Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spiders and Gourds and Angels Oh My

Today's productivity made up for the lack of it earlier in the week. I felt better so I got more done.

I finished these spider ornaments for a custom order, but if you want one too, I can always make more. I also finished 2 angel gourds and a gourd with an AZ desert scene on it and just put the finishing spray on them.

I had a blast in the Etsy chatroom exchanging twitter addresses with everyone. I have 300 followers now. Granted we'll all be trying to sell each other crafts, but you can't have everything.

A few days ago I dropped my camera as I was going through the sliding glass door. It hit on the doorframe and now the battery door doesn't close quite right but thankfully it's still working! I totally don't have the money to buy another camera right now and it's critical to being an online artist.

It was good to spend time in the garden. And I'm so happy my pink ice plant is in bloom. It's spectacular this year.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Gourd Art Sneak Preview

Today I sat out on the patio and painted on gourds all day. The weather was perfect for it, and for once my neighbor's weren't outrageously noisy, except for someone that was dumpster diving and blaring rap music out of his car. But that only lasted for about five minutes.

I have a new plan now. First I'm going to list items on Ebay. If they don't sell in a week, I will move them to Etsy. If they don't sell before they expire (4 months) I'll move them to Artfire. And then if they don't sell, I'll put them in my gift or give away pile.