Showing posts with label zany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zany. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Art Journaling

My interest in Art Journaling waxes and wanes. But a serious case of a slow recovery from the flu and cabin fever lead me to work in my art journal again. I did 4 double spreads in two days. And although it seems like the tall hat one was inspired by the new Johnny Depp movie Alice in Wonderland, in fact it was based on a crazy men's hat I found on Flickr. I have a thing for zany hats and I always have. So I hope you enjoy my art journal pages, and more importantly I hope you go and try to do some of your own. Go have fun and re-connect with your inner child. Leave your critic in your pocket and just do whatever you want.

If you have questions about techniques feel free to ask.