I am a member of YouSayToo and they are having awards right now. I have a thing for catapults and trebuchets anyway and one of the fun gifts they are giving away is a miniature catapult kit. And you know how I love to make things.
So I thought I'd put my name in the hat and try for their $1000 dream gift. What the heck, it's all for fun anyway. You can enter your blog too. The sign up page is here: http://www.yousaytoo.com/awards . If I had $1000 I'd use it to get another vehicle. My 30 year old truck just isn't worth fixing anymore, and I've had to limit where my work takes me because of it.
I hope my blog brings a lot to the crafts community and encourages people to take time out each day for creativity. I blog almost daily and believe I'm worthy of winning.
Don't forget to enter your own blog.