 851 2400
Dan Abnett: Will be doing a massive tour of the north, dates are: Friday 16th October, Games Workshop Metrocentre, Gateshead, 0191 461 0950
Saturday 17th October: 11-12.30 Games Workshop Edinburgh 0131 220 6540 1-2pm Waterstone's Edinburgh West End, 0131 226 2666
Sunday 18th October 11.30 - 12.30 Games Workshop FalkirK, 01324 624 553 3-4pm GW Glasgow, 0141 221 1673
Monday 19th October 1-2pm Waterstone's Leeds 0113 244 4588 3 - 4pm TravellingMan. 0113 242 7227
Derek Landy: Will be appearing at Waterstones Liverpool One on Tuesday, 13 October 2009, 4:30PM - 5:30PM to sign the latest offering in his Skulduggery Pleasant series. For more info call: 01517099820
Eoin Colfer: Will be appearing all over the place in order to promote the new Hitchhiker novel "And Another Thing":
11/10/09, London Hitchcon’09
12/10/09 Glasgow, 18.40-19.30 Glasgow Film Theatre 01413328128
13/10/09 Birmingham, 13.30 Borders (Bullring Shopping Centre) 01216161094 19.15 The Inkpot, Cheltenham Literature Festival 08445768979
14/10/09 Cambridge, 13.00 The Cambridge Union Society, 0122335168 18.00-19.00 Forbidden Planet 02078031900
15/10/09 Manchester 13.00 Waterstones Deansgate 01618391248 20.00 The Contact Theatre, Manchester, 01612740600
Iain M Banks: Will be appearing at the following locations to promote his new book Transition:
10/09/09: Horsecross, Perth 19.00 0738 621031
14/09/09: The Roundhouse, London, 19.30
15/09/09: St Etheldreda's Church, Ely, 19.30
16/09/09: Topping and Company, Bath, 19.30
03/10/09: Forbidden Planet, London 13.00
Ian Rankin: Will be appearing all over the country, some to sign his first Hellblazer Graphic novel, Dark Entries:
11/09/09: Waterstones Perth 13.00-14.00 01738630012 University of Dundee. 19.00 01382200322
12/09/09: WH Smiths, Gyle, Edinburgh 12.30-13.30 01313398855 Borders Kiniard, Edinburgh 15.00-16.00 01316574041
14/09/09: Stirling Festival Open Night Event, Tolbooth Theatre, Stirling, 19.30 017864312391
01/10/09: Richmond Walking Festival, Zetland Centre, 20.00 01748825362
06/10/09: Inverness Book Festival
07/10/09: Inverness Book Festival
15/10/09: Waterstones Edinburgh, 18.00
17/10/09: Belfast Festival, waterfront Studio 18.30 02890971197
22/10/09: Biggar Festival
Joseph Delaney: New Blog Pal Joseph will be appearing at the Lancaster Waterstones on 03/10/09 at 14.00 01524 842561
Simon Scarrow: Blog Pal Simon will be appearing at Nottinghams Waterstones on 10.09.09 to sign his new novel The Gladiator.
Andy Remic,
Bernard Cornwell,
Bill Hussey,
Charlie Higson,
Dacre Stoker,
Dan Abnett,
Derek Landy,
Eoin Colfer,
Iain M Banks,
Ian Rankin,
Joseph Delaney,
Simon Scarrow
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