Showing posts with label Caiphas Cain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caiphas Cain. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Caiphas Cain: The Greater Good - Sandy Mitchell

Release Date: 17/01/13


When the world of Quadravidia comes under attack by the insidious tau, only one man can defeat the aliens and save the planet in the Emperor's name: the legendary Hero of the Imperium, Commissar Ciaphas Cain. When the aliens call for a ceasefire, Cain expects the worst, and his fears are answered in the form of the dread menace of the tyranids. As a hive fleet approaches Quadravidia, Cain must try to forge an alliance between the Imperium and the tau - but can he truly trust the inscrutable xenos?


The Warhammer 40K Worlds most enigmatic and perhaps best known Commissar returns in his latest outing as he faces down the “Nids” whilst battle not only the enemy but those purporting to be on his own side as well.

As usual the story is peppered with some lighthearted moments and with a careful mix of self-debasing heroism, some stark choices all told from a future view point all adds to a wonderful story all round. Add to the mix the usual sneakiness of the Tyranids, some wonderful twists and of course an author’s writing style that really keeps you glued and all round I was more than happy with this excursion.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Warhammer 40K: Caiphas Cain 8: The Last Ditch - Sandy Mitchell

Release Date: 06/02/12


Imperial commissar Ciaphas Cain returns to Nusquam Fundumentibus to crush the ork attacks which have been plaguing the frozen planet. But when his ship crashes into the wastelands outside the capital it disturbs a far greater enemy, one which has lain dormant under the permafrost since long before the Imperium came to this world, and could now threaten the whole sector. Faced with ongoing greenskin raids and keeping an over-enthusiastic novice commissar under control, Cain must rally his men and confront whatever emerges from beneath the rapidly melting ice...


Whilst a lot of the universe in the future is deeply dark, there’s something of a carefree attitude with any Caiphas Cain title as its not only full of humour but a hero of man, with no super powers (apart from getting into trouble and a good dash of common sense which if we’re honest these days pretty much is.) The writing is fun, light in places but also gives the reader a story of combat, glory and smarts as he ends up this time in the middle of an Ork/Tyranid sandwich with himself and Jurgen often being that little worm on the big hook.

Add to this Sandy’s writing style that has you gripped, great use of pace and action sequences, it never fails to entertain and a series that stands out for completely different reasons in the Warhammer 40K universe. Tons of fun for the reader and whilst my own Dad isn’t glued to a lot of Science Fiction he can’t wait to get his hands on the latest exploits of the Commisat’s greatest hero.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

SCIENCE FICTION AUDIO BOOK: Warhammer 40K: Caiphas Cain: Dead in the Water - Sandy Mitchell

Release Date: 09/06/11


Commissar Ciaphas Cain is a renowned and revered hero of the Imperium, a man who has faced and survived some of the vilest creatures the universe can throw at him. But when he is sent to a river-world, he must deal with a dangerous enemy, an enemy whose true identity remains unknown. As his vessel traverses the straits of the planet, Cain must uncover the face of this new foe so that he can understand and escape it. Caught in the enemy crossfire, the commissar has no place to run, and his nerve will be tested to the very limits.


Fans of Caiphas will love this audio book as not only can they put a voice to the name but the character tongue in cheek storytelling is brought to the fore in such a wonderfully dramatic manner that this will fast become a firm fan favourite. Add to this the wonderful scripting of Sandy Mitchell, serious vocal talent from Toby Longworth and the listener is in for a real treat. Back that up with the hustle and bustle of real life and the ability to start and stop as the journey demands and its high value entertainment for the modern world. My only grumble is that there wasn’t enough Jürgen. Come on Sandy, he deserves a tale (or even a short story) all to himself.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Ciaphas Cain 7: The Emperor's Finest - Sandy MItchell

Release Date: 20/11/10


Commissar Cain is called to duty once more, saving a governor's daughter from a planet over-run by rebels. The uprising hides something far more sinister however - genestealer hybrids! The search for the source of the alien threat leads Cain to a drifting space hulk - a far safer place than beside the obsessed governor's daughter. But when the Reclamator Space Marines suffer devastating losses at the hands of the Great Devourer, Cain and his trusty aide Jurgen must go it alone. With the tyranids waking and a group of stowaway orks on the loose, there are no safe places to run or hide, and Cain must use all his ingenuity and cunning to escape the space hulk alive.


Sandy’s Flashman Hero is back to his old sarcastic ways as he fights for the good of the Imperium as fate has a way of twisting his amazing survival ability into a tale of epic proportion. A cracking read for fans of battle humour, a great sense of plot and backed with solid dialogue and overall story arc. Add to the mix a smattering of self-depreciative humour, a touch of classic radio melodrama and when wrapped up with Cain crossing paths with the Astartes you know that its going to have something for everyone. This, all in, makes this a great title in the continuing series of the Imperium’s greatest unmodified hero and one that will only add to his heroic saga.

I can only guess what Sandy will come up with next but with the way that it’s developed so far you can bet it will only get tougher. On a side note the only real downside is the fact that you know that Cain survives to old age so a lot of the danger is removed from the reader’s thoughts. That said, the fates of Cain’s co-patriots are always in doubt so you’ll be glued to find out who is and who isn’t likely to end up adding to his mythos.

Friday, 1 October 2010

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Caiphas Cain: Defender of the Imperium - Sandy Mitchell

Release Date: 01/10/10


The legendary Commissar Ciaphas Cain, lauded as one of the great heroes of the Imperium, finds himself thrust onto the battlefield again. Cain wants nothing more than to keep out of trouble and get to the other side of his commission in one piece, but the war-torn 41st millennium has other ideas. Confronted with the powers of Chaos and hordes of alien foes, our intrepid Commissar seeks to sidestep danger and talk his way out of trouble. Yet each time he survives his legend only grows, and his life is in ever-greater jeopardy - Defender of the Imperium contains the novels Death or Glory, Duty Calls and Cain's Last Stand, plus the short story Traitor's Gambit and a new introduction from author Sandy Mitchell.


Fans of Sandy’s writing will be familiar with one of the Imperium’s greatest heroes, not because he’s a gene spliced super charged warrior but because he’s the common man, who fights to the last and, in effect perhaps the only popular member of the feared Commissar’s. What Sandy does well is bring to life a hero, who has his own fears and overcomes them with each offering. But unlike a lot of the other tales in the 40K world, Cain is the only one who really pokes fun at himself (along with his faithful servant Jurgen) as he struggles through each battle.

It is well written and with a principle character who charges into the fray to get out of it quicker, he is a hero that many a reader will love. Add to the mix that this is an omnibus collection of titles 4-6 with two additional short stories, you know that you’re getting a lot of adventure for your buck. Finally, with the next title in the series out soon (The Emperors Finest is out in November) it could be an ideal series to pick up for those long winter nights. Superb value and, if I’m honest, one of the 40K heroes that I really can’t wait to join in combat.