Showing posts with label glassblowing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glassblowing. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2011

San Marcos Area Art Potluck

Arrowheads knapped by Chris of Paleoarts

Last Saturday we drove down to San Marcos, CA to visit an open house held by my friend's art co-op.  In their group they have some potters, glassblowers, woodworkers and a flute maker. Chris makes primitive style tools like stone axes, arrowheads, atlatls, spears, and bone needles.  Him and his girlfriend Carrie did atlatl demos throughout the afternoon, and let people give it a try. Then we all had an amazing potluck. Then there was a fantastic raffle and a silent auction.
See the photos below.
Chris shows guests how to use an atlatl and dart

Bone needles made by Chris

Two glassblowers work on a project.

Teen tries out throwing pottery on a wheel.

Boomerangs and Atlats made by Chris from Paleoarts