Showing posts with label booties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label booties. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Baby Booties

Last night I was bored out of my mind so I started sorting a huge pile of knitting needles that we inherited from Guy's grandmother. None of them are matched.  I needed to find some that would work for baby booties.  An hour later I found the sizes I needed and paired them up so I was able to get on with the knitting. About 11 PM I called it quits.  I got a little more done today. I cast on two booties on one needle so when I'm done I'll have a pair. In the past I've made one booty and never gotten around to making the next one, so that should solve that problem.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Recent Crafts

Here are some photos of my recent craft projects.

Knitted Baby Booties

Upcycled steampunk belt

Beaded spirit doll

So many projects started that need more time and care.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Monkey and Baby Booties

 This is what the booty looks like before you fold it and sew the back and bottom seams together.

Today I was trying to work on my amigurumi monkey but I just couldn't seem to focus. About all I got done was half of the first arm. So I set that aside, and knitted a pair of rainbow baby booties instead. This was the 3rd and 4th booty I've made with that pattern so it was much faster than the first time.

Amigurumi monkey body and head.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Kimono Baby Booties

Today I created a pattern for Kimono Style Baby Booties. Then I went to M&L Fabric to pick out some flannel for them. Not having a newborn on hand, I'm 'guesstimating' a lot. I couldn't resist some Bert and Ernie fabric. I know I can't sell those on ETSY, but that pair will be for my future grandchild coming along in Sept. I'm hoping for a girl, but all the fabric I got today can go either gender. I also got some dalmations, some ladybugs/insects, and some baby dinosaurs.
Then I bought some more sock monkey fabric.
Right when I decided I'd done enough damage, and got in line, the store announced it was closing in 15 min, so I beat the rush to get in line as well. And that store has the best .99 scissors...stainless steel, stay nice and I got five more pairs of those. I hate losing craft time because my scissors have gone a'missing behind the couch or something. Now I can keep one other pair in our detached garage for when my fabrics ravel and tangle all together in the washer or dryer.
I also picked up some more hat netting. It's hard to find and once that store runs out I have no idea where I'll get more.