Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs,
In Honour of the President of Saint's Row, Deep Silver has declared that its Hail to the Chief Week.
Yesterday we released the Animal Protection Trailer, so today we move on to the next one:
"Publisher Deep Silver revealed today that the upcoming, over-the-top, open-world action game Saints Row IV has gone gold and fans are now able to pre-order a season pass for the planned downloadable content (DLC) for EUR 9,99 / £ 7.99 at participating retailers. The Season Pass for the much awaited Saints Row IV from developer Volition will include two brand-new mission packs and the Season Pass-exclusive “Rectifier” anal probe weapon, which will help you, the President of the United States, get the ‘inside’ information from your enemies as you save Earth from a dangerous alien infestation.
Included in the Season Pass is the Director’s Cut of the previously announced “Enter the Dominatrix” DLC, a tongue-in-cheek vision of what this content was originally going to be like, along with a second mission pack coming in late 2013.
Season Passes will be available for purchase on all platforms and include upcoming add-on content worth more than EUR 15 / £ 12. Saints Row IV launches on current-gen consoles and PC on August 20th in North America and August 23rd in the rest of the world. "
We wish you all the best with this,
Gareth and Lady Elenaor