Showing posts with label paleo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paleo. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Atlatl and Antler

An atlatl is a spear thrower used by primitive people all over the world. It's currently enjoying a revival amongst archers, paleo afficiandos and history buffs.

Today I had my first try at sawing antler. I decided my atlatl was too short, so I was gifted a piece of antler to make it longer. I thought I was going to have to saw a bit off each end, but after one cut if felt good in my hand so I'm just going to go with it. I can always cut it down more later if it's too bulky.

Monday, May 30, 2011

San Marcos Area Art Potluck

Arrowheads knapped by Chris of Paleoarts

Last Saturday we drove down to San Marcos, CA to visit an open house held by my friend's art co-op.  In their group they have some potters, glassblowers, woodworkers and a flute maker. Chris makes primitive style tools like stone axes, arrowheads, atlatls, spears, and bone needles.  Him and his girlfriend Carrie did atlatl demos throughout the afternoon, and let people give it a try. Then we all had an amazing potluck. Then there was a fantastic raffle and a silent auction.
See the photos below.
Chris shows guests how to use an atlatl and dart

Bone needles made by Chris

Two glassblowers work on a project.

Teen tries out throwing pottery on a wheel.

Boomerangs and Atlats made by Chris from Paleoarts

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paleoplanet T-shirt

Yesterday I worked on t-shirt #2. It was a Paleo theme for It was hand drawn with Sharpie markers and a Marks-a-Lot permanent marker. This time I used an older t-shirt that has seen better days to give it some new life. That way it stays out of the landfill, I can still wear it, and I don't have to worry about the drawing not being perfect. Shirts like this are a good choice for parties, where you can hand them around to each other and everyone can add a doodle or two. They are great for going away parties too. Everyone can sign them and add a little art.

I particularly like the way the cave horse and the mammoth came out. Remember to click on photos to see the larger view and details. To make fabric easier to draw on, I put foam core inside (or cardboard) and then secure the shirt in the back with a few rubber bands to hold the surface taut.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Leaf scarf

Today I'm busy as a bee designing a multicolored leaf scarf in crochet. It's varying shades of green, though a scarf in autumn colors would work just as well. I worked on it outside for a while, then came in to have lunch. Now it's too cold to work outside so as soon as I finish this blog post I'm going to bring all the parts back in.

I'm working on all new stuff for my 3 Etsy shops and my 2 Artfire shops for 2009. I still have a couple of listings from 2008 that will expire soon.

Tomorrow is the paleo meeting but I have a feeling it will be too cold to do beading outside, so I'm not sure what project I will take with me. I'm going to have to stay physically active or I'll turn into a popsicle.