Showing posts with label Video Game Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video Game Review. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 October 2017

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Shadow of War - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date: 10/10/17
Publisher: Warner Brothers Interactive


Middle-earth: Shadow of War is the sequel to the critically-acclaimed Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, winner of more than 50 industry awards, including 2015 Game Developers Choice Awards’ Game of the Year, Outstanding Innovation in Gaming at the 2015 D.I.C.E. Awards and the BAFTA for Game Design. In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, players wield a new Ring of Power and confront the deadliest of enemies, including Sauron and his Nazgul, in a monumental battle for Middle-earth. This open-world RPG is brought to life through the expansion of the award-winning Nemesis System. The robust personalization from Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is now applied to the entire world where the environments and characters are all shaped by player actions and decisions, creating a personal world unique to every gameplay experience.

Nemesis System Evolved

Players turn all of Mordor against Sauron by leading their personal Orc army created by the award-winning Nemesis System. The robust personalization from Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is now applied to the entire world where the environments and characters are all shaped by player actions and decisions, creating a personal world unique to every gameplay experience. The Nemesis System has been expanded with the introduction of Followers, who bring about entirely new stories of loyalty, betrayal and revenge. Through Nemesis Fortresses, players utilize different strategies to conquer dynamic strongholds and create personalized worlds with their distinct Orc army.

Pick up the Season Pass to gain access to the Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion, Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion, Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion and Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion.

Beyond Mordor

Players experience the epic scale of the open-world in a number of ways including new regions and gameplay modes, larger environments, enriched visuals, expanded dialogue and more ways for players to create their story.

Enhanced Combat

Harness the power of Talion and Celebrimbor as the Bright Lord with enriched varieties of combat to take down enemies, include duality, the new Ring of Power, enhanced stealth, melee and more.

Enemy Diversity

Defeat Sauron’s deadliest warriors, including new varieties of Orcs, Olog-hai (war trolls), fire-breathing drakes (dragons), armored caragors and many others. Orcs belong to Tribes, which extend their influence and culture throughout the open-world, creating a rich ecosystem of missions, exploration and a dynamic Orc society.

Original Story in Middle-earth

Taking place in the time between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, the original story continues with Talion and Celebrimbor, known as the Bright Lord, who must go behind enemy lines to build an army, forge a new Ring of Power and turn all of Mordor against the Dark Lord, Sauron.


Having loved Shadow of Mordor, I couldn't wait to return to Middle Earth and see what was next for Talien and Calembrimbor the forger of the Rings of Power. The storyline works wonderfully well and with a humanised Shelob adds more mythos to this already packed world.

Storywise the player continues the quest for vengeance against the Dark Lord and with a new feuding system as well as new ways to establish your own army with sieges all round makes this a game that will not only take you quite a bit of time to do but will also give you many hours of pleasure as the storyline is revealed.

Whilst there is the niggle of you being able to "pay to win" by purchasing bonus boxes, I found that I didn't see the point in that option personally as they can be come by whilst engaging in online vengeance missions. Yes you can make the game easier with these but you cut down your gaming time by quite a lot and make a lot of the fun redundant which is the whole point of playing a game.

All round I was very happy with the new systems in place (which included various Orc tribes which gave specific bonuses alongside a rework of the nemesis system) and when added to cracking storyline, top notch animation with good voice acting, made this a game that I was more than happy to sink many hours into.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: The Surge - Koch Media, Focus

Release Date: 19/05/17
Publisher: Koch Media


Set in a heavily dystopian future as Earth nears the end of its life, those who remain in the overpopulated cities must work to survive as social programs become saturated by an ageing population and increasing environmental diseases.

As the intelligence of technology incrementally increased over the years, many jobs for the human race had been made redundant, forcing Earth's citizens to head out into the suburbs seeking labour, aided by exoskeletons to improve their efficiency. The world of The Surge offers a very grim vision of the future, where the evolution of our technology, our society and our relation with the environment led to a decadent state of the Human civilization.

The Surge features innovative combat mechanics and an original character progression system based on modular upgrades gained through tight, visceral combat.


To be honest, I'm a gamer who likes to take their time when playing, I like to make sure that I don't rush my review and give the game not only a fair play but also allow myself the chance to explore various options with the gear and items before deciding on my favourite combo for my style of play.

So after giving the game a huge amount of time here's what I have to say Firstly before purchasing there are a few things you have to know. The first and perhaps most important is that this is a title in which you will die, a hell of a lot. If you don't like that in a game bypass this title now. Secondly if you're a fan of this type of game and love a Sci-Fi post apocalypic future then this title is all the candy that you can eat and then some.

Yes the camera can be a little clunky in places but that beginning animation where you get set up for your suit is not only gruesome but oddly satisfying letting you know just how much you're going to have to go through.

I was hooked.

I loved a lot of the game, the way that the enemies upped in difficulty, how even the smallest foe could kill you and the way that you had to strategise for each combat prior to taking part, working out how to deal with multiple foes and their strengths and weaknesses. However my biggest gripe was if you found certain fights way to hard, the best you could do was up your power (which only gave you access to more "chip" slots and access to doorways and you have to settle for basic gear and couldn't upgrade it if you found fighting the bosses too hard to begin with.

Its damn frustraing and whilst a good many gamers will give up with their lack of progress it was a game that I did have a lot of fun with all in. Yes it took me a lot of time to get past that initial baddy but the high I got when I finally kicked his ass was immense. All round a solid game and whilst its going to be a marmite title for a good few gamers, I happened to love it. Magic

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Injustice 2 - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date: 19/05/17
Publisher: Warner Brothers Interactive


Injustice 2 continues the epic cinematic story introduced in Injustice : Gods Among Us as Batman and his allies work towards putting the pieces of society back together while struggling against those who want to restore Superman's regime. In the midst of the chaos, a new threat appears that will put Earth's existence at risk. Players can play from the biggest DC roster ever offered in a fighting game, from classic fan favourites such as Batman, Superman, Supergirl and Aquaman, to astonishing new villains like Atrocitus and Gorilla Grodd. Battles will take place across arenas that have evolved in scale and span across iconic locations such as Metropolis, Gotham City and Atlantis.


OK, I'm going to be honest here, the main fighting games that I've picked up before were Tekken and whilst many would say that the war for the king of fighters is generlaly won by Mortal Kombat I love a game that gives me not only fun but the chance to compete against not only my other half or the AI but with people the world over.

This title from Warner does not only bring all those elements together but brings it with a flair that I have to say was near perfect for me. The graphics are beautiful, each polygon making it look flawless with each character having multiple costumes and gear items that improve certain traits over others. Yes my review is behind quite a few others, but I'm not a guy to rush through things and wanted to give it a through play through (with multiple characters) in order to give it a fair review.

Add to this great sound with solid voice acting and accompanying music alongside a playable story arc all round gives you a title that was a pure joy to play. FInally add to this great end sequences for each of the characters and all round I was a more than happy gamer. Cracking.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Prey - Bethesda

Release Date: 05/05/17
Publisher:  Bethesda


Prey is a first-person sci-fi action game from Arkane Studios, creators of the award-winning Dishonored series. In Prey, you are the first human enhanced with alien powers aboard the Talos I space station. Improvise and innovate as you fight your way through the alien infested station in your search for the truth Cosmonaut Shotgun Starter Pack Pre-order Bonus: Fans who pre-order Prey will receive the exclusive Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack. The pre-order bonus consists of Morgan Yu's family heirloom Margrave shotgun and tools to fight threats aboard Talos I including: three Neuromods players can spend to acquire new abilities, two Medkits, a Fabrication plan to create Shotgun Ammo, a starter kit for building tools and weapons, and a unique upgrade to help players preserve their limited resources


OK, so I'm not the first to get a review up, however to be honest I'd rather get it up later and have had a ton of fun playing it and not having to feel rushed rather than lose a lot from having to speed through which to me means yo u don't get the full flavour.

Prey has a lot going for it, provided you like a lot of the mechanics from the two Dishonored titles (which I do.) The weapons are varied and to be honest my fav was the Huntress Boltcaster, OK it does no damage but as a distractor and a means to hit buttons that I couldn't reach really was a lot of fun.

There's a lot to see, a lot to do and when you can face a lot of surprises from disguised Typhon within atmospheric scenary all round made this a lot of fun for me. Finally add to the mix great sound, solid graphics and a good story all round made me a happy gamer.

Monday, 31 October 2016

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Mafia 3 - Take 2

Release Date:  07/10/16
Publisher:  Take 2


After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay knows this truth: family isn't who you’re born with, it’s who you die for. When his surrogate family, the black mob, is wiped out by the Italian Mafia, Lincoln builds a new family and blazes a path of military-grade revenge through the Mafioso responsible.

New Bordeaux, a reimagined new Orleans

A vast open world ruled by the mob and detailed with the sights and sounds of the era.

A lethal anti-hero

Be Lincoln Clay, orphan and Vietnam veteran hell bent on revenge for the deaths of his surrogate family

Revenge your way

Choose your own play-style; brute force, blazing guns or stalk-and-kill tactics, to tear down the Italian Mafia

A new family, in the ashes of the old

Build a new criminal empire your way by deciding which lieutenants you reward, and which you betray


This is a game that I've been looking forward to for quite some time. I loved the way the way that they built up the release through the adverts, brought good story telling to the fore and perhaps best of all, utilised cracking music from the time period.

What unfurled sadly was a game that was a bit half baked and whilst the storyline was compelling, it felt like the whole thing was a little too repetitive with very little options available for the gamer.

The vehicles were sluggish and whilst I do accept that this was a problem of the cars at the time, I would have bene fine with better control and being able to feel like i was Steve McQueen in Bullet flying round the corners and outrunning Police. What you got however was foot down, crash bang, wallop, followed by the gamer swearing as the Police plowed in and blew the living hell out of you. Thats no way for a game to behave.

Add to this an auto aim that was leff than helpful and huge losses to finances when you died (which was often) all round left the game feeling a little flat. A great shame as it was a title that I'd had high hopes for this year.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Technomancer - Focus

Release Date: 28/06/16
Publisher:  Focus


Set on Mars during the War of Water, The Technomancer is the enthralling new sci-fi RPG developed by Spiders studio for PlayStation4, Xbox One and PC. Threatened by the secrets of his past, an aspiring Technomancer must navigate hostile environments searching for answers that could be the key to protecting his future. The Technomancer offers players dynamic RPG gameplay and action-oriented combat along four different skill trees, concentrating on three different fighting styles and the destructive electro-focused powers of the Technomancers. But brute strength won't get you through every situation: conversational dialogue plays an important role in quests, changing the story depending on the decisions you make. Along your adventure, you will craft equipment, weapons and armour for yourself and for the companions you'll recruit, nurturing relationships with these important allies. Confronted with the cruelty of Mars' iron-fist enforcers and alien wild-life, can you survive long enough to uncover the truth behind The Technomancer? Technomancers are "mage-warriors" with an innate talent to harness destructive electricity-based powers using cybernetic implants. Both respected and feared by all, they are formidable warriors trained to fight from a young age. You are one of them, close to passing your initiation rite to become a full-fledged Technomancer.


This title from Focus is a title I’ve had high hopes for since seeing the original announcement back in 2015. I loved the idea of a colonised Mars, with corporations treating their workers as little more than slaves awaiting a time when a rebellion would occur from those beneath them. It’s a concept that’s been used before (with Total Recall (1990) and with the water shortage (Tank Girl, 1995).makes this a world that has little hope.

Into this scenario enters your Technomancer, Zachariah, a person whose training and magical abilities affects technology. It’s a great concept and with three distinct combat styles there is something for everyone. However this is where I start to have problems. Firstly I wanted more customisation for the character as the options were pretty limited and without being able to personalise my character I felt that I was a little disengaged from the story initially and when added to a combat system that had problems for me, left me feeling a little let down. Each of the three styles were unique and whilst they offered strong options for whatever your game style didn’t feel that it was that complete as the controls were not as responsive as I’d have liked with very limited manoeuvring often feeling that what you told it to do would take a second or two to happen, leaving you feeling very exposed and prone to taking damage that you felt you should have avoided. It seemed pretty basic and whilst I can see the use of a shield and mace or even a quarterstaff, I did feel that as a gamer, a gun with a dagger wasn’t a good combo. After all, looking at this logistically a bullet is a one use item and with shipping would seem a pretty expensive item, whereas if they’d equipped them with a one hand crossbow it would have had a more overall cohesive feel or for the rogue style, double daggers would have generated smoother movement. Don’t get me wrong it is a beautiful game and whilst I easily got lost into the story as well as the landscape, with the combat system feeling scrappy and not as smooth as it should have been (for me) or as progressive compared to others like Assassins Creed or ESO, I feel that seeing as this is a combat game first and foremost it should have been the strongest feature.

All round, it is a game that will engage you with the story, you’ll enjoy exploring and with five endings to “earn” it is a title that has replay value however at the end of the day for me, it’s a game that should have been more of a star rather than a middle of the road title that it turned out to be. A great shame.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Far Cry Primal - Ubisoft

Release Date: 23/02/16
Publisher:  Ubisoft


The award-winning Far Cry franchise that has stormed the tropics and the Himalayas now enters the original fight for humanity’s survival with its innovative open-world sandbox gameplay, bringing together massive beasts, breathtaking environments, and unpredictable savage encounters.

Welcome to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless adventure, when giant mammoths and sabretooth tigers ruled the Earth, and humanity is at the bottom of the food chain. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to craft a deadly arsenal, fend off fierce predators, and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the Apex Predator.

Far Cry Primal will be available on PlayStation 4, XBOX One, and PC, coming out early 2016.

Key Features

You will play as Takkar, a seasoned hunter and the last surviving member of your group. You have one goal: survival in a world where you are the prey.
 Grow your tribe and hone your skills to lead your people.
 Encounter a cast of memorable characters who can help push back the dangers of the wild.
 Face enemy tribes who will do anything to eradicate you and your allies.
 Defeat predators and humans alike and rise to become the apex predator.

This isn’t the Stone Age as you know it. This is the Stone Age with irreverence and mayhem. This is Far Cry’s Stone Age.
 Stalk enemy outposts and plan your attack using weapons and tools crafted from the bones of beasts you’ve killed.
 Master the element of fire to expand your tactical options, setting your weapon on fire or scaring predators at night.
 Land the killing blow on the prey you've hunted across the plains. But beware, its scent may attract predators willing to fight you for the prize.
 The rich setting of the Stone Age only multiplies the amount of deadly weapons, dangerous threats, and incredible stories that Far Cry is known for.

After the last Ice Age, the glaciers retreated to leave behind a land blooming with nature and resources where humans and animals alike can thrive – provided they have what it takes to prove their dominance.
 Discover the majestic and savage land of Oros with its breathtaking valley of redwood forests, harsh taiga, and humid swamps where you can see Earth as it was before man laid claim to it.
 Oros teems with life from large herds of deer and vicious packs of dire-wolves to warring enemy tribes. It is ruled by megafauna such as sabretooth tigers and woolly mammoths, giant animals that dominated the Earth in the Stone Age and were feared by every other living being.


Ubisoft is a company that creates games that I just love to spend time with, with me losing many hours in their immersive worlds and for me, whilst I’ve had a lot of fun with modern weaponry, my real love is with the more feudal types with me often using bows in the more modern games over firearms.

This release from Ubisoft is something that I’ve absolutely enjoyed and whilst I accept what they’ve done with the language (and having to put subtitles up) I spent a lot of time earning my “back-up” beasts to help me with my missions. Its well worth the reward and as with other Ubisoft titles, allows you to tailor your own gaming style into the mix, whether you prefer the full frontal assault or (if you’re like me) the sneaky assassination style.

All round, the controls are a smooth for me, the graphics colourful with a good frame rate and when you throw in the sheer amount of time that you’ll have earning achievements as well as completing your map, you know that you’ll be at this for quite some time which gives you great value for money.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Tom Clancy's The Division - Ubisoft

Release Date: 08/03/16
Publisher:  Ubisoft


A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, The Division agents are trained to operate independently of command, as all else fails.

Fighting to prevent the fall of society, the agents will find themselves caught up in an epic conspiracy, forced to combat not only the effects of a man-made virus, but also the rising threat of those behind it. When everything collapses, your mission begins.

Total Breakdown

We live in a fragile and complex world, a web of interdependent systems we rely on every day. When one fails, others follow, creating a deadly domino effect that can cripple society in days. In Tom Clancy’s The Division, immerse yourself in a frighteningly chaotic and devastated New York City, where all has failed. As a Division agent, your mission is to restore order, team up with other agents, and take back New York.

A new take on the Clancy series

Welcome to an online, open world RPG experience where exploration and player progression are essential. Use your skills, weapons, and wits in combat. Play in a persistent and dynamic environment that combines the Tom Clancy series’ core authenticity and tactical decisions, RPG action, trading, and much more.

100% social

Team up with friends in co-op, jump in and jump out at any time, and use your combined skills to fight the crisis, investigate the sources of the virus, and engage all threats... even your own citizens. Seamlessly engage in PvP, player-to-player trading, and experience suspenseful scenarios where danger can come from anywhere and anyone.

Only on next-gen

Powered by the new game engine Snowdrop, tailor-made for next-gen consoles, Tom Clancy’s The Division achieves a whole new level of gameplay quality. Snowdrop takes full advantage of the new consoles, with dynamic global illumination, stunning procedural destruction, and an insane amount of detail and visual effects.

Gear up and live your own adventure

As part of The Division, harness state-of-the-art technology, both networked and prototyped. Loot fallen foes and craft new, improved gear. Completely customise your go-bag, an agent’s only supplies in the event of collapse, and communicate with the other agents at all times with your smartwatch. Customise your agent with thousands of weapon types, skill combinations, gear, and much more. The choices you make can help forge a recovery or plunge the city deeper into chaos.


There are times when you have to wait quite a long time for one game to land and then two crackers land at once, however when two of these arrive from one company, you have to sit up and take notice. Firstly I want to deal with The Division. If you love your Action Shooters, then this is going to be one for you to sit up and take notice. Here within this title is a story that has a terrifyingly possibilities. The gamer is thrown into a city in chaos, where you find better items and can buy great weaponry with the funds that you earn. It’s tough but as a gamer you don’t want one you can finish in a short time, you want to feel rewarded for achieving missions.

But for me, not only do the characters you meet make this up, but the sheer variety of combinations of clothes and even weaponry makes this something that can be personally tailored for your own choices. Fun will be had. Frustation will be matched but for me the graphics and fluidity of the title make this a must play. Back this up with the options of playing with friends and being able to call in others to help with missions, make this a title that has a lot of variation for your cash as well as a PVP area where even better gear can be earned.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

VIDEO GAME REVIEWL Lego Marvel Avengers - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date: 24/01/16
Publisher:  Warner Brothers Interactive


Avengers Assemble! The best-selling LEGO Marvel videogame franchise returns with a new action-packed, Super Hero adventure. Join the LEGO Marvel’s Avengers team and experience the first console videogame featuring characters and storylines from the critically-acclaimed film Marvel’s The Avengers, the blockbuster sequel Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and more. Play as the most powerful Super Heroes in their quest to save the world.

- Diverse roster of Marvel’s Avengers characters –Play and unlock more than 100 new and returning characters with an array of exciting capabilities, including fan favorites like Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, new characters from Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and more.
- New and enhanced powers and abilities – Battle in new ways with enhanced powers and character abilities. Team up with core Avengers to execute incredible combo moves.
- Free Roam Gameplay – Enjoy LEGO Marvel’s Avengers’ unique take on open world gameplay as you assume the roles of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to collect gold bricks, studs, and unlock additional characters.
- Variety of iconic locations – Visit iconic Marvel Cinematic Universe locations from around the world.
- Experience the blockbuster action from the Avengers films – Relive key moments from Marvel’s The Avengers, Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and more, with a splash of classic LEGO humor.


OK, this won’t come as a surprise but I love my lego games, they’re fun for me as an adult, great for me to play with my nephews and when you get to throw into the mix Marvel’s heroes then its pretty much a win/win any which way I look at it.

What this game brings to the fore is Avenger threads, cracking characters that will give you a whole heap of fun and with the ability to replay levels with new characters alongside abilities all round make this a game that has a lot of replay value as you see to earn every achievement as well as gold brick in the game. As with the other Marvel title you also get to rescue creator Stan Lee from numerous predicaments and all round not only get a good chuckle as the lego humour takes over but have a whole heap of fun for all involved.

All round, this is my favourite lego title to date and whilst I thought that the original Marvel would take a lot to beat it, this one alone for the gaming experience has been bigger, better and way more fun. Cracking.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Now Thats What I call Sing - Koch Media

Release Date: 23/10/18
Publisher:  Koch Media


Product Description

Grab your mic and start singing NOW!
Featuring 30 chart hits including 17 number ones from some of the world’s biggest artists. Grab a mic and sing solo or play with up to 7 other friends and really get the party started.
This pack includes a USB microphone required to play.
Game Modes
CLASSIC: Sing a song solo or play against your friends.
BY HEART: Like ‘CLASSIC’ mode but some of the lyrics will disappear during the round.
DUET: Sing a real duet with your friends
EXPERT: Test your memory in the ‘EXPERT’ mode which has no on-screen lyrics or visual cues.
PASS THE MIC: Let’s you play with a partner sharing one mic.
FIRST TO 20,000: Compete against your friends and gain points. The first person to reach 20,000 points wins.
ELIMINATION: Start with a full bar of energy which depletes with every wrong note. If you lose all your energy, you’re out. The last Player standing wins.
Manufacturer's Description

Song list

Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea - Problem
Jessie J, Ariana Grande And Nicki Minaj - Bang Bang
Sam Smith - Stay With Me
Avicii - Wake Me Up
Calvin Harris - Summer
Kiesza - Hideaway
Rita Ora - I Will Never Let You Down
Demi Lovato - Let It Go
Sia - Chandelier
Charli XCX - Boom Clap
Olly Murs feat. Demi Lovato - Up
Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars
George Ezra - Budapest
Fun feat. Janelle Monáe - We Are Young
Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding - Outside
Avicii - The Nights
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne - Real Love
Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
James Blunt - You're Beautiful
John Legend - All Of Me
Sigma feat. Paloma Faith - Changing
Jess Glynne - Hold My Hand
Bastille - Pompeii
Lorde - Royals
Ella Henderson - Ghost
Lady Gaga - Applause


A different type of game and one that we waited to review as we felt that it was best to bring it to readers attention at this time of year. After all, if you’re having a party what’s better than a bit of home Karaoke? This game from Koch Media, is one that we found not only entertaining but way more fun when you have a few of you joining in.

The songs are modern and up to date (as they’re from the last couple of years) , its easy to play and rather than a winner or loser, it’s the shared experience that makes this a whole heap of fun. All in whilst you can play it on your own, a group of friends is always way better, however personally I would have liked a variety of music from across the genres and time periods as older gamers may feel a bit isolated at the unfamiliarity of the tracks.

All round, this title is a good bit of fun and at a time of year when you’re looking for something a little different, you’ll find kids of all ages running for the console to have a bit of singing fun and for me, that’s the key to the game, especially when other tracks will be added at a later date. Cracking.

Friday, 30 October 2015

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - Ubisoft

Release Date: 23/10/15
Publisher:  Ubisoft


London, 1868. The Industrial Revolution unleashes an incredible age of invention, transforming the lives of millions with technologies once thought impossible. Opportunities created during this time period have people rushing to London to engage in this new world. A world no longer controlled by kings, emperors, politicians or religion, but by a new common denominator: money.

However, not everyone is able to enjoy the benefits of this boom. Despite fueling the engine of the British Empire, workers’ lives are little more than legalised slavery while the top few percent profit from their labour. Living poor and dying young, the lower class unite together in protest as a new kind of family – gangs – who turn to a life in the underworld in their struggle to survive. A struggle, until watchful Assassins come to their side and re-ignite an age-old conflict involving London’s leaders that will echo throughout modern history from the underground, up.

Introducing Assassin Jacob Frye, who with the help of his twin sister Evie, will change the fate of millions in the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Rise to rally and lead the underworld to break the corrupt stranglehold on London in a visceral adventure filled with action, intrigue and brutal combat.

Key Features

THE FIRST ASSASSIN AT THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN AGE — As the brash, rebellious Jacob Frye, throw up your dukes and take on enemies with lightning-fast multi-kills and counter moves. Use improved stealth tactics to elude your enemies, then unleash your arsenal of all-new weapons including the kukri knife, brass knuckles and cane sword. Utilise new technology like the rope launcher to scale buildings in seconds and take your enemies by surprise.

TRAVERSE THE FAST-PACED WORLD OF INDUSTRIAL LONDON — From Buckingham Palace to Whitechapel, fight and triumph across the massive open world of Victorian London. Parkour across moving vehicles to track down enemies or escape after a daring raid. Hijack carriages and engage in no-holds-barred street races or blaze a trail of destruction aboard steamboats on the River Thames.

TAKE-OVER THE LONDON UNDERWORLD — With Jacob as the leader, gamers can establish Great Britain’s fiercest gang, the only force that can challenge the plutocrats and defeat rival gangs, to bring freedom to the oppressed masses. Enemy strongholds can be infiltrated by using an arsenal of weapons to dominate London’s underworld. From robbing trains to rescuing child labourers, players will stop at nothing to bring justice to London’s lawless streets.


OK, I’ve been a big Assassin’s Creed fan for years. I’ve loved the various idea’s, the weapons and of course the characters as well as the story as I get to revisit the past and meet people of interest from the various era’s. This game is no different bringing the modern era to the forefront as we rub shoulders with the likes of Alexander Graham Bell, Charles Darwin alongside Queen Victoria. Its definitely something different and whilst it is in the same vein as the others, there were quite a few features that I didn’t like.

Firstly having two assassins to play didn’t work for me as I found the skill trees too similar. It seemed a waste of time when they could have spent more on just the one character. I loved playing Evie and whilst Jacob provided the light comedy of the twins bickering it felt unnessessary as for me it would have made more sense to have one of them murdered (you choose) as they did in Fable 2. It would have made more sense and given the assassin’s purpose at the beginning.

But for me the biggest problem is that its set too close to the modern era for me. Yes the inventions are cool (the grappling hook) but other than that, I’m not the biggest fan of guns. In previous titles, they were one shot and they gave you chance to utilse the assassination skills to the mx, yet against modern repeaters, it feels like you’re taking ancient weaponry to a modern fight.

For me, I’d have been happier to have gone further into the past, for example to ancient Egypt as we know from the lore in AC2 that there are ancestors that are available, using chariots, the bow and of course tomb raiding. It would’ve worked better for me as a gamer and with such a wide variety of people from the past to visit the options are there. Likewise with setting it in Britain, rather than more modern times why not set it around the Tudor’s or the War of the Roses (the cousin’s war?)

All round, it is an OK game and whilst it is still true to the franchise they still haven’t gotten round to fixing a number of the glitches that have been present over previous title to do with navigation, don’t get me wrong, you’ll still have fun at the end of the day but against a number of the others its not my favourite.

Monday, 5 October 2015

VIDEO GAME NEWS: Destiny: The Taken King - Bungie

Release Date:15/09/15
Publisher:  Bungie


(Text refers to Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition) Destiny: The Taken King delivers the next adventure in the Destiny universe

Destiny: The Taken King - Legendary Edition is perfect for new and existing Guardians that are ready to jump into the Destiny universe or continue to carve their legend in the stars. The Legendary Edition features the complete Destiny experience including The Taken King, the next evolution in the Destiny universe, Destiny, Expansion I: The Dark Below and Expansion II: House of Wolves. Unite with 20 million Guardians in the fight to defeat Earth’s enemies, reclaim all that we have lost, and Become Legend.
Pre-order and Gear Up

Pre-order and upgrade your weapon arsenal with an early access weapons pack. Guardians will receive a Vanguard themed Auto Rifle, Pulse Rifle, and Side arm.

Early access to Weapons Pack available starting 15 September 2015. Weapons Pack can be attained by pre-order of digital or physical editions of Destiny: The Taken King or by the purchase of the digital or physical Collector's Edition. Weapons Pack may also be attained through gameplay starting on 01.01.16. See for additional details. Weapons Pack not exclusive to any retailer or platform. Subject to availability.
The Taken King

A dark shadow has fallen over our worlds. Oryx, The Taken King, is hell-bent on vengeance and is raising an army of corrupted “Taken” forces by manipulating the Darkness itself. You must find a way into his impenetrable Dreadnaught ship to defeat The Taken King before he and his dark army consume our civilization and bring our solar system to ruin.

Destiny: The Taken King, the next great adventure in the first person shooter Destiny universe, introduces a new story campaign and quests, new enemies to fight, new locations to explore, new Strikes and Crucible maps, a new Raid that will put players to the ultimate test, and more. To stand up to the challenge, players will have access to three new devastating Guardian subclasses, and a massive arsenal of weapons, armor, and gear.
VIP Rewards

As a thank you to our most loyal fans who have reached Light Level 30 or who previously purchased Expansion I and Expansion II by August 31, 2015, you will receive an exclusive commemorative Founder’s Fortune Year 1 Emblem, Sparrow, Armour Shader and more at launch with your purchase of The Taken King. Many Guardians serve the City, but tales of your bravery will echo through time. Return to the Tower on September 15. Its champions wish to celebrate and commemorate your accomplishments. May these gifts prepare you for the battles to come.

To be eligible to receive the VIP rewards, players will need to have at least one Light Level 30 character or own both Expansion I and Expansion II on or before 31/08/15 AND purchase and play The Taken King on or before 01/02/16. VIP Rewards applicable for any eligible purchase of Destiny: The Taken King, Destiny: The Taken King – Legendary Edition, and Destiny: The Taken King – Collector’s Edition (digital or physical).
Feature Highlights

Powerful New Abilities

To battle back the Darkness and the Taken army, players will get brand new subclasses with new supers. Warlocks will now harness the power of an electric storm, Hunters will carve a bow formed from gravitational void energy, and Titans will summon a flaming hammer that can sear their adversaries from a range or deliver a devastating melee impact.

New Campaign

A massive Hive Dreadnaught ship looms in the rings of Saturn. Oryx, The Taken King has arrived in our solar system, bringing with him a corrupted army to exact revenge on the Guardians who destroyed his son Crota, and to consume our worlds. Arm yourself with newfound abilities, weapons, and gear. Defeat the Taken hordes. Make your way aboard the Dreadnaught, and face Oryx himself within his inner sanctum.

New Locations

The amazing Destiny universe continues to expand - Infiltrate a Cabal base on Phobos, and establish a beachhead on Oryx’s flagship – the Dreadnaught – a mysterious, loot-filled fortress. Charge into the Crucible where all-new competitive multiplayer maps await you and your Fireteam.

Level Cap Increased and All-New Gear

Fill your arsenal with brand new weapons and armor. Find and collect new, powerful Exotics while continuing to level up in the Destiny universe.

New Activities

Adventure through new Strikes featuring powerful bosses, follow more questlines that lead to powerful, new gear and brave the next major Raid to test six-player Fireteams.

Access the Complete Destiny Universe alongside The Taken King


You are a Guardian of the last safe city on Earth, able to wield some of the Traveler’s incredible power. Destiny is a next generation first person shooter featuring an unprecedented combination of cinematic storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours. Become Legend.

Expansion I: The Dark Below

Beneath the surface of the Moon, a long-forgotten enemy stirs. Survive the true depths of the Hellmouth, and stop its dark army from invading Earth. Expand your Destiny adventure with a wealth of weapons, armor, and gear earned in new story missions, three new competitive multiplayer arenas, and a new cooperative Strike and Raid.

Expansion II: House of Wolves

Only the bravest Guardians will hunt down the rising Fallen threat and lay claim to the mysterious treasures of The Reef. Discover where your legend will take you next with a wealth of weapons, armor, and gear to earn in new story missions, three new competitive multiplayer maps, and a new cooperative Strike. Expansion II introduces a new competitive elimination mode in the Crucible and an all-new arena activity – The Prison of Elders.


OK, I fell out with Destiny with the last DLC, The House of Wolves. I felt cheated as you could play through the new content in less than a day, a lot of it was very repetitive (and when you found the safe corner for each scenario you could sail through) and all round left me wondering why the hell I’d paid for that.

So when I was offered The Taken King, I was prepared to give it a go but wasn’t really expecting too much and to be blunt, was expecting more of the same with another high priced product for very little. What I actually got was a whole lot more. New content, the chance to upgrade my guardian to level 40 and a whole new host of guns, armour and skins for my ghost. Yeah that’s right, something I’ve wanted for quite a long time.

All round, it is a lot of fun and I’ve had a good amount of pleasure playing through to get my level up and unlocking the new abilities. What I also liked was the various new options, the bigger gameplay and a reason to replay through everything that has gone before to hear the new Ghost voice and his comments (although I miss Peter Dinklage.) Back this up with a whole new host of enemies to figure out the best way to destroy as well as having to get all the new gear and you’ll be more than happy with the options. The only real downside is that people new to the game and who have putchased the legendary edition get all year one products with the Taken King for £50 whereas if you’re just getting The Taken King you’re paying £44.

That said, I have had a lot of fun and at the end of the day, that’s what gaming is all about plus with the new work that’s gone in to fixing a lot of the buggy problems with the original as well as making it more streamlined, generates a whole new experience. Just remember that to make the most of it you’ll need to find others to complete the raids with and in case you think that on that one you’re on your own, there is a great site where you can find others to game with ( Great stuff. I just hope that as much care goes into Year 2 updates as there has been with this instalment.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Bloodbowl 2 - Focus Home Entertainment

Release Date: 22/09/15
Publisher:  Focus Home Entertainment


TOUCHDOWN! Blood Bowl 2 smashes Warhammer and American football together, in an explosive cocktail of turn-based strategy, humour and brutality, adapted from Games Workshop's famous boardgame. Blood Bowl 2's new graphics engine and high-flying realization makes for a faithful portrayal of the fury and intensity of classic Blood Bowl matches. The solo game mode will have you lead the famous Reikland Reavers. Former star team of Blood Bowl you are tasked with bringing them back to glory, following a full story campaign supported by the hilarious commentators Jim & Bob from Cabalvision. Each match of the campaign is unique, with unexpected and surprising events constantly renewing the experience! The multiplayer modes are bigger and richer than ever. In the persistent online mode, create and manage your own team comprised of one of eight races from the Warhammer world - Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, Skaven, High Elves, Dark Elves, Chaos, and the Bretonnia newcomers. You will develop your team, gaining XP and unlocking new skills. But beware! On the pitch, all losses are permanent... Organize entirely customisable championships, from qualifications to finale, and use the new Transfer Market to buy and sell your players, and build your Blood Bowl dream-team! The next generation of Blood Bowl touches down today, will YOU be the champion?


Lets play Bloodbowl!!!! And to be honest that’s what happened with me as Lady Eleanor descended with her Orcs to take on the speed and agility of my Skaven. Both sides lined up, both sides had their fans and to be honest whilst it wasn’t the highest scoring match (well touchdown wise.) It was a virtually bloodbath as we took it in turns to smash the hell out of the others team, utilising dirty tricks, bribing refs and of course listening to Jim and Bob commentate on the whole thing.

OK so the match was won 2-1 by me but counting up the casualties at match end both of us had about half our teams left on the pitch trying to counteract what the other had been up to. It was a whole load of fun, brought back fond memories for me (as I remember playing on the astro-turf with the figures) and at the end of the day, will give me countless pleasure as I take on other players (both AI and human) through the campaign or friendly online matches as I prepare for another local derby against Lady Eleanor as he levels her team up.

Great stuff all round..

Saturday, 26 September 2015

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Max Max - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date: 01/09/15
Publisher:  Warner Brothers Interactive


Be Mad Max - Become the iconic post-apocalyptic warrior, crafting and upgrading Max's equipment and weapons to survive by combining melee combat, gunplay and tactical techniques. Gamers must make difficult decisions as they work towards the goal of escaping The Wasteland.
Immersive Primal Wasteland - Explore the gritty, dynamic world while braving the treacherous landscapes, hostile weather patterns and deadly gangs of marauders.
Trash is Treasure - Every scrap that's scavenged is important and can be utilized to upgrade and enhance equipment, weapons and vehicles. Gamers raid enemy encampments to gain access to valuable resources.
Survive the Open-World Landscape - Staying alive isn't easy. Players clash with deadly factions and gangs through scores of dangerous side-missions and quests in the dynamic open-world full of exploration.
Intense Vehicular Combat - Engage in dynamic inter-vehicular combat, taking down enemy vehicles with a range of powerful weapons. Car combat is entirely physics-based, so no two battles are ever the same.
Build the Ultimate War Machine - Players design, customize and upgrade their ultimate combat vehicle-the Magnum Opus-choosing from different car bodies and a slew of upgrades including mounted weapons, armor and engines to survive another day.


This is a game I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time and to be honest I have to say that I have put a good number of hours into it in order to make my car a thing of deathly beauty. The graphics are beautiful, the scenery working very well and when you throw into the mix sound that gives the reader the full on effect of a Mad Max film (although with no real plot), all round will appeal to Cult of Rockatansky.

That said however there are two area’s that will get players. Firstly you will spend quite a bit of time hunting round for scrap in order to make the improvements as well as carefully searching to make sure you get 100% completion for each area and whilst the scenery helps to cut the monotony of the grind, it is still something you’ll spend hours doing.

Secondly my other complaint about the game is my major one. I hate the controls. They’re not very intuitive, they’re slow to respond and when the damn thing does decide to do its job you’ll find that you’ve either over turned and then spend a few minutes correcting (often damaging the car in the process) or praying to the gods of metal that you have the time to repair it before an event kicks in.

All round it is a game that was OK but for me, with controls that were awful, it really ruined my playtime and had me furiously yelling at the controller due to trying to compensate for pretty shoddy controlling methods.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Batman: Arkham Knight - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date: 23/07/15
Publisher:  Rock Steady Games


Batman: Arkham Knight brings the award-winning Arkham trilogy from Rocksteady Studios to its epic conclusion.

Developed exclusively for next-gen platforms, Batman: Arkham Knight introduces Rocksteady's uniquely designed version of the Batmobile. The highly anticipated addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed gameplay of the Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City.

Be the Batman
Live the complete Batman experience as the Dark Knight enters the concluding chapter of Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy.

Players will become the world's greatest detective like never before with the introduction of the Batmobile and enhancements to signature features such as FreeFlow Combat, stealth, forensics, and navigation.

In this explosive finale, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city that he is sworn to protect, as Scarecrow returns to unite the super criminals of Gotham and destroy the Batman forever.

Introducing the Batmobile
The Batmobile is brought to life with a completely new and original design featuring a distinct visual appearance and a full range of on-board high-tech gadgetry. Designed to be fully drivable throughout the game world and capable of transformation from high-speed pursuit mode to military-grade battle mode, this legendary vehicle sits at the heart of the game's design and allows players to tear through the streets at incredible speeds in pursuit of Gotham City's most dangerous villains. This iconic vehicle also augments Batman's abilities in every respect, from navigation and forensics to combat and puzzle-solving, creating a genuine and seamless sense of the union of man and machine.

The epic conclusion to the trilogy
Batman: Arkham Knight brings all-out war to Gotham City. The hit-and-run skirmishes of Batman: Arkham Asylum, which escalated into the devastating conspiracy against the inmates in Batman: Arkham City, culminates in the ultimate showdown for the future of Gotham.

At the mercy of Scarecrow, the fate of the city hangs in the balance as he is joined by the Arkham Knight, a completely new and original character in the Batman universe, as well as a huge roster of other infamous villains including Harley Quinn, The Penguin, Two-Face, and the Riddler.

Explore the entirety of Gotham City
For the first time, players have the opportunity to explore all of Gotham City in a completely open and free-roaming game world. More than five times the size of Batman: Arkham City, Gotham City has been brought to life with the same level of intimate, hand-crafted attention to detail for which the Arkham games are known.

Most Wanted side missions
Players can fully immerse themselves in the chaos that is erupting in the streets of Gotham. Encounters with high-profile criminal masterminds are guaranteed, while also offering gamers the opportunity to focus on and take down individual villains or pursue the core narrative path.

New combat and gadget features
Gamers have at their disposal more combat moves and high-tech gadgetry than ever before. The new 'gadgets while gliding' ability allows Batman to deploy gadgets such as batarangs, the grapnel gun, or the line launcher mid-glide, while Batman's utility belt is once again upgraded to include all-new gadgets that expand his range of forensic investigation, stealth incursion, and combat skills.


OK, this review has taken me a while to get done. Not because I wanted to complete the game before doing so (although I have done) but mainly because, with it being the third and final outing (at the moment for Rock Steady games) felt that it was missing something that the other two titles had.

Don’t get me wrong, the game had great graphics, cracking combat sequences and you also got to use the batmobile (for the first time) but it seemed to lack something which for me translated as top notch storyline, relying more on repetitive combat alongside ruining the whole batmobile with overuse.

All round, whilst it was a solid game to play, I would have preferred is if the Arkham Knight had been more of a side line with our favourite bat villain taking centre stage again (although he couldn’t have previously died in the last title) all round really didn’t give me the goose-bumps and farewell I’d expected in a trilogy. It was more of a damp ending rather than a huge bang and all round sadly left me disappointed .

Monday, 6 July 2015

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Lego Jurassic World - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date:  12/06/15
Publisher:  Warner Brothers Interactive


LEGO Jurassic World: Following the epic storylines of Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III, as well as the highly anticipated Jurassic World, LEGO Jurassic World is the first videogame where players will be able to relive and experience all four Jurassic films.


OK, with lego you tend to either be a huge fan or someone who hates it and whilst I’m the former, I have to say that I do expect a lot from each of the outings to make it not only fun but also something that entertains me as an adult.

This time we embark into the world of the Jurassic films and to be honest I’ve had a hell of a good time. There’s something extremely rewarding about smashing lego bricks with either a car or with a dinosaur. Yep, you read that right, smashing the hell out of stuff with Dino charges or stomps. It’s a great lot of fun and when you throw Lego humour into the mix all round generates something that will entertain for quite some time. All round a wonderful piece of fun that has a lot going for it and a lot of replay value as you return to freeplay levels to get the maximum points and of course picking up all the bonus’ that you couldn’t without some additional characters. Great fun.

Monday, 4 May 2015

VIDEO GAME NEWS: Mortal Kombat X - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date:14/04/15
Publisher:  Warner Borthers Interactive


Mortal Kombat X is NetherRealm Studios' next highly anticipated installment in its legendary, critically acclaimed fighting game franchise, which propels the iconic franchise into a new generation. The game combines cinematic presentation with all new gameplay to deliver the most brutal Kombat experience ever, offering a new fully connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy.

For the first time, Mortal Kombat X gives players the ability to choose from multiple variations of each character, impacting both strategy and fighting style. Players step into an original story showcasing some of the game's most prolific characters including Scorpion and Sub-Zero, while introducing new challengers that represent the forces of good and evil and tie the tale together.

New and Klassic characters
Featuring Klassics such as Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden and Kano, as well as new characters such as Cassie Cage, Kotal Kahn, Ferra-Torr and D'Vorah, the roster will include fan favourites where both good and evil must battle it out.

Character variations
Mortal Kombat X offers three different versions for each playable character, all of which have their own fighting style, special moves, abilities and strategies. The variation that players choose affects the style and overall strategy by which the game is played.

Epic cinematic storyline
A deep story mode continues up to 25 years after the events of 2011's Mortal Kombat and advances the dark tale, introducing new characters such as Cassie Cage, daughter of fan favourites Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage.

Visceral kombat
Mortal Kombat X introduces the next evolution of fighting with the return of X-ray and finishing moves that showcase brutal battles like never before with enhanced graphics and animations.


OK, this is the first time I’ve played Mortal Kombat, my other fighting experience mainly comes from Tekken and whilst I feel like Tekken had become a little stale, I was more than intrigued about MK as I’ve seen a few of the filsm. So thinking that I had nothing to lose I picked it up and cracked on to see what all the hype was about.

OK, lets keep this simple, the graphics are simply stunning, the moves incredibly smooth and whilst at times when playing Tekken I just mashed all the buttons to see what would happen, this one is more strategic as you have to try and plan what you’re doing and have a strategy to try and break the combo’s of your opponent.

Tis definitely a lot of fun and whilst a number of people can just jump in, I do suggest that you go through the tutorial first so you can find out what works for you. All round, I loved the way it looked, had a lot of fun beating the snot out of the console (and in turn trying to not get whupped by Lady Eleanor) and when added to a whole range of characters alongside solid storytelling generates something that you’ll play for quite a while. Great stuff.

My only real complaint is having to buy some of the “classic” characters separately as ti felt a bit cheeky especially when you’ve already [aid a good amount to start with. If they’d come as a separate DLC late in the year I could maybe understand it but to have them ready from the beginning, that’s a bit off in my opinion.

Friday, 19 December 2014

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Far Cry 4 - Ubisoft

Release Date: 18/11/14
Publisher:  Ubisoft


Welcome to Kyrat!

Built from the legendary DNA of its award-winning predecessor, Far Cry 4 delivers the most expansive and immersive Far Cry experience yet in an entirely new and massive open world, with integrated drop-in/drop-out co-op play.

Hidden in the towering Himalayas lies Kyrat, a country steeped in tradition and violence. You are Ajay Ghale. Travelling to Kyrat to fulfill your mother's dying wish, you find yourself caught up in a civil war to overthrow the oppressive regime of dictator Pagan Min. Explore and navigate this vast open world, where danger and unpredictability lurk around every corner. Here, every decision counts, and every second is a story.
Explore an open world filled with possibilities

Discover the most diverse Far Cry world created yet. With terrain spanning from lush forests to the snowcapped Himalayas, the entire world is alive... and deadly!

From leopards, rhinos, black eagles, and vicious honey badgers, Kyrat is home to abundant wildlife. As you embark on your hunt for resources, know that something may be hunting you.
Scout enemy territory from above in the all-new gyrocopter and then plummet back to earth in your wing suit. Climb aboard the back of a six-ton elephant and unleash its raw power on your enemies.
Choose the right weapon for the job, no matter how insane or unpredictable that job might be. With a diverse arsenal, you'll be prepared for anything.

Pagan Min

Pagan Min is a raging narcissist with a God complex. He's always been a fan of his own image and the presentation of himself as a brand. Ambitious and ruthless, the self-proclaimed King of Kyrat was every bit the charismatic leader. He conquered Kyrat slowly, pulling people to his cause – including the Golden Path rebels. Quickly enough, idealism surrenders to reality. Pagan Min believes that Kyrat's problems lie in its connection to the past. In trying to sever those connections, Pagan Min causes a split in his own camp. He may control much of Kyrat, but in making enemies with the Golden Path a rebellion is born.
Co-op: bring a friend

Not every journey should be taken alone. Far Cry 4 allows for a second player to drop in and out at any point, re-imagining the cooperative experience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You'll now be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrat together.
The arena: what will you become?

Prove your combat prowess and fight for survival and fame in the arena. Earn the respect of roaring crowds and test your will to survive, battling man and beast alike, until only one contestant remains standing.


Get a taste of Kyrat's embattled history in a brand new adversarial multiplayer mode. Play as a heavily armed soldier of the Golden Path rebellion, or as a member of the ancient Kalinag warrior tribe equipped with the lethal power of nature.
Map editor: deathtrap designer

Create and share your own maps using the most powerful and intuitive map editor ever offered in the Far Cry franchise. Your creations will get the attention they deserve thanks to its enhanced tools, improved interface, and the ability to publish and share your maps with the community.


Ah,. Back to the full fun of campaigning against the evil regimes of the world, this time in the fictional Himalayan region of Kyrat and for me, as a huge fan of Far Cry 3, is giving me more of the same with bigger land mass to explore as well as more animal regions to explore and get massacred in. (Damn Devil Fish and Honey Badgers.)

The gameplay is pretty similar to what has gone before and whilst the graphics are beautiful there are some new additions that will really impress those not already established to the series but also to those who are in for their first foray. Such as the addition of a single-seater gyrocopter that can be used in conjunction with a one handed weapon such as a hand gun (or my personal favourite the M-79 Grenade Launcher.)

Its fun to travel round, it has huge landscapes to explore and when the user also gets the fun of unlocking new weapons by completing tasks all round gives you a whole host of things to do. Back this up with not only villages to take over but much tougher fortresses which really challenge the gamer and for me it’s a title that has a whole lot going for it.

Skill wise, in this release the gamer has more to add with each perk doing something a little different. Whilst there’s a whole host of cracking things to add, one of the things that I’d advise to add as soon as you can is Elephant Rider, its great for hunting big creatures like the rhino’s and is a ton of fun when you not only mash the enemy but knock their vehicles all over the roads.

All round, for me, the best FC title to date and one that will have me gaming for quite some time. The only real let down is the multiplayer as I can’t really figure it out as to how to get it to work.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Warner Brothers Interactive

Release Date: 14/11/14
Publisher:  Warner Brothers Interactive


Join Batman and a whole host of DC super heroes in the fight against Braniac in a LEGO adventure of epic proportions.
Collect the Lantern Rings from an array of different Lantern Worlds for you to explore and bring peace to the universe!
Access Batman's training modules, take part in various challenges, battles and races, and become the strongest superhero the world has ever known.
Unlock over 150 unique heroes and villains from the DC universe, including members of the justice league and LEGO big figures, to do battle with.
Control your favourite heroes and villains, each with new gadgets and abilities for you to discover and utilise.


As a huge Lego fan, I’m always counting down the days until the item is released. Yet for all the games that are out, my absolute favourite in the Lego range is of course Lego Marvel. Yet as much as they’ve competed on the screens and in the fans hearts, the real Lego battle was of course going to be between Marvel and Batman 3.

So what does the new Batman title have to offer? Well for a start an absolute ton of DC Superheroes and Villains to play (for me my favourite is The Flash) and whilst it takes a while to get back into (with the various costume options to pick up) and when added to a fun storyline and of course a whole host of secrets to discover, its when you get to replay through that the extra fun kicks in especially when you get to earn characters as well as putting together the hidden builds for each level.

All round a great piece of fun and whilst overall the animation is wonderful, I wasn’t that struck with Croc as I felt his was a little cruse.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

VIDEO GAME NEWS: Assassins Creed: Unity Review - Ubisoft

Release Date: 14/11/14
Publisher:  Ubisoft


Paris, 1789. The French Revolution turns a once magnificent city into a place of terror and chaos. Its cobblestoned streets run red with the blood of commoners who dare to rise up against an oppressive aristocracy. Yet as the nation tears itself apart, a young man named Arno will embark upon an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. His pursuit will throw him into the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation, and transform him into a true Master Assassin.

Introducing Assassin's Creed Unity, the blockbuster franchise's new chapter powered by the all new Anvil engine, rebuilt from the ground up for next gen. From the storming of the Bastille to the execution of King Louis XVI, experience the French Revolution as never before, and help the people of France carve an entirely new destiny.

Key features
A ruthless new hero for a brutal world

Play as Arno, an entirely new breed of assassin, more lethal than his ancestors. Take down your prey with a range of new weapons such as the Phantom Blade, a Hidden Blade with crossbow capabilities.
Brand new parkour, combat, and stealth gameplay

Enjoy an unprecedented degree of freedom and control over your assassin, brought to life by the new Anvil engine.

Full motion control: new parkour mechanics for seamless free running up, across, and down city walls and buildings.
A reinvented fighting system provides a richer combat experience based on skill, timing, and flow.
Enhanced stealth gameplay including new stealth mode, cover system, and crowd manipulation techniques. Stay hidden, stalk your prey, and strike without warning.

Deep customisation mechanics to craft your own Master Assassin

Craft your own unique play style by choosing your weapons, gear, outfit, and specialised skills. Mix and match from hundreds of possible combinations and build your stealth, fighting, and navigation abilities from a new expansive skill tree. Become the ultimate Master Assassin.
Discover revolutionary Paris, brought to life as never before

Carve your way through a stunning full scale open world city, a feat only possible through the power of the new Anvil engine.

Explore detailed building interiors and discover secret underground catacombs and sewers.
Embark on ancestral missions, treasure hunts, murder mysteries, contracts, and more. The city is packed full of activities that will captivate you for hours.
Witness the chaos of the French Revolution first hand by immersing yourself in realistic, systemic crowds of up to 5,000 AI-driven characters.

A unique co-op experience you must play to believe

In addition to an epic singe-player campaign, join up to three friends and experience the online open world of 18th century Paris. Pull off ambitious heists and take part in unique narrative-driven missions designed exclusively for cooperative play. Sabotage an execution. Protect an emperor. Assassinate a Templar agent. But victory won't be easy; you and your lethal band must rely on communication, coordination, and diverse skills to accomplish your missions, then vanish into the shadows.

Free Dead Kings DLC

Every copy of Assassin's Creed Unity will also include the Dead Kings DLC, released on 17 December 2014, for free.

Saint Denis, 1794. Following the events of Assassin's Creed Unity, journey with Arno to the ominous rural city of Saint Denis. Follow him as he explores the troubling open-world city of Saint Denis and its extensive underground universe – an ancient necropolis with an intricate network of catacombs and deep caves that hide the best-kept secrets of the French kings.

Use Arno's lantern to advance in the dark, fend off the animals creeping around the catacombs, and solve ancestral puzzles. Alternatively, put out the lantern and become one with the shadows. Unlock the powerful Guillotine Gun to unleash both explosive destruction and close-combat havoc.


A game that I’ve been looking forward to since it was announced and to be honest it’s a title that with all the publicity that accompanied it looked like a new direction for the whole franchise pushing the limits of the amazing new consoles with over 5000 independent characters on screen at once.

It looked impressive, had great plotlines and when added to a massive world with a lot of houses to enter (1 in 4) all round promised a title that was going to be a baseline for all others in the field. What occurred however, upon release, was a game that was full of flaws, had a lot of crash errors with some parts unaccessable to the gamer.

Yes Ubisoft apologised for releasing a game that was glitched and have offered gamers the first DLC free as an apology but the question that I wanted answering more than anything else was whether Ubisoft had overextended themselves with the three major releases within four days.

OK, so I’ve mentioned the problems and glitches but what about the gameplay? Well, it’s a title that I love the sheer variety in, there’s a ton of things to do, events, murder mysteries to solve, a whole host of items to buy (and believe me, getting the cash is the hard part due to the escalating costs of the better gear) and when you get the chance to team up with other Assassin’s (either friends or random gamers) you’re in for a treat all round.

For me, it’s a game that whilst flawed has huge possibilities, it has 100s of hours of gameplay within and with the beautiful scenery, multiple points from which to view Paris all round gives you a title that will become an industry setter. Magic.