Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Setting Up For the Lucerne Valley Art Show

Still Life With Fruit and Gourd Vase by Fayme Harper

Gourd Owl

Horse Vase

Ezmeralda the Emerald Lady

Wandering Man

Gourd Art Doll by Fayme Harper

For the past three days I've been absolutely consumed with getting ready for the Lucerne Valley Art Show. Last night I took in sixteen pieces to display. I had 2 brand new assemblages, five gourd art pieces, and nine acrylic paintings. I'm glad I took extra paintings because they didn't care if they were framed or not. Everything I took with me got a spot. This afternoon when I went back there were a lot more paintings on display. There were four people there, but 3 of them were artists and one was the lady running the show. I hope to spend some time tomorrow there to see how my work is received. I heard the local paper came by today, so at least there will be some coverage in the press. I was hoping it would be in the Sunday paper; then I found out the paper only comes out once a week, which is Wednesday. I hope they mention my name at least. If you happen to be in Lucerne Valley, CA tomorrow, drop by the Community Center and see the art. Show closes at 4 PM.

Elephant Boy and Wandering Man Assemblages by Fayme Harper

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chamberlain Ranch Shoot Recap

The archery event I went to truly rocked. So many creative people in that bunch. Its like one inspiration after another.

I sold some earrings including my favorite ankh ones that I just made.  As usual I charged my 'I need to make a living' price and the other beaders practically gave their stuff away. Whatever we didn't sell we traded to people for knapped arrowheads or arrow shafts. Ralph and Joe both make amazing arrowheads and knife blades out of stone.

We were going to stay Sunday night and drive home on Monday. But after we got half the stuff packed, we didn't want to lose our momentum so we just kept going and managed to pull out just before sunset. We saw some calves nursing along the road as the sun was going down over the hills. It was the perfect ending to an amazing event.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year and Farewell to 2012

My last craft project of 2012 was to make 3 custom Christmas stockings for my daughter, son-in-law and grandson. They were a big hit, though everyone was puzzled that I'd included birdseed among the candy, apples and oranges.  But the next morning we all got to get up and feed the quail and tweety birds out in my yard. I can't wait to share the photos when I'm on a better connection.

My sewing machine that I got for a graduation gift from high school in 1976 seems to be on its last legs. I think the motor is giving out. It's sewing slower and slower.  After 3 months ago I was going to replace it, sensing the end was near, but all my available cash went into moving.  So I'm just hoping it will limp along until my life is more prosperous.

Wouldn't it be grand if I could blog every day in 2013. I am willing but I can't control the Internet and whether my connection will cooperate. So let's just see how many days I can go.