My last craft project of 2012 was to make 3 custom Christmas stockings for my daughter, son-in-law and grandson. They were a big hit, though everyone was puzzled that I'd included birdseed among the candy, apples and oranges. But the next morning we all got to get up and feed the quail and tweety birds out in my yard. I can't wait to share the photos when I'm on a better connection.
My sewing machine that I got for a graduation gift from high school in 1976 seems to be on its last legs. I think the motor is giving out. It's sewing slower and slower. After 3 months ago I was going to replace it, sensing the end was near, but all my available cash went into moving. So I'm just hoping it will limp along until my life is more prosperous.
Wouldn't it be grand if I could blog every day in 2013. I am willing but I can't control the Internet and whether my connection will cooperate. So let's just see how many days I can go.