Showing posts with label henna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label henna. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend Recap

I had a giant skein of white yarn that's been sitting on my desk forever and morphing into a blob of white.  So I grabbed it last night and started the magical transformation of turning it into a bunny with my crochet hook.  I got the head, body and two limbs done before I was too tired to continue on.  Good thing I stopped when I did because this morning my hands were sore.

On Sat. I was at an SCA event and worked quite a lot on my needle punch. I set up another project for anyone that wanted to test it out and my new friend Carol gave it a try and enjoyed it and took it home with her to finish.  I should have given her the rest of the red yarn to finish it with, but didn't think of it. I'll take it to the knitting meeting Tuesday night and give it to her if I remember to go. I took a lot of photos at the SCA event but I don't think I took any of the needle punch.  Leave it to me to forget the obvious.  I was more fascinated with the henna artist. I used to do henna at parties and after enjoying her work maybe I'll start up again. But for now I'm doing henna designs on wood with my woodburning tool. I have yet to photograph those.