Showing posts with label doodle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doodle. Show all posts

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Halloween Doodle Embroidery

Bugs and Hearts
Did you know you can turn your doodles into embroidery and make a personal statement?

I've been working on a lot of embroidery lately. All of these are works in progress and I still have to remove the pencil lines and clean them up. Then I can frame them and do things with them. I hope they inspire you to make your own. I think it is important to do original artwork.  I'll put some of them in my Etsy shop if they come out well enough. The letters are really tricky. Think of it as drawing with thread. I'm using 2 strands of embroidery floss on woven cotton or muslin.

Hissy Cat

Witch Parking Embroidery by Fayme Harper

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Doodle Project Day One and Books

I must be tired because I put my art post in this other blog of mine when I meant to put it here. Doodle Project.

I'm so excited at the two books I just ordered from Amazon. One is a book I have been wanting for a year of miniature illuminations that is a reference for SCA scrolls.  The hard cover is very expensive but I found a nice used soft cover for around $15.00.

The book that attracted me to Amazon in the first place was one I saw last week and decided I can't live without. It's called Drawing Lab for Mixed Media Artists.
The third book is one my boyfriend ordered that will soon be in print. It's about making gourd bottles. It comes out in a few days so we pre-ordered it. We have several books by the same artist and they are always excellent. I don't even need to flip through it first.  I just know I'll love it.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paleoplanet T-shirt

Yesterday I worked on t-shirt #2. It was a Paleo theme for It was hand drawn with Sharpie markers and a Marks-a-Lot permanent marker. This time I used an older t-shirt that has seen better days to give it some new life. That way it stays out of the landfill, I can still wear it, and I don't have to worry about the drawing not being perfect. Shirts like this are a good choice for parties, where you can hand them around to each other and everyone can add a doodle or two. They are great for going away parties too. Everyone can sign them and add a little art.

I particularly like the way the cave horse and the mammoth came out. Remember to click on photos to see the larger view and details. To make fabric easier to draw on, I put foam core inside (or cardboard) and then secure the shirt in the back with a few rubber bands to hold the surface taut.