
Mostrando postagens com o rótulo RACC Rally de Espana 2011

Trilha sonora da Ludy - Rali da Espanha 2011

A música escolhida para o Rali da Espanha segue abaixo. Sempre que ouço Foo Fighters me lembro de Kimi Räikkönen. É assim de 2007. E sabe-se lá porquê, lembrei desta música. Talvez pela letra abaixo. It's times like these You learn to live again It's times like these You give and give again Como no Rali da França, não escreverei coluna. Mas no próximo, haverá meu texto, sem falta. Beijinhos, Ludy

Fotos que marcaram by Ludy - Rali da Espanha 2011

E as duas fotos que escolhi para representar o Rali da Espanha no fundo estão sob o mesmo contexto, a poeira espanhola. Preciso dizer alguma coisa mais sobre estas duas fotos maravilhosamente capturadas pelas lentas?! #Demais Na primeira temos Kimi e na segunda, Kris Meeke. Beijinhos, Ludy

Os números finais - Rali da Espanha 2011

Bom galerinha, este post era para ter sido feito ontem, mas acabei não tendo tempo. Como na França, não há muito o que se falar sobre os números de Kimi Räikkönen no Rali da Espanha. Ele só disputou duas especiais completas, já que na terceira, enfrentou problemas. Apesar de estar sem pontuar nas duas últimas etapas, o finlandês continua na 10ª colocação no Mundial. Neste rali a equipe Citroën se sagrou campeã do Mundial de Fabricantes. Resultados de Kimi nas especiais da Espanha 2011 Resultado final da Espanha 2011 (completo aqui ) Vencedores de cada especial da Espanha 2011 Classificação do Campeonato de pilotos WRC 2011 Classificação do Campeonato de fabricantes WRC 2011 Beijinhos, Ludy

Kimi Räikkönen has little fire problem! WRC Rally Catalunya 2011

Kimi tem uma relação meio tensa com o fogo!!! rsrsrs... Lembram do GP do Brasil 2009?! #medo O vídeo abaixo é do Rali da Espanha. Este probleminha com o fogo o tirou do evento. Beijinhos, Ludy

Kimi’s exit caused by fuel leak

Kimi’s exit caused by fuel leak "Kimi took the decision to keep the car for the next rally" Saturday 22 October 2011 - 15h01, by Citroen Racing Technologies’ boss Benoit Nogier has confirmed that a fuel leak caused Kimi Raikkonen’s retirement from RallyRACC-Rally de Espana on Friday morning. Raikkonen, Formula One world champion in 2007, was fighting back from the time lost on the dust-coated opening stage when he stopped on stage three. “We had a problem with a fuel leak and he had to stop in the stage,” said Nogier. “It was a very, very small leak but we lost a lot of fuel. It was something almost invisible and it was really difficult to find what the problem was.” Nogier, who said a full analysis of the fuel leak problem would take place in order to establish the precise cause, confirmed Raikkonen’s Citroen DS3 WRC had briefly caught fire although there was little damage as a result of this. Raikkonen elected not to restart under SupeRally rules this morning, e...

WRC Rally of Spain: Kimi Raikkonen's Lucky Numbers

WRC Rally of Spain: Kimi Raikkonen's Lucky Numbers by Anthony Peacock, Oct 22, 2011 Today hasn’t been the luckiest day for The Iceman, who retired from the Rally of Spain on the opening morning of the event with engine problems. Still, at least it went better for him than it had done the previous year, when he crashed during the shakedown before the rally actually started. So in order to give the flying Finn a bit of encouragement, here are some lucky numbers that have influenced the illustrious career of Kimi Matias Raikkonen… 3... The Citroen DS3 WRC is Kimi’s rally car, run by his own Ice 1 Racing team. This year is his second season in the World Rally Championship, and he says it’s been a lot easier than the first year. “It just feels a bit more natural,” he points out. “With the pace notes it’s starting to get to the point where you don’t have to think about it too much.” 5... Kimi’s best result on the World Rally Championship has been fifth place, which he took last year on t...

Räikkönen will not continue with super rally

Räikkönen will not continue with super rally Räikkönen had to stop the race on Friday on the 3rd stage after his Citroen-car hit a technical problem. Räikkönen's car appeared to have an electrical error which resulted in a fire under the hood. After extinguishing the fire Räikkönen discovered that the car was so badly damaged that he couldn't continue the rally on Friday. Räikkönen's team tried to fix the car like crazy during the 75-minute break in service park. According to information MTV3 has they got the car fixed, however Räikkönen decided not to continue the rally. The organizers already informed on Friday that Räikkönen would continue with super rally. Had he continued he would have got a time penalty of about 15 minutes. Petter Solberg has also retired from the rally. Solberg's race ended when the wheel suspension broke during the opening stage. Fonte: MTV3/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole Ok. O carro foi consertado há tempo, mas Kimi decidiu não continuar. Bele...

Räikkönen's rally stopped on Friday

Räikkönen's rally stopped on Friday Turun Sanomat 22.10.2011 09:39:30 Just like in France, Kimi Räikkönen and Kaj Lindström also had to retire from Rally Spain. ICE1 Racing -team's Citroen came to Salou's service park on Friday evening. The engine took fire during SS3. After the inspection they made the decision to retire from the rally. Turun Sanomat, Salou HEIKKI KULTA Fonte: Turun Sanomat/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole É, o pessoal da MTV3 estava errado. Kimi não continuou o rally. Vamos ver o que saberemos sobre o assunto mais tarde. Beijinhos, Ludy

Para encerrar o dia...

Boa noite!!!! Beijinhos, Ludy

Kimi by Ludy - Day 1 - RACC Rally de Espana 2011

As fotos hoje foram poucas, por isto tem também algumas de ontem... Beijinhos, Ludy

Leg 1 Highlights - 2011 WRC Spain -

Lembram da poeira que eu falei que atrapalhou Kimi bastante hoje pela manhã? Pois be, assistam ao vídeo abaixo e entenderão o drama. Fora que foi a primeira vez na minha vida que eu vi uma poeira dançante, que é o que ela é no início deste vídeo show de bola. Beijinhos, Ludy

Kimi Räikkönen will continue the WRC-rally on Saturday

Kimi Räikkönen will continue the WRC-rally on Saturday with super rally. The organizers informed about it late Friday night. Räikkönen was forced to retire the race on the third stage after a technical problem. It appeared that the car had an electical defect which led to a small fire under the hood. In the end Räikkönen's car was so damaged that he had to retire. According to race organizers Kimi would continue the race on Saturday. He will suffer a 15 minutes time penalty. According to information MTV3 has, Räikkönen's car was brought about 10 pm Finnish time to the service park. Kimi's team had 75 minutes time to fix the damage the fire had caused and change the car's setups from gravel- to tarmac-setups. According to infomation coming from Räikkönen's team they are wondering over the fact that due to the problems the car's fuel tank lost 16 liters of fuel and they haven't been able to find the leaking spot. However Räikkönen has full intention to continu...

Engine-inspection decides whether Kimi continues or not

Engine-inspection decides whether Kimi continues or not Turun Sanomat 21.10.2011 17:24:26 – It got some error. The engine took a bit of fire, we stopped and extinguished it but then it stopped 500 meters later, Räikkönen told TS. Kaj Lindström explained that all of a sudden smoke was coming under the hood and then the flames took off. The car was in the furthest possible place from the service park. Räikkönen was picked up by a helicopter. Räikkönen isn't throwing in the towel right away. They will inspect the engine and depending on the damages he knows whether he can continue the rally on Saturday or not. He has a huge urge to finally get on Spain's tarmac. Turun Sanomat, Salou HEIKKI KULTA Fonte: Turun Sanomat/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole Fazia tempo que um motor não deixava Kimi na mão hein?! Agora é esperar para ver o que os engenheiros vão dizer. Ou seja, se Kimi pode continuar o evento amanhã utilizando-se da regra do super rally ou não. Beijinhos, Ludy

SS1 Pesells 1, SS2 Terra Alta 1 e SS3 Les Garrigues 1 - Rali da Espanha 2011

SS1: 21º lugar / SS2: 15º lugar /SS3: não completou E cá estamos nós para mais um evento do WRC. Na Espanha, hoje, começou a penúltima etapa do Mundial de Rali 2011 e enquanto Sebástien Loen, Sebastien Ogier e Mikko Hirvonen disputam a vitória que vale a briga pelo título, Kimi Räikkönen tenta completar o seu primeiro rali espanhol. E devo dizer, não foi fácil para o finlandês. Logo na primeira especial do dia ele enfrentou a dificuldade imposta pelas especiais espanholas e conseguiu apenas o 21º tempo. A poeira foi uma de suas grandes inimigas. Vocês acham que é brincadeira? Mas não é, Henning Solberg também teve dificuldades por causa disto e ele é um piloto de rali experiente hein? Durante a segunda especial, Kimi conseguiu melhorar um pouquinho o seu ritmo e se acostumar com as especiais hispânicas, que neste primeiro dia, são realizadas em percurso de cascalho. Ele ficou com o 15º lugar lugar. Na terceira e última especial da parte da manhã, o Iceman e seu co-piloto Kaj Lindst...

Para encerrar o dia...

Mr. Räikkönen... Monsieur Loeb Boa noite para vocês! Hora de partir! Só volto em edição extraordinária, caso contrário...a gente se encontra amanhã, neste mesmo bat-canal!!! rsrsrs Beijinhos, Ludy

Before the shakedown - 2011 WRC Spain -

Sem brincadeira! Demais este vídeo! Demais mesmo! Medo dos olhares do Ogier! Impressionante a concentração/tensão do Loeb e muito legal a descontração do Hirvonen. Meu palpite para o campeão acaba de ser sentido! Sim, sentido depois de ver este vídeo. Acho que finalmente, este ano, Mikko será campeão mundial de rali! Sei lá, sexto sentido! Beijinhos, Ludy

Os detalhes do Rali da Espanha 2011 - Dia 1

Oi galerinha! Fazia tempo que eu não fazia este post né? Pois é, hoje resolvi aproveitar. rsrsrs... Dois comentários, um bom e outro maldoso (claro...rsrsrs), comeria feliz o biscoitinho com o rosto do Loeb, já o do Ogier, não recomendaria, provavelmente deve dar dor de barriga!!! rsrsrs... #Eovenenoescorre #risadamaléfica Beijinhos, Ludy

"Räikkönen had a fuming shakedown" by Heikki Kulta

Räikkönen had a fuming shakedown Turun Sanomat 20.10.2011 18:18:33 Rally driver Kimi Räikkönen turned 32 years old on Monday. No party was held then - and it looks like there are no party to expect in this WRC-rally either. ICE1 Racing -team's Citroen didn't go as Räikkönen wished in shakedown and that showed right away on Kimi's face. His good mood went away just like that. It didn't help at all although the loyal fans had brought a big bluewhite banderoll on the spot wishing him happy birthday both in Finnish and in English. Räikkönen got only the 16th fastest time in Thursday morning's shakedown - everyone who should have been behind him were in front of him. However Thursdays was more filled with hope for Räikkönen than a year ago in Spain. Back then Räikkönen's Citroen slipped off the road right when shakedown began and Kimi and his background forces left for home immediately. Notes on Friday's gravel part revealed the same as Thursday's drive - the...

Kimi Raikkonen remains tongue-tied in Catalonia

Kimi Raikkonen remains tongue-tied in Catalonia 10/20/2011 Kimi Raikkonen had no mood to talk on Thursday, Catalonia, and does not come to give the media comments. Raikkonen is rumored to return to Formula One and he is known to discuss the terms with Williams. - Kimi wants to focus on the Catalan rally. He does not want to comment on rumors, confirmed co-driver Kaj Lindstrom Catalonia. Catalonia Rally starts on Friday. Last year, Raikkonen drove out in Catalonia in shakedown and then immediately left the scene. Fonte: De verdade? As pessoas realmente acham que Kimi vai comentar algo sobre isto?! Pelo amor né?! Parece que não conhecem o cara!!! Oops! Mas não conecem mesmo! rsrsrs Beijinhos, Ludy

Kimi by Ludy - Shakedown - RACC Rally de Espana 2011

As fotos de hoje do Mr. Räikkönen em ação durante o sahakedown para o Rali da Espanha. E o povo não perdeu a chance de brincar com ele no cartaz por causa do acidente do ano passado durante o shakedown?! rsrsrs... Beijinhos, Ludy