Showing posts with label az. Show all posts
Showing posts with label az. Show all posts

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Gourd Art Sneak Preview

Today I sat out on the patio and painted on gourds all day. The weather was perfect for it, and for once my neighbor's weren't outrageously noisy, except for someone that was dumpster diving and blaring rap music out of his car. But that only lasted for about five minutes.

I have a new plan now. First I'm going to list items on Ebay. If they don't sell in a week, I will move them to Etsy. If they don't sell before they expire (4 months) I'll move them to Artfire. And then if they don't sell, I'll put them in my gift or give away pile.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Quartzsite AZ

I spent the weekend in Quartzsite AZ enjoying perfect weather and classic Saguaro cacti.
We went rock shopping. For knapping we got chert, bloodstone jasper, and obsidian. I also got more beads for jewelry making and lots of postcards for my life journal. This is a new month so I just started my February journal in a Moleskine sketchbook. So the last day of my Jan. journal will be about AZ and the first day of my Feb. journal will be about AZ as soon as I have time to sit down and do it. I took tons of photos but they are still in my camera. It's only 6:26 AM but I was so tired I went to bed about 10 PM so by 6 I was ready to get up.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Quartzsite, AZ

If nothing gets mucked up between now and 9 PM it looks like I'll be heading to Quartzsite AZ for the weekend after all. Even the weather seems to be cooperating. For those of you who don't know, Quartzsite is a small town that attracts artisans from all over to view their many street vendors that offer gemstones, rocks, minerals, ephemera and antiques.
Here's a photo I took on my last trip there:

Friday, March 28, 2008

Needle Punch

Back in the 80's when my kids were toddlers, my mom and I got into needlepunch. Now after many years, I decided to try it again. I actually wanted to make a rug but as the supplies weren't readily available I grabbed this instead. I'd still like to do a rug some day but I think I'm going to have to mail order all the parts.

I finished my first needle punch today inspired by my trip to Quartzsite, AZ.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Crocheted Flower

Last night we drove from Anaheim to Quartzsite and then back again tonight. So I didn't have much time for doing crafts. I designed this crochet flower when I got home. I will either tie it to a package or use it on a hat or a barrette. Fun.