Showing posts with label Frank Cavallo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frank Cavallo. Show all posts

Monday, 12 August 2013

FANTASY REVIEW: Warhammer Fantasy: Gotrek and Felix: The Lost Tales - Ed. Laurie Goulding and The Bloody Handed - Gav Thorpe

Release Date: 18/07/13
Publisher:  Black Library


Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... A collection of timeless tales featuring the Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his human companion Felix Jaeger. From the undead-ridden marshes of Hel Fenn, where an ancient evil lurks, to the court of a skaven lord in the depths of a dwarf hold, the duo face excitement, danger and intrigue at every turn.


OK, this compendium is a set of stories that have previously been released in other forms (including as individual E-books.) It is a great item to have if you haven’t stepped into the E-Book world yet but if you already purchased them separately you may want to give this a miss. Don’t get me wrong the stories were a lot of fun to reread, but part of getting a new book is receiving an adventure you’ve yet to embark upon where every twist keeps you gripped. As a huge fan of Felix and Gotrek I tend to remember what has gone before. All round a solid enough book and a great one to own if you like to keep your paperback collection complete.

Release Date: 18/07/13
Publisher:  Black Library


Life as a princess in the colony of Athel Toralien is a constant struggle for recognition and purpose. When Hellebron, daughter of the city’s ruler, is snubbed by Queen Morathi, she vows to make a name for herself and claim her rightful place in the court at the capital, Anlec. Her ambition takes her into a life of battles against foul creatures, sectarian war, betrayal and gruesome sacrifice in a dangerous grab for power, as Hellebron seeks to become high priestess of the cult of Khaine, the Lord of Murder, The Bloody-handed God.


This is a book that, for me, took quite a bit of time to get into. It wasn’t a badly written novel but the titles beginning was not only very slow but felt more of a filler than any real substance to add to the tale. Don’t get me wrong, when you get past this beginning piece and into the action it really does pick up with great combat sequences, a wonderful turn of phrase alongside bringing the Khaine Cult alongside Witch Elves into their own, but getting past that start is going to be something that quite a few regular readers will have problems with.

All round it is a solid enough story and the fact that it concentrated on two Witch Elves make this a title that’s worth sticking with. However if you’re buying this because of the usual assurance of the quality of Gav’s wrting this isn’t his best in my opinion.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

EBOOK FANTASY SHORT STORIES REVIEW: Deathmasque - Graham McNeill, Golgfag's Revenge - Justin D Hill, The Karag Durak Grudge - David Guymer, Into the Valley of Death - Frank Cavallo

Release Date: 30/04/13
Publisher:  Black Library

For one night of the year, the elven citizens of Tor Yvresse put aside their woes and celebrate the Festival of Masques - a carnival of laughter and merrymaking where they are free to indulge their every whim and desire. This year, the renowned travelling minstrel Narentir plans to regale them with the epic tale of their own tragic past, and word has spread to the farthest corners of Ulthuan that this will be a performance not to be missed. However, a grim and solitary figure stalks the shadows of the city, intent on silencing the irreverent bard. Though spirits may be high and the revelry in full swing, death's messenger awaits his moment to strike...

A short story from Graham that whilst celebrating the Festival of Masques on Tor Yvresse goes to show that the darkside of the Elves can be just as frightening as those of their darker Naggaroth kin. Its witty, brings the lighter side to the fore and shows a sensitive side to the culture that helps show the reader another side to them. It has solid storytelling a few twists and something that goes to show that the final choice of all can be not only measured in seconds where their lighter side prevails over their darker.

All round a reasonable enough story that whilst its been released previously gives new readers the chance to enjoy something a little different.

Release Date: 30/05/13
Publisher:  Black Library

The legend of Golgfag Maneater begins! Trapped in a sinister castle, prisoner of an insane creature of the night, Golgfag, ogre of the Sabreskins tribe, is in trouble. As death draws ever nearer and he recalls the events the conflict with his fellow ogres that brought him to this precarious situation, Golgfag must call upon all of his might and cunning if he is to escape and embrace his destiny as the greatest mercenary in the Old World.

A short story from Graham that whilst celebrating the Festival of Masques on Tor Yvresse goes to show that the darkside of the Elves can be just as frightening as those of their darker Naggaroth kin. Its witty, brings the lighter side to the fore and shows a sensitive side to the culture that helps show the reader another side to them. It has solid storytelling a few twists and something that goes to show that the final choice of all can be not only measured in seconds where their lighter side prevails over their darker.

All round a reasonable enough story that whilst its been released previously gives new readers the chance to enjoy something a little different.

Release Date: 30/05/13
Publisher:  Black Library

Grimnar Halfhand, survivor of a massacre at the dwarf watchpost of Karag Durak, wants revenge on the fiend who killed his warriors and took his hand.

A Dark Day has come to the fore as the Dwarves seek to strike out a grudge against the Skaven for not only a successful raid (at least for the Ratkin) but also for an injury to one of their leaders. As with all battles where vengeance is at the centre, its hard core, the prose is incredibly sharp and for fans of Queek Headtaker, this tale is to be an epic one in the telling.

Add to this great combat, some wonderful dialogue and all round a story that will more than entertain to the last word. Great all round.

Release Date: 30/05/13
Publisher:  Black Library

Before he ever met Gotrek Gurnisson, Felix Jaeger had a knack for getting into trouble... Risking his life to save a band of travellers from certain death, Felix finds himself drawn into a quest to retireve a dangerous artefact from the mystical lair of a long-dead necromancer. But as danger presses in, Felix finds that he may not be able to trust his new companions. Just what is the secret of the Valley of Death, and how can Felix possibly survive it?

An early tale set from the point of view of Felix before he has met the infamous Troll Slayer and yet, its one that goes to show just how capable a warrior he is in not only his own right but also how he can utilise the skills he already has to find ways out of situations that arise within this book.

As with the other Felix and Gotrek tales its well written, the characters come across wonderfully and when you get down to the nitty gritty, whilst Felix may not always be the sharpest tool in the box, he does figure things out in his own time, usually at a huge cost. All round a great piece of fun fiction and one that I’ll be enjoying again soon.