Kimi - Spanish Grand Prix review
Kimi não esconde a insatisfação em não ter conseguido vencer até agora. A verdade é que ele esteve longe por dois anos e sente falta das vitórias, mais do que ninguém ali, eu ouso dizer. Por isto estar tão perto de poder conquistar uma vitória, sabendo do potencial de seu carro e não estar conseguindo, está o deixando frustrado apesar dos bons resultados que a Lotus vem conquistando. Kimi - Spanish Grand Prix review You can’t always get what you want! It’s always good to finish the Grand Prix weekend in the podium. Up there you see how much people have enjoyed the race, you see your team having fun – and you sum up for yourself, how good was your own race. As a team, for the first time, we got more points than anybody else. Obviously, it cannot be much better than that! But as a team, we also felt, that there could have been even more points to get from this race, as well. Everybody knew before coming to Barcelona, it was going to...