Showing posts with label brick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brick. Show all posts

Friday, February 06, 2009

Beaded Earrings

I finished two pairs of brick stitch beaded earrings yesterday. The thing that took the longest was finding a beading needle. I buy some everytime I go to a craft store it seems, and then they disappear into the woodwork. One pair is blue and white and the other is midnight blue and orange. It was a joy going through all my bead boxes and putting together new beads with beads I bought in the past. I think I have every color under the sun. Beading makes me feel guilty because I know I'll never get paid what my time is worth. But they are so beautiful and they feed my soul so that's worth something.
It is still raining today so if I get my book finished I'll start on another pair. Then I'll leave them in my Etsy shop for 4 months, and if they don't sell I'll start wearing them. So I'm using sterling silver ear wires because my ears are unhappy with cheapo ear wires.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I 'unfollowed' someone, then lost a follower. So I wonder if it's the same person. I'm so excited to even have followers. Hopefully I'll get another one to fill the gap.

This morning I got a little knitting done. I meant to get back to it but it's been a busy day and then I decided to finish the pair of beaded earrings I started late last night. I still have to figure out how to add the ear wires without breaking the beading thread. They are orange bugle beads and peacock colored shiny seed beads. They really do look lovely. Someone please invite me out dancing so I can wear them.
Maybe I'll make some pink and black ones next.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Beaded Earrings

All day I've been doing beading so right now I'm taking a break from making beadwoven earrings. I was hoping to sell some on Etsy but one woman has flooded the market and is charging a mere $8.00 a pair. I think a more fair price would be $20-$25. Otherwise it's just like giving them away. Have you seen the price of beads lately? She says she's been making them for ten years so it must be working for her. I'm just not sure I can price my earrings any lower than $10. a pair, and that's making virtually no profit.