Showing posts with label Deja Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deja Review. Show all posts

Monday, 31 March 2014

NEWS: Deja Review - March 2014

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Saturday, 31 August 2013

NEWS: Deja Review - August

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Wednesday, 31 July 2013

NEWS: Deja Review - July

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Sunday, 30 June 2013

DEJA REVIEW: June 2013

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Friday, 31 May 2013


Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Tuesday, 30 April 2013

DEJA REVIEW: April 2013

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Sunday, 31 March 2013

DEJA REVIEW: March 2013

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Thursday, 28 February 2013

DEJA REVIEW: February 2013

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:


Thursday, 31 January 2013

Deja Review: January 2013

Hail Mighty Readers,
New Year, slightly new look for the Deja Review Section, whilst the titles featured don't necessarily have the up to date covers they've been reviewed prior to thier newest incarnation so each titles will link back to when we originally tackled it.

We hope you like the new look and enjoy this months selections:

Lady Eleanor and Gareth

Friday, 30 November 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here is our monthly summation of titles that we've revieved previously that have now been released as Paperbacks with links back to their original reviews.  Whilst the covers may differ please rest assured that they are the same title.

For this month we have:
08/11/12 - ZITO, VM - The Return Man 
22/11/12 - RUTHERFORD, Alex - The Tainted Throne
22/11/12 - TREADWELL, James - Advent
27/11/12 - KING, William - Blood of Aenarion

 We hope you enjoy them,

Gareth and Lady Eleanor

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here is our monthly summation of titles that we've revieved previously that have now been released as Paperbacks with links back to their original reviews.  Whilst the covers may differ please rest assured that they are the same title.

For this month we have:
04/10/12 WARD, JR - Black Dagger Brotherhood 10: Lover Reborn
25/10/12 ABNETT, Dan - Salvation's Reach

Urban Fantasy Titles for Halloween
Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling - Michael Boccacino   
Plague Town - Dana Fredsti 

We hope you enjoy them,

Gareth and Lady Eleanor

Sunday, 30 September 2012

DEJA REVIEW: September 2012

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here is our monthly summation of titles that we've revieved previously that have now been released as Paperbacks with links back to their original reviews.  Whilst the covers may differ please rest assured that they are the same title.

For this month we have:
06/09/12  BLACK, Tony - Murder Mile

We hope you enjoy them,

Gareth and Lady Eleanor

Friday, 31 August 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here's this months round up of previously reviewed titles that have either been released in PB format or have undergone new binding/artwork. (Covers in review may differ from current incarnation.)

This month you'll find:
02/08/12  COBLEY, Michael - The Ascendant Stars

30/08/12  DUNMORE, Helen - The Greatcoat

If we've missed one please let us know,


Tuesday, 31 July 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here's this months round up of previously reviewed titles that have either been released in PB format or have undergone new binding/artwork. (Covers in review may differ from current incarnation.)

This month you'll find:
05/07/12 JACKSON, Douglas - Defender of Rome

If we've missed one please let us know,


Saturday, 30 June 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here's this months round up of previously reviewed titles that have either been released in PB format or have undergone new binding/artwork. (Covers in review may differ from current incarnation.)

This month you'll find:
07/06/12 GIBSON, Gary - Final Days
07/06/12 MAGUIRE, Gregory - Out of Oz
07/06/12 ZOUROUDI, Anne - The Whispers of Nemesis

If we've missed one please let us know,


Thursday, 31 May 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here's this months round up of previously reviewed titles that have either been released in PB format or have undergone new binding/artwork. (Covers in review may differ from current incarnation.)

This month you'll find:
10/05/12 HAMILTON, Peter F - Manhattan in Reverse

24/05/12 SCOTT, Manda - Rome: The Coming of the King 
24/05/12 SIDEBOTTOM, Harry - The Caspian Gates

If we've missed one please let us know,

Monday, 30 April 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here's this months round up of previously reviewed titles that have either been released in PB format or have undergone new binding/artwork. (Covers in review may differ from current incarnation.)

This month you'll find:
12/04/12 CAMPBELL, Alan - Sea of Ghosts
12/04/12 HART, John - The Iron House
12/04/12 LAWRENCE, Mark - Prince of Thorns

If we've missed one please let us know,


Tuesday, 31 January 2012

NEWS: Deja Review

Hail Mighty Readers,
Here's this months round up of previously reviewed titles that have either been released in PB format or have undergone new binding/artwork. (Covers in review may differ from current incarnation.)

This month you'll find:
05/01/12 ABNETT, Dan - Embedded
05/01/12 JUNGSTEDT, Mari - The Dead of Summer
05/01/12 MIEVILLE, China - Embasseytown
19/01/12 BROWN, Nick - Agent of Rome: The Siege
19/01/12 KRISTIAN, Giles - Odin's Wolves
19/01/12 LOWE, Helen - The Heir of Night
19/01/12 SPURRIER, Simon - A Serpent Uncoiled
26/01/12 ERIKSON, Steven - The Crippled God

If we've missed one please let us know,
