
Mostrando postagens com o rótulo Henning Solberg

Henning & Petters Fritid - a Movie Talk (Solberg Extreme Motorshow 2011 Trailer)

Muitooooo bom este vídeo! Para os admiradores dos irmãos Solberg, como eu, vale demais assistir! O final é muito bom!!! rsrs Beijinhos, Ludy

Henning Solberg confirms that Kimi Raikkonen hit him in Rally of France road section crash

Henning Solberg confirms that Kimi Raikkonen hit him in Rally of France road section crash By David Evans Henning Solberg has confirmed Kimi Raikkonen crashed into the back of his Ford Fiesta RS WRC ahead of the start of the third stage on Rally de France. Former Formula 1 world champion Raikkonen has retired from the opening day of the Strasbourg-based rally with damaged suspension after the impact and resultant trip to a ditch. Solberg, who was less than a mile from the start of the stage when the crash happened, said: "I was just driving in a straight line on a straight road. I wasn't weaving to warm up the tyre or anything like that, just driving. "I felt the hit from the back of the car, but it was soft, not a big impact or anything. When I looked in the mirror I saw Raikkonen flying off and into the ditch. I don't know what happened." Raikkonen was unable to retrieve his Citroen from the ditch and retired on the spot. Solberg's co-driver Ilka Minor adde...

Having fun with Loeb, Henning & Petter Solberg...

A nossa leitora Caroline Monteiro mandou um e-mail ontem com o conteúdo abaixo para compartilhar com vocês. Não me perguntem o que o sr. Loeb estava fazendo de kilt porque não tenho a menor ideia. E a outra roupa?! Mas adorei as fotos! hahaha... E o vídeo dos irmãos Solberg: Henning e Petter? ADOREI!!! Petter é bem do danado querendo trapacear na corrida de triciclo! hahaha Agradecimento: Carol M./Fonte: Carol, muito obrigada por compartilhar conosco estes momentos bacanas desta galera super legal do WRC. Beijinhos, Ludy